Tuesday, March 31, 2009

East Retford Half Marathon 2009

I ran the East Retford Half marathon again this year on 22nd March. If you saw my post from 2007 you will have noticed I was pleased how far I had come in a year because in 2006 I wasn't fit enough to run the 13 miles, but instead did the fun run.

This year I have progressed again, and improved on my time by 12 minutes. It shows how much fitter I am this year by the fact that I was disappointed with the result, and thought that I could have run at least 5 minutes quicker. Never mind, I am constantly getting fitter, avoiding injury well, and doing consistently well in races.

I have been updating my Fugespeaksblog with reports on my races.

A key point for me in avoiding injury has been stretching well after every run. I no longer stretch before a run, but instead start off slowly then get faster as I run. Before a race I will run for 20 minutes or more, plus do some strides so that I am ready to start running from the gun.

In 2007 I had cold baths every day of the week, and became fanatical about it. I felt at the time that this helped me to avoid injury. This year I haven't been having cold baths, but have been stretching well, and I am running faster and feel fitter. I have also been having a sports massage at least once a month.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Lose Weight Fast With These Three Mindset Tips

If you want to lose weight and get in shape the article below should help you. But please do not expect a miracle, and be prepared for days when things do not always go according to plan.

Quick weight loss follows with the right frame of mind. To
lose weight fast, you need to be in the right frame of
mind. I believe too many people enter into a diet plan
without mentally preparing for it first.

Quick weight loss is possible. Everyone knows that. But the
challenge is keeping the pounds and inches off. And that
takes the right mental attitude and social support. I've
worked with hundreds of people who want to lose weight
fast, but the most successful ones - the ones who keep the
weight off - are the ones who have the correct disposition
before starting.

I recommend the following three mindset tips for permanent
weight loss:

Surround yourself with the right people.

You need to understand that you will need to make some
different lifestyle choices to keep the weight off. And
that may very well mean not be able to socialize with
others who can be a negative influence. Research was
recently completed that showed you are more likely to adopt
your friends eating habits and body image by hanging around
them. So that means if 4 of your 6 friends are overweight
and eat like crap you are more likely to eat like crap and
start to gain weight to match them as well. The same is
true if 4 of your 6 friends were thin and ate healthy. You
are more likely to follow their habits. So make sure you
associate yourself with like-minded people. Your
successful weight loss depends on it.

Don't expect it to be easy.

While losing weight doesn't have to be a chore, you need to
come to grips with the fact that it is going to take
effort. Anything worth doing never is. Accept the fact
there will be some tough times ahead. That is why it is so
important to surround yourself with positive people. They
will help support you when you face obstacles. Take it one
day at a time and remember that each day is a new day.
Start each day with your goals in mind and a plan to
achieve those goals for that day. Don't lose sight of
those goals and keep working towards them each and every

Don't expect the rapid fat loss results to last forever.

The rate at which you lose fat will eventually slow down
because your body will just have no more fat to lose. So
the challenge becomes how do you maintain your new weight
loss and keep it from coming back. I teach many people
how to lose weight fast, but most importantly I teach them
how to keep it off for a lifetime. Many diets can get you
to lose the weight, but the key is to keep the weight off.
Make sure you make the proper lifestyle changes so that you
create permanent weight loss and never have to diet again.

To look amazing in your sexy, little mini skirt or for men
with your shirt off check out more weight loss tips by
downloading a free copy of my free "Rapid Fat Loss Starter
Kit" at http://EasyCarbRotationDiet.com

Bodybuilder Muscle Mass Diet on a Budget

As money is tight at the moment nearly everyone is concerned about sticking to a budget -- whether they be health conscious bodybuilders, or distance runners or other health and fitness fanatics.

When you follow an active lifestyle you will find you spend more on healthy foods, so the article below should help you when sticking to a budget.

When you are into bodybuilding you can start to see that
your bill every month for food is greater than buying
expensive gas at the pump. For those that want to achieve
their muscle building diet and still have money left over,
we have tips for bodybuilders on a budget.

Top 5 Tips for Bodybuilder's Food on a Budget

1. The most important thing you can do it make a grocery
list. One of the worst things you can do is go into a
super market especially hungry and attempt to figure out
what you need on the fly. Most often without a grocery
list we get food we don't need and forget something that is
important that we have waste more gas going back to the

2. You can buy complex carbs in bulk. Stocking up on brown
rice, potatoes, and oatmeal allows for you to save money on
the high volume shopping. Unlike most people who buy and
bulk and the food gets spoiled before eating, if you are a
serious bodybuilder than you know the amount of calories
you are going to eat and the food won't get wasted.

3. You get what you pay for. This stills seams to be the
situation with supplement brands, though not with food
items. The store brands in most grocery stores are just as
good as the name brand and cheaper. Go with the store
brand and save money.

4. You body needs the vitamins and minerals from fruits and
vegetables. What is also important is variety. We
typically get into such routines that we only eat certain
fruits or vegetables. Start buying the deals and sale
items in your produce section of the grocery store. This
will give you more variety and you can save money on always
buying the same items at their normal higher price.

5. Buy food around the outside path at the grocery store.
Almost always the processed foods are in the aisles while
the natural meats, vegetables, and breads are along the
outside wall around the store. Natural foods are typically
cheaper than the process and boxed counterparts and hold
much more nutritional value.

You can make any bodybuilding diet work on any budget.
Also, as an added tip think of your protein shakes and meal
replacement shakes as part of your grocery bill instead of
supplement bill. These are cost effective way to get
calories at the right calorie ranges. Since your protein
powders are food, it won't make your supplement bill look
so big any more either.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of http://www.liveleantoday.com -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services. For more information on
products go to http://shop.liveleantoday.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Goofy Challenge Result 2008

Here are the results of the Goofy challenge this year --

2008 Goofy Results

This was held on January 12th and January 13th.

