Thursday, October 04, 2007
Cholesterol Prevention and Reduction
See the article below by Gary Stanton for some ideas:
An ounce of Prevention is worth more than a Pound of Cure.
"Cardiovascular diseases kill some 950,000 Americans every
year, but as many as two-thirds of these deaths are
preventable. Over the past 50 years, research into the
causes of ischemic heart disease (which causes over half
the deaths from cardiovascular disease) has shown that many
people's risk of a heart attack can be reduced by making
lifestyle changes and taking medication. In addition,
treating high blood pressure reduces the risk of stroke and
congestive heart failure." 1
Heart disease is America's number 1 killer.
Do you know what your risk profile is?
There are numerous risk factors we should all be aware of:
family history
high blood pressure
high blood cholesterol level
cigarette smoking
diabetes mellitus
sedentary lifestyle
advancing age
stressful lifestyle
Family History
You obviously can not exchange the parents you inherited
for maybe a set without a history of heart disease,
however, you can change many things within your control.
Heart disease is largely preventable.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases the hearts workload,
weakening it over time. It also increases the risk of
stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and congestive heart
failure. Aim for a blood pressure of under 140 systolic
(top) and 90 diastolic (bottom), with 120/80 being optimal.
Have your blood pressure checked at least every two years,
you can easily have it checked at most any pharmacy.
High cholesterol and high triglycerides
Having total cholesterol over 200 indicates a higher
susceptibility to heart disease. The target should be to
have an LDL ("bad" cholesterol) lower than 130, HDL ("good"
cholesterol) over 45, and triglycerides at 150 or even
lower. Triglycerides are emerging as a significant risk
Do You Smoke?
One word: STOP!
Cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause
of premature death in the country. If you smoke your risk
of developing heart disease increases dramatically.
Diabetes is a serious risk factor. Regardless of age,
diabetics have a much higher risk of heart disease than
non-diabetics. If you have diabetes, work at maintaining a
healthy weight, keep physically active, minimize dietary
fat and calories, and consult your doctor.
Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle?
Inadequate physical activity does not provide for adequate
blood fl ow through your arteries which can lead to
blockages. These blockages can lead to some form of
coronary event. The heart is a muscle and muscles need to
work to stay strong. If you want to maintain a strong and
healthy heart you need to exercise regularly.
Get some physical activity. Put down the remote and the
potato chips and go for a walk. This is a great stress
reliever and it will burn off those calories from dinner.
Do not snack while you are walking.
Obesity and overweight
The incidence of obesity is in a crisis mode. Being more
than 30 percent over your ideal body weight makes you more
likely to develop heart disease, even with no other risk
factors. New guidelines recommend your waist circumference
should be less than 35 inches.
Carrying around excess weight puts an extra burden on your
heart and can take years off your life. An improper diet
and inadequate exercise often lead to coronary artery
disease. Fatty foods can increase cholesterol levels.
Carbohydrates convert to triglycerides which when elevated
to unsafe levels can indicate type II diabetes and heart
Do you lead a stressful life?
Stress can lead to many physical ailments including heart
disease and stroke. Stress puts an unhealthy heavy burden
on your heart.
Stress can be deadly so try to minimize it in your daily
life. Detach from the outcome of events you are worried
about and don't force things to occurr the way you expect.
Let it go and watch with amazement how what you want does
happen without your interference.
Try meditation or just quieting your mind for a few minutes
to relax tension and stress levels.
Give problems the "10 year test" Will this problem really
matter 10 years from now? If the answer is no, it is not
worth worrying about today either. Exercise strengthens
your heart so it is more capable of handling stress.
Aerobic activities like bicycling, playing tennis, running,
swimming, and walking are excellent ways to strengthen your
heart muscle.
Why exercise is so important?
Regular physical activity and maintaining the proper weight
are essential to reducing your risk of heart disease and
improving quality of life. It is not news that exercise
improves your heart health. Consistent exercise may in fact
lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, raise HDL (good)
cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
The aging process can be slowed from physical activity and
exercise. The capacity of muscles and other tissues to
utilize oxygen decreases naturally with age. Exercise and
other physical activity can reduce the rate of this
decrease. The calorie burn rate at rest also decreases as
you age. Regular exercise can offset this by helping your
body burn more calories. Calories continue to burn even
hours after exercise. Bones and muscles work better when
they're used than when they are not.
Natural Supplements can be very beneficial as a preventive
measure against heart disease
Omega 3 fish oils are a healthy way of helping prevent
heart disease
"Evidence shows that even after age 50 and even if heart
disease has already developed, healthy lifestyle changes -
stopping smoking, eating a healthy diet, exercising
sensibly, and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure
levels with medication - may improve the odds for a longer,
more active life." 1
1 - Preventing Heart Disease, March 12, 2002 American
College of Cardiology
---------------------------------------------------- .
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Eating - When Your Brain Won't Say STOP
The desire to eat comes from many factors monitored by, and
instructions put out by your brain - in essence your level
of Brain Fitness. One specific brain region involved in
monitoring nutrition signals is the hypothalamus. This part
of the brain houses a complex set of brain cells that talk
to each other and talk to your bloodstream and digestive
tract to decide whether you need to eat.
