Saturday, December 23, 2006

Article From SubmitYOURArticle: Golf Instructions are Confusing

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or wherever you feel may be appropriate.

Title: Golf Instructions are Confusing
Word Count: 796
Author: Craig Sigl

It is preformatted to 60 CPL.

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Best regards

Craig Sigl

Golf Instructions are Confusing
Not all golf instructions are good for your game!

Right off the bat, I want to give you that as one of my
best secrets to releasing your scoring potential.

What? Yep, I'm not kidding. Once I fully realized this, it
freed me up to begin to start playing my best. Not Tiger
Woods best or Annika's best, but Craig's best. You see, I
was a fanatical golf magazine reader and I was always
asking for tips from playing partners to help me with parts
of my swing when I'd hit a bad shot.

I was so twisted up in knots about golf instructions that I
never had a chance. In fact, it was when I literally gave
up "trying" to improve that I made my biggest gains. I took
every tip I saw or heard, work on it at the range for
awhile, and then proclaim to myself that I have now found
the answer to my golf swing troubles!

That would last for all of about 2 holes before I would
give up on that idea as I continued to spray my shots. Were
these bad golf tips? No, top pros created them and used
them on their students in their lessons with much success.
The problem for me was, I wasn't in these lessons! (By the
way, if you have no idea how to swing a club, then a set of
lessons or ONE and only ONE instruction program should be
your first move).

You can't transplant a chicken leg to a one-legged human
patient and expect the person to then walk! There are so
many different theories on not only how to swing a golf
club, but also in how to TEACH how to swing a club. Much of
it actually contradicts or is completely opposite from one
teacher to another. On top of that, we have all sorts of
different body types, muscle strengths, flexibility levels
and on and on that make for many different (and now here's
the kicker) SUCCESSFUL golf swings!

I am here to tell you, right now, in print, that for most
of us: Your swing is good enough!

Even one of the greatest golf teachers of our time, David
Leadbetter stated that "there is no definitive method" to a
golf swing. This leads me to the heart of today's lesson.
And that is, The Pareto Principle.

If you've never heard of it, it has also been called the
80/20 rule (or 90/10 rule) and it basically means that if
you work on the 20% most important items first (for
whatever you are trying to achieve), you will be 80%
effective! In other words, you want to get the most results
from the least efforts. Especially if you're a busy person
with little time to work on your game.

You know that the whole golf industry is geared toward
selling you new equipment each year and teaching you how to
get "the perfect swing" (which doesn't exist anyway).

Don't get me wrong, improving your swing is not a bad
thing. But it is not necessary for you to get quick,
time-efficient score-lowering gains. The proof of this lies
in the fact that there are countless top professionals that
win at the highest levels with unorthodox swings! Look at
Jim Furyk, who won the U.S. Open. And he has a huge LOOP in
his swing. Look at Allen Doyle on the Champions Tour, he
looks like he's hitting a hockey puck! Lee Trevino always
said that students should NOT try to copy his swing and we
all know how successful he was. He was beating Jack
Nicklaus in his prime! Spend some time watching the
Champions Tour and you'll see all sorts of wacky swings.

Forget about the pros for a minute. How many times have you
seen a senior at your local course hit the ball straight
down the middle nearly every time without hardly making any
turn in his swing. While you blast drives 60 yards by him
he destroys you on the scorecard. Do I need to remind you
that it's only the final score that matters in this game?

Stop working on your swing and start working on SCORING!
There is no prize for the prettiest swing. Shoot, even
though I am still tempted, I now actually force myself to
ignore any swing instruction that I see in a magazine or
book and just keep on with the basics of what I learned
while striving for a REPEATING SWING, and not a perfect
one. You can always work on your swing later after you
tackle the 20% most important stuff.

I love teaching you exactly what the top golf researchers
have found to be that 20%, especially for us average

Craig Sigl, the Golf Anti-practice expert, is a Master and
Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP and Timeline techniques. He plays
to a 5 handicap and teaches his methods worldwide.
Visit to receive a free
digitized golf book and ezine "Golf legends and Gurus"

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Article From SubmitYOURArticle: Improve your cholesterol levels naturally

Hi Matt

Please accept the following article for possible
publication in 'HealthandFitnessFanatic',
or wherever you feel may be appropriate.

