Thursday, November 02, 2006

Weight Loss - How To Jump Start Your Weight Loss Plan Before Christmas

Weight Loss - How To Jump Start Your Weight Loss Plan Before Christmas
Copyright (c) 2006 Eva Moffat

• Be In Charge of Your Cravings
• Check Your Walking Shoes
• Make Your Weight Loss Plans
• Only Have Healthy Choices In Your Kitchen
• Your Day Should Start With Breakfast
• Progress Is Better Than Perfection
• Watch Your Portions

Be In Charge Of Your Cravings

In a survey of busy mums, it was found that their biggest
challenge to weight loss was combating their cravings for
foods loaded with calories and so sabotaging their efforts
of losing weight.

The problem is, mums have such a heavy workload, they don't
make the time to sit down and eat a healthy, leisurely meal.

So missing meals or eating the wrong kinds of foods will
confuse the body.

If a meal is missed, the body will think, 'Hey there's
going to be famine, food is scarce, I'd better store what
is available just in case.' When this happens, the food is
stored as fat. This is of course the opposite of the chosen
game plan ­ that is to be on a weight loss diet.

Or the harassed mum will grab something quick and easy to
eat, but her choices may be unwise. Something sweet or
starchy will make her feel full and satisfied, but an hour
or so later and she will be hungry once again.

What can the busy mum eat that will keep her cravings in
control and make sure she does eat healthily?

Planning ahead may help. If she is going to be out of the
house for some time, a bag of snacks for when the rumbly
tummy occurs or hunger pangs make themselves known.

What should she include in the bag?

• Some unsalted nuts
• Dried Fruit

Craving for something sweet she should give in to it. If
she wants chocolate, she should have chocolate. Instead of
eating a whole bar of it, she should just take a few small
pieces, then not chew it but allow it to melt slowly in her
mouth, savouring the taste.

It would be better not to avoid the foods that are craved,
but rather eat them in small portions.

Check Your Walking Shoes

72% of mums who took part in the survey said they only had
about 30 minutes a day or less to be able to exercise.

So no matter what exercise you choose to do, as long as
it's regular, it would be better than not exercising at all.

Join forces with a neighbour; take the dog for a walk, Just
walk, doing ten more steps each day will help to burn more

Make Your Weight Loss Plans

• How much time each day have you available to exercise?
• Have you stocked up your kitchen with low fat healthy
• Don't forget healthy snacks, for example, fruit, nuts,
small yoghurts and low fat cheese. Snacks high in fibre
and lean Protein will keep you feeling full and satisfied
between meals.

Can you find the time to visit the gym on a regular basis?

Make out a schedule (timetable) don't be too hard on
yourself. Give yourself a treat at least once a day. A
particular food you enjoy, just keep it to small portions
but don't cheat, it's your reward for doing something
positive towards your weight loss goals. Have you got a
book you have been wanting to read, but you never seem to
find the time. Work that into your timetable. Once again
give yourself a treat by reading a few pages after you've
done some exercise.

Put your timetable where you can see it regularly. On the
fridge door, on your makeup mirror, on the bathroom mirror.
Maybe on your wardrobe door. Wherever you put it, be sure
to notice it. It will keep you motivated so you will reach
your weight loss goals.

Only Have Healthy Choices In Your Kitchen

If you have nutritious foods in your kitchen it will be
easier to work them into your diet.

Always have fruit and vegetables ready cut up, so you can
just eat it when you feel like it.

Before snacking on chocolate, eat some fruit or vegetable.
This will take the edge off your appetite, so you will eat
less chocolate.

Your Day Should Start With Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why is

Breakfast = break ­ fast. It is the first meal of the day.
Normally you will not have had anything to eat since the
day before, could be eight hours. You have to eat because
your blood sugar is low. If it is too low, you may have
fainting attacks.

Not eating breakfast may mean that later in the day you
will eat unwisely due to being very hungry. This will make
a mess of your weight loss plans.

If you can work fibre, lean protein and fruit into your
breakfast, you will be doing yourself a big favour.

Progress Is Better Than Perfection

Make a habit of eating healthily, and exercising regularly,
this will become part of your life.

Even if you have not reached your anticipated goals,
anything in the right direction is good. You are making
progress. Be proud of yourself.

You don't have to have reached perfection; progress however
small should be applauded.

Still Watch Your Portions Even After You Have Reached Your
Target Weight

Congratulations on reaching your Target Weight.

Now is not the time to go back to your old eating habits,
or you may end up where you started ­ needing to go on a
Weight Loss Diet.

• Continue keeping a check on what you eat.
• Watch your portion sizes.
• Exercise regularly.

And you should be able to enjoy your weight loss for many
years to come.

Eva Moffat has helped many people with their Weight Loss
problems over the years. Now it is your turn to be helped.
For more of Eva's practical help, visit Eva's Weight Loss

Chest Exercises - Chisel Your Chest for True Power, Poise and Physical Perfection - Here's How.

Chest Exercises - Chisel Your Chest for True Power, Poise and Physical
Perfection - Here's How.
Copyright (c) 2006 Paul J. O'Brien

Chest exercises are part of the core three muscle groups to
incredible gains and body transformation. You won't make
progress without them. The Pectorals, the slabs of muscle
on your front of the chest are a major point on interest to
guys. Unfortunately over half of the guys I see perform
these crucial exercises wrong. On the other side women
frequently skip them for fear of losing their femininity.
The funny part is regular chest exercises will improve the
bust and keep gravity at bay.

The Chest Exercises below will really focus on tone and
developing a strong chest. I've included a variety to
ensure that no mater here you are or what you have
available to you, you can chisel that chest.

If you need more info on what the best approach to
developing incredible pecs and a strong chest is then drop
by my website and you can see complete animated instruction
for each of these exercises.

The Basic Push up
1. Lie face down on the floor with your hands palm down,
fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple
2. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width,
your feet should be at hip width with toes on floor.
3. Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off
the floor. Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and
head) 4-8 inches from the floor.
4. Return to the start position by extending at the elbows
and pushing your body up.
5. Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a
neutral position by isometrically contracting the abdominal
and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the
start position and avoid hyperextension of the low back.

Dumbbell Bench Press
1. Lying flat on bench, hold the dumbbells directly above
your chest, arms extended.
2. Lower dumbbells to chest in a controlled manner.
3. Press dumbbells back to starting position and repeat.
4. Avoid locking elbows.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
1.Adjust bench to an incline of 30 to 45 degrees.
2. Repeat as above.

Flat Dumbbell Chest Flies
1. Lying flat on bench, hold the dumbbells directly above
your chest.
2. Bend elbows slightly to create a diamond shape and
maintain this throughout the exercise.
3. Open arms to sides. Elbows should remain 'locked' in a
slightly flexed position.
4. When upper arms are parallel to floor, return the
weights to the starting position and repeat.

Incline Dumbbell Chest Flies
1. Adjust bench to an incline of 30 to 45 degrees.
2. Repeat as above.

Isometric Push Ups
1. Starting in the push up position with your arms fully
2. Lower yourself to about half way to the floor.
3. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds remembering to
breathe. Repeat 2-3 times.

Add these exercises in to your workout routine and in a few
weeks you'll have a chest you'd be proud to bare!

Paul J.O'Brien is the head trainer of the top 1% ranked
fitness website , where
you can get FREE exercises guides, e-books, training and
diet advice as well as learn hundreds of new animated
exercises to show you how to get the body you want in the
time you have. Go to

to get
your free animated training guide NOW!