Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why do Some People's Teeth Develop Dental Caries and Others Do Not?

There have been numerous theories about what actually
causes teeth to become decayed. Generally it is agreed that
bacteria attach themselves to teeth in the plaque which
forms on them from the food we eat. A by-product of the
germs which live on teeth is their production of an acid
which eats away tooth enamel.

The question is: Why do some people's teeth develop dental
caries and others do not? Most individuals know that diet
has something to do with it - and certainly sugar has - but
why caries take place remains somewhat mysterious. It is
also common knowledge tooth decay and the bacteria which
accompany it are the forerunners of infection of the
tooth's nerve and pulp and the need for root canal

Dr. Weston Price conducted thousands of experiments to
determine the reasons why teeth become carious. Dentists
will find that Dr. Price's deductions correspond with
current beliefs -but his research brings surprising new
insights into the process of tooth decay.

Important basic factors which would have greatly advanced
the course of dentistry were buried right along with
Price's root canal infection information because of
disputes which existed at the medicine and dentistry about
the focal infection theory.

Dr.Price made thousands of studies of patients' blood in
looking for the true causes of oral diseases. The first key
issue he found concerning dental infections was the
changing of the acid- base balance of the body from its
normal slightly alkaline status to one which was acid.

Studies later by Harold Fl Hawkins, D.D.S. showed the
saliva of people who were free of tooth decay was on the
alkaline side and those who suffered dental caries had
saliva which was decidedly acid. In his book, Applied
Nutrition, Dr. Hawkins points out that acidity of the
saliva results when the diet contains white bread,
cereals,cookies,cake,sugar,and similar refined food.

Starchy grain foods and sweets from sticky plaque on the
surface of teeth we find so difficult to remove during
tooth brushing. This plaque is an ideal food source and
home for bacteria which live in our mouths. Their acid
by-product etches the enamel and starts the decay process.

The two most fundamental factors in all of life's
processes,Price felt, were the changes which take place in
the acid-base balance of people who have tooth decay and
other dental infections and, secondly,the effect dental
infections have on the ionic calcium level of the blood.
People who had root canal fillings and those who
experienced tooth decay were found to have low amounts of
calcium. Both Price and Hawkins independently discovered
that those people with normal to high levels of calcium in
the blood and saliva enjoyed freedom from dental caries.

The advent of the use of fluorine in water
supplies,toothpastes, etc.,has, to a great extent,led the
public to feel that nutritional factors have been
over-emphasized and are of little importance. A quick
summary of the chemistry involved with the presence of
fluorine in teeth will show fluorine use isn't all it is
cracked up to be.

Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. is a Founder of the
Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence
That Root Canals Damage Your Health Learn What to Do. Learn
how Dr. George Meinig discovered that a meticulous 25 year
research program. To subscribe to the newsletter:
Edited and prepared by Sung Lee, alternate author


How To Guarantee Success With The Master Cleanser Fast

If you haven't heard of the Master Cleanser, also known as
the Lemonade Diet, it is a ten day cleansing and
detoxification program developed by a man named Stanley
Burroughs. Through the use of a simple concoction of lemon
juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, you can rid your
body of toxins and rebuild healthy tissue. It was
originally created to treat stomach ulcers, but was found
to help treat and cure many other health problems.

The recipe is quite easy. Every Master Cleanser drink
consists of the following ingredients:

-2 tablespoons Organic Grade B Maple Syrup
-Juice from half a lemon or lime
-1/16 teaspoon cayenne pepper
-8oz water

Drink a minimum eight glasses of the Master Cleanser per
day for ten full days. In addition, you should drink an
herbal laxative tea each evening, as well as a drink every
morning consisting of two teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt
and a quart of warm water. These last two requirements may
seem unpleasant, but they will help your body eliminate
waste faster, thus making Master Cleanser far more

Here are some simple tips for a great Master Cleanser

Make the lemonade drink in a big batch every morning and
keep it nearby at all times. If you try to make each drink
individually throughout the day, you will have a much
harder time sticking to the plan. Also, by keeping it
nearby, you will have it ready in case you begin to feel
weak or lightheaded (which may happen occasionally -- this
is normal and part of the cleansing process!).

Rest as much as possible. Although you may feel extremely
energetic due to the body not spending energy on digestion,
it is important to rest so that your body can heal. It is
encouraged to spend some of your cleansing time pampering
yourself! Many people use vacation time so that they can
stay at home during their Master Cleanser.

Stick to the laxative tea and salt water flush as much as
possible. Although they can be unpleasant, they will help
your body detoxify much faster.

Keep a journal. Document your progress every day. This will
be helpful to look back at if you're going through a rough
spot during the cleanse, and it will also be helpful to
look back at how far you've come when you are done.

As obvious as it may seem, don't start chowing down when
your cleanse is complete. You will definitely experience a
lot of cravings when you are cleansing, but it's important
to try to adhere to a healthy diet once completing the
Master Cleanser. You have just cleansed your body of a lot
of junk – don't ruin it by feasting on every bad food you
can get your hands on!

Using these tips, you should have great success with the
Master Cleanser. Good luck!

Do you want to know what it is truly like to go through the
Master Cleanser? Download my FREE private journal detailing
my two ten-day Master Cleanser fasts. It is available for a
limited time only at