Title: Improve your cholesterol levels naturally
Word Count: 529
Author: Lambert Klein

It is preformatted to 60 CPL.

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or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are
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Best regards

Lambert Klein

Improve your cholesterol levels naturally
Drugs for controlling cholesterol can be dangerous. They
can potentially cause weakness, cancer risk, weaken
muscles, liver and immune problems. If you can naturally do
something to improve your cholesterol levels, than why not?

How can you lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise your
good cholesterol (HDL) naturally?

If you are serious about improving your health and
lifestyle, then read on.

Lifestyle changes:

Eat like nature intended. Say no to processed foods and
hydrogenated oils. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Include
the "Good Fats" like olive oil and fish oil in your diet.

You want to stay away from fast food, processed and
prepared foods that are loaded with bad fats, salts and
empty calories. There are many healthy alternatives that
you can incorporate into your everyday routine. It may be a
little inconvenient for you at first but you can adapt.

Cookies, muffins, cakes and pies all include unhealthy fats
and sugar. You will want to stay away from these poisons if
you are serious about your health.

Relieving stress can help in many areas including
cholesterol levels.

How do you reduce stress? You can start by adding some
beneficial tools to your arsenal. These can include
meditation, bio-feedback, taking some time out to relax or
even going for a hike. Exercise can help with your stress
levels as well. Cut back on caffeine in coffee and soda.
You actually want to cut soda completely out of your diet.

Exercise: One of the best things you can do to develop your
overall health and improving your cholesterol levels is
exercise. Stay moving and your LDL will decline while your
HDL increases. Just what the doctor ordered! This can often
be done without drugs.

Quit Smoking: Giving up smoking is the most generous gift
you can give to yourself and everyone around you. If you
choose to quit you could raise your good HDL about 5 points.

Diet: Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, raw when possible.
Cut out all of the "bad foods".

Some foods that are beneficial:

• Olive Oil • Fish ( mercury free) • Fresh Fruits &
Vegetables • Avocados • Nuts & Seeds • Oats and other
Soluble Fibers • Legumes • Blueberries (They are fruit, but
are in a class by themselves, because they are so great!) •
Garlic ( if your spouse doesn't mind too much) • Curry •
Grape & Orange Juice ( but is it worth the extra sugar?) •
Good Fats ( fish Oil, Olive Oil, Flax)

Here's a list of some foods you specially want to drop or
cut back on: • Soda • alcohol • Caffeine • Wheat • Red
Meats • Muffins • Cookies • Fast Food • Prepared or Canned
Foods • Refined Sugar • Refined anything

Supplements that could help:

• Fish Oil • Coral Calcium • Vitamin C • Vitamin E •
Vitamin D • B Complex • Magnesium • Policosanol • Plant

Drinking more water is usually a good idea. Drinking
alcohol in moderation has been shown to increase HDL
levels. A supplement such as Resveracine, containing wine's
beneficial ingredients, may be a wiser choice.

Take action today. Making these changes in your lifestyle
can have a dramatic increase on you health in a positive
way. Just think about all the money you will save when your
physician determines to lower, or take you off of
cholesterol drugs.

Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy Supplements.
You can find out more about Lipistat, a natural supplement
to improve cholesterol at:

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Article From SubmitYOURArticle: Fibromyalgia, CFS, and the Alexander Technique: Part 3. Implementing the Four Concepts.

Hi Matt

Please accept the following article for possible
publication in 'HealthandFitnessFanatic',
or wherever you feel may be appropriate.

Title: Fibromyalgia, CFS, and the Alexander Technique: Part 3. Implementing
the Four Concepts.
Word Count: 1175
Author: Mark Shaw

It is preformatted to 60 CPL.

You have permission to publish this article electronically
or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are
included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be
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Best regards

Mark Shaw

Fibromyalgia, CFS, and the Alexander Technique: Part 3. Implementing the
Four Concepts.
Alexander's 4 concepts of good use

1: Allow your neck to release so that your head can balance
forward and up

2: Allow your torso to release into length and width

3: Allow your legs to release away from your pelvis

4: Allow your shoulders to release out to the sides

What exactly do we mean by release?

Try this exercise while you are reading this.

Pick up a cup as though you are going to drink from it.