I finished 543rd out of 2715. Awesome result! What is so pleasing is that my pace in the marathon is so much quicker than in the half. 9:47 pace in the marathon, and 10:03 in the half - shows I was saving myself for the full marathon the next day.

If you don't know you run the Walt Disney half marathon on Saturday, then the Walt Disney full marathon on the Sunday.

And I have to say I enjoyed the marathon. Did 4 hours 16 in the marathon.

Looking forward to the next marathon!

Just taking it easy this week running, then I'll start to build up the training again.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Cholesterol Prevention and Reduction

Heart disease and high cholesterol levels are an ever increasing problem in today's society. If we reduce the risk factors though this problem would be greatly reduced, and we might not need to take medication.

See the article below by Gary Stanton for some ideas:
An ounce of Prevention is worth more than a Pound of Cure.

"Cardiovascular diseases kill some 950,000 Americans every
year, but as many as two-thirds of these deaths are
preventable. Over the past 50 years, research into the
causes of ischemic heart disease (which causes over half
the deaths from cardiovascular disease) has shown that many
people's risk of a heart attack can be reduced by making
lifestyle changes and taking medication. In addition,
treating high blood pressure reduces the risk of stroke and
congestive heart failure." 1

Heart disease is America's number 1 killer.

Do you know what your risk profile is?

There are numerous risk factors we should all be aware of:

• family history

• high blood pressure

• high blood cholesterol level

• cigarette smoking

• diabetes mellitus

• sedentary lifestyle

• obesity

• advancing age

• stressful lifestyle

• depression

Family History

You obviously can not exchange the parents you inherited
for maybe a set without a history of heart disease,
however, you can change many things within your control.
Heart disease is largely preventable.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure increases the hearts workload,
weakening it over time. It also increases the risk of
stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and congestive heart
failure. Aim for a blood pressure of under 140 systolic
(top) and 90 diastolic (bottom), with 120/80 being optimal.
Have your blood pressure checked at least every two years,
you can easily have it checked at most any pharmacy.

High cholesterol and high triglycerides

Having total cholesterol over 200 indicates a higher
susceptibility to heart disease. The target should be to
have an LDL ("bad" cholesterol) lower than 130, HDL ("good"
cholesterol) over 45, and triglycerides at 150 or even
lower. Triglycerides are emerging as a significant risk

Do You Smoke?

One word: STOP!

Cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause
of premature death in the country. If you smoke your risk
of developing heart disease increases dramatically.


Diabetes is a serious risk factor. Regardless of age,
diabetics have a much higher risk of heart disease than
non-diabetics. If you have diabetes, work at maintaining a
healthy weight, keep physically active, minimize dietary
fat and calories, and consult your doctor.

Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle?

Inadequate physical activity does not provide for adequate
blood fl ow through your arteries which can lead to
blockages. These blockages can lead to some form of
coronary event. The heart is a muscle and muscles need to
work to stay strong. If you want to maintain a strong and
healthy heart you need to exercise regularly.

Get some physical activity. Put down the remote and the
potato chips and go for a walk. This is a great stress
reliever and it will burn off those calories from dinner.
Do not snack while you are walking.

Obesity and overweight

The incidence of obesity is in a crisis mode. Being more
than 30 percent over your ideal body weight makes you more
likely to develop heart disease, even with no other risk
factors. New guidelines recommend your waist circumference
should be less than 35 inches.

Carrying around excess weight puts an extra burden on your
heart and can take years off your life. An improper diet
and inadequate exercise often lead to coronary artery
disease. Fatty foods can increase cholesterol levels.
Carbohydrates convert to triglycerides which when elevated
to unsafe levels can indicate type II diabetes and heart

Do you lead a stressful life?

Stress can lead to many physical ailments including heart
disease and stroke. Stress puts an unhealthy heavy burden
on your heart.

Stress can be deadly so try to minimize it in your daily
life. Detach from the outcome of events you are worried
about and don't force things to occurr the way you expect.
Let it go and watch with amazement how what you want does
happen without your interference.

Try meditation or just quieting your mind for a few minutes
to relax tension and stress levels.

Give problems the "10 year test" Will this problem really
matter 10 years from now? If the answer is no, it is not
worth worrying about today either. Exercise strengthens
your heart so it is more capable of handling stress.
Aerobic activities like bicycling, playing tennis, running,
swimming, and walking are excellent ways to strengthen your
heart muscle.

Why exercise is so important?

Regular physical activity and maintaining the proper weight
are essential to reducing your risk of heart disease and
improving quality of life. It is not news that exercise
improves your heart health. Consistent exercise may in fact
lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, raise HDL (good)
cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

The aging process can be slowed from physical activity and
exercise. The capacity of muscles and other tissues to
utilize oxygen decreases naturally with age. Exercise and
other physical activity can reduce the rate of this
decrease. The calorie burn rate at rest also decreases as
you age. Regular exercise can offset this by helping your
body burn more calories. Calories continue to burn even
hours after exercise. Bones and muscles work better when
they're used than when they are not.

Natural Supplements can be very beneficial as a preventive
measure against heart disease

Omega 3 fish oils are a healthy way of helping prevent
heart disease

"Evidence shows that even after age 50 and even if heart
disease has already developed, healthy lifestyle changes -
stopping smoking, eating a healthy diet, exercising
sensibly, and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure
levels with medication - may improve the odds for a longer,
more active life." 1


1 - Preventing Heart Disease, March 12, 2002 American
College of Cardiology

http://www.lipidshield.com/LifestyleChanges.php .