Hold the cup close to your mouth and release as much
tension from your neck, shoulder and raised arm as possible
without moving the cup.

Can you feel the tension releasing?

If so, and the cup is still there then it can be seen that
any extra tension you had before "the act of release" was
in fact totally unnecessary.

You were still doing enough work for the cup to remain in
position. The muscles were not "relaxed" because this
implies that they are doing no work at all and this
obviously cannot be the case as the cup stayed in situ.

Similarly you can apply these techniques when you are
sitting at your desk working.

Sit at your desk and write something undemanding.

As you write think of releasing the tension in your neck
and shoulders. Feel how your shoulders drop as you release.
Feel how the tiredness evaporates with the tension. Notice
how you are holding your pen, can you grip it and write
with less tension in the fingers, you will find that you

While you are still writing notice any extra tension in
your legs and feet. Consciously release this tension with
your feet on the floor, with ankles crossed.

At first, as soon as you think about something other than
releasing the tension notice how the tension actually
returns. Do not let yourself be discouraged as your body
will quickly learn to stay in a state of reduced tension as
it will innately "feel" that it is a more attractive state
for it to be in.

Some people like to think of tension as "noise" and
releasing as "quieting" that noise.

The first two concepts of good use are interdependent

An effect of the combination of these 2 concepts is that
they encourage you to maintain length in your spine.

Alexander proposes that the spine, being a curved and
flexible structure, can either be posturally compressed
which is harmful, or lengthened, which is beneficial.

Concept 1: Allow your neck to release so your head can
balance forward and up

The well being of the spine depends ultimately upon correct
head balance.

When your neck muscles are held tight your head presses
down on your neck and compresses the entire spine.
Therefore it can be seen that you have to first eliminate
the incorrect use of your head before you can practice
Concept 2, the lengthening of the spine.

Head forward and up; you allow this to happen by freeing
and releasing your neck muscles enabling your head to
balance and poise easily on the top of your neck.

In accomplishing Concept 1 we need to understand and feel
the difference between 2 bipolar positions namely;

• head "back and down"

• head "forward and up"

Place a hand gently on the back of the neck with your
little finger under your head. Now tighten the musculature
under your hand. Note how the curve in your neck changes
and the back of your head comes closer to the bottom of
your neck. This position is "back and down".

Now release the tension in your neck muscles so the head
actually rotates forward.

Your face will lower slightly, but the overall effect is
that your head will ease up off your neck; your neck will
simultaneously lengthen as it is no longer compressed. This
position is "forward and up"

Concept 2: Allow your torso to release into length and width

When you sit in a slumped posture the actual distance
between the top of your head and the bottom of the pelvis
is decreased. The spine is actually being compressed.

Similarly if you sit up straight as you might be ordered to
at school with your lower back very arched. The torso is
again compressed.

If you sit in such a way that normal curves in your spine
are maintained with your torso muscles working only so much
as to keep you upright, your torso will achieve its proper
functional length.

Torso widening is a similar concept to torso lengthening.

To prevent "back arching" think of your lower back widening
as your release muscle tension. Similarly with the
shoulders, to avoid shoulder rounding think of widening
across the front of your torso.

Pulling the 2 concepts together:

Sitting without Back Support

A good training exercise combining the first two concepts
is to practice sitting correctly without back support.

This will be uncomfortable at first. Like anything worth
doing in life the Alexander Technique takes time and
patience to master and time for your body to build the
endurance it needs to remain lengthened after years of
incorrect use, muscular atrophy and a degree of ligamental

Sit on a firm chair close to the edge

Place both feet on the floor about 12 inches apart. You may
initially be tempted to slump, but do not give in.

Think of your head leading up and your torso lengthening
and widening as you "think" your back muscles into adopting
their true spinal length.

To determine when you are sitting correctly, the sitting
bones, "ischial tuberosities", 2 bony prominences at the
very base of the pelvis will be pointing directly downwards
into the seat of your chair.

If you are slumping they will move forward, if you are
overarching they will lift off the chair.

As I discussed in Part 1, Alexander proposes that we are
largely victims of the society we have created for

As humans we have evolved a beautiful upright posture over
millions of years.

But, as in many walks of modern life we have grasped defeat
from the jaws of victory by designing furniture that
encourages us to simply collapse into it, and also by
granting ourselves the luxury of thinking it is fashionable
to adopt chronic incorrect posture as the habitual norm.

The skeletal muscles work in opposing partnership with each
other. Take for example sitting with your torso fully
lengthened and widened. All the pairs of muscles
surrounding the torso do their job in a balanced efficient
way. The muscles are working in equilibrium.

In the same fashion when you slump in a "comfy" sofa, the
posture that the furniture is imposing on your spine
requires that the back muscles are overstretched, while
those in the front are over shortened. I.e. they are both
strained in different directions to maintain the position
the furniture has imposed.

Neither are working efficiently to give good support.

In part 4 of the series I will be discussing Concepts 3 and
4 in detail and also "Inhibition", an essential adjunct to
Alexander's four concepts.

Mark J Shaw.
Mark is the author of a new digital book and training
manual "Beat Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"
Mark also publishes in a regular blog at:

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Article From SubmitYOURArticle: Anti-Aging - Five Things that Fight Aging

Hi Matt

Please accept the following article for possible
publication in 'HealthandFitnessFanatic',
or wherever you feel may be appropriate.

Title: Anti-Aging - Five Things that Fight Aging
Word Count: 588
Author: Carol Stack

It is preformatted to 60 CPL.

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or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are
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appreciated - send to

Best regards

Carol Stack

Anti-Aging - Five Things that Fight Aging
No one wants their body to age, weaken and to look old and
wrinkled. That's why anti-aging products are so popular.
There are many factors fighting against us to keep our
youthful looking skin including, sun, wind, the foods we
eat, or the lack of hydration our skin so desperately needs.

However, to stay young-looking doesn't require a trip to
the drug store for the latest cream. There are four things
that can greatly assist our bodies to fight aging: Good
nutrition, drinking lots of water, adequate sleep and daily

Factors that Cause Aging

Genetics, gravity and environmental factors contribute to
the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. External factors
such as stress, UV rays, smoking, and pollution add
tremendously to the aging process.

Yet there are a number of things that you can do to keep
yourself healthy and active, and to eliminate or at least
slow down many of the factors that contribute to aging. As
the cells in your body die and are replaced, one of three
things happens: The dead cell is replaced by a cell that is
weaker than the first (causing aging), the dead cell is
replaced by another cell that has the same strength, or the
dead cell is replaced by a cell that is stronger, reversing
the aging process.

How do you replace dying cells with stronger cells? By
eating a nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, and
keeping active.

Anti-Aging Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are natural anti-aging
products. They are nutrient packed and provide most of the
necessary nutrients required by your dull and dry skin to
retain its radiance and firmness. They contain many of the
essential vitamins and minerals that help maintain and
repair the skin and cells.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks, instead of
over-processed manufactured "fast foods". Colorful fresh
fruits and vegetables are some of your best sources of

Just as beta-carotene protects fruits and vegetables from
sun damage, it can do the same for you. That's why the
National Institutes of Health recommends eating nine daily
servings of brightly colored fruits and vegetables –
peaches, strawberries, broccoli, etc.

If you are serious about keeping your youthful appearance,
eliminate sweets and other processed carbohydrates and add
more whole grains and carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables.


The amount one needs of nutritional supplements, like
vitamins and minerals, differs very much according to a
person's health condition, work load and exposure to
environmental stress. Antioxidants are one supplement that
can help a great deal to help your body replace dying cells
with healthy cells.


Avoid adding salt to improve flavor; instead, use herbs and
spices. Numerous clinical studies have shown and are still
discovering the wide-ranging health benefits of many herbs.


It's been found that the people who live the longest live
high up away from pollution, where the water is full of
healthy minerals, and the food is free of synthetic
chemicals. Most people cannot afford to leave everything
and move to these high elevations, however.

For most, the best alternative to assist their system in
fighting the aging process is to drink plenty of water, eat
right, take supplements such as antioxidants and omega-3
(fish oil supplements are great for this), exercise daily,
and get adequate sleep. These might not help as much as
moving to the Andes Mountains, but they will go a long ways
in keeping you younger inside and out.

Carol Stack has written numerous articles. She lives in the
United States with her husband, three children, and various
dogs and cats. Carol and her sister Barbara have combined
forces to produce a website that focuses on healthy and
nutritious foods and recipes. You can visit it at:

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