If the hypothalamus system senses a need for nutrition it
will send out hormone signals that make you hungry, if not,
it will try to keep you feeling full. However, there are
other players in the drive to eat that come from emotional
centers and decision-making centers in the brain. This is
what separates us from other animals. Our behaviors aren't
as 'hard-wired' so we our more likely to eat
inappropriately just because we want to, not because we
need to.
The STOP signs in our heads
A new study published in the September 2007 edition of the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at a specific
brain region involved in this whole process, which relates
back to the whole concept of brain fitness.
Researchers looked at the activity of a brain region called
(ready for the long name) the left dorsal lateral
prefrontal cortex, or left DLPFC. This part of the brain
plays a role in inhibiting inappropriate behavior. It stops
you from acting on the impulse to do stupid things in
public, like punch someone who makes you mad, or say
something that you know you'll regret. It also stops you
from impulsively grabbing that donut when you know you
don't need it, which relates to this study.
Higher activity in the left DLPFC is associated with
greater control over impulsive eating. The new research
found that obese women had lower activity in this brain
region compared to lean or previously obese women (that had
successfully lost weight and kept it off). This was a
follow up to a previous study showing the same thing in
men. It's not really surprising but the cool thing is that,
the human cortex, including the DLPFC, tends to be
Practice makes more permanent
We know that repeatedly practicing things that use the
cortex can make those brain connections stronger. For
example, if you repeatedly do Sudoku, you will get better
at recognizing number patterns. If you repeatedly do
crossword puzzles, you will get better at recalling words.
The new study is exciting because it suggests that if you
repeatedly work on impulse control you may be able to
increase the strength of the DLPFC and gain control of that
impulsive eating.
It all comes back to brain fitness in the end and how fit
your brain circuits are that control your behaviors. Just
like running or lifting weights, you can strengthen these
brain muscles and give your brain the power to have more
control over behaviors that you want to change. Like
anything else, all it takes is a little practice.
Now, excessive eating is not the only thing that controls
weight gain. Other factors that control your metabolism
contribute to whether you will gain or lose weight. Some of
these have genetic influences that are stronger in some
people than in others. But many of these can improve with
good nutrition and exercise as well.
The point to this article is that by practicing to change
the behaviors that you don't like, your brain will get
better at controlling them and it will get easier. No one
accomplishes anything difficult without practice and
experience - but eventually what once seemed close to
impossible becomes automatic after the appropriate
training. Brain Fitness is no different. With effort, you
can regain control. Just keep trying and give yourself time
for your brain circuits to strengthen.
Master Brain Fitness techniques for you and your family.
Your Brain Fitness holds is the key to unlock your maximum
potential. Dr. Simon Evans puts together the right
ingredients in right amount to create the recipe for
success. Visit for FREE
Brain Fitness resources.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Your Perfect Workout
What does your perfect workout mean? Is it a stroll in the
park, taking a class, a rigorous hour of tennis, or using
the stairmaster during your favorite TV show? Maybe it
means focusing on your breath in a yoga class, stretching
your muscles with pilates or running to your favorite
songs. While any of these workouts benefit your body, mind
and soul, many moms don't exercise at all. In fact, the
only exercise their getting is when they exercise their
right...not to exercise.
If this sounds like you, it's time to find your perfect
workout. But what if you haven't worked out in weeks,
months, even years? What matters is that you find something
that you can enjoy. What also matters is that you begin at
a level that's only slightly more challenging than what you
feel you can do. This way, you don't scare yourself off
from beginning and sticking with a new routine. It's also a
great way to build confidence in yourself. By setting a
goal that's reasonable, then achieving that goal, you gain
the confidence to keep trying. It's an empowering feeling
to take back the reins and know that your fitness, health
and priorities are up to you.
Now like many moms, let's say you haven't exercised in an
embarrassingly long time. You're never ending to-do list
got the best of you and the only way you could get
everything done was by cutting your own self care right off
your list. So unfortunately, your exercise was one of the
first things to go. This may have worked for a while but at
some point, you began to feel sluggish, lethargic and
unfit. Maybe you noticed that your clothes weren't fitting
as well as they used to. You may have realized that while
you used to sprint up the steps, now you're huffing and
puffing as you near the top. Whatever caused you to see
that you need exercise in your life doesn't matter, as long
as you use that information to get going. So, where do you
You can always start with walking. You know how to do it,
you don't need to be exceptionally coordinated and all you
need is a properly fitting pair of walking shoes. Just by
getting outside, looking at the changing leaves or noticing
the beauty that surrounds you may be enough to keep you
motivated to walk. If that's not enough, you can bring an
ipod or MP3 player to listen to your favorite music. There
are also some great services which enable you to download
workouts according to your workout level and needs. You can
even download podcasts of programs you enjoy or just use
the time as an opportunity to clear your head.
Now it doesn't matter if you work outside the home, have a
newborn, whatever. You can justify or make excuses for
anything you don't want to do. The idea is to find a way to
get it done so you can feel good again. For example, if you
leave early in the morning and head off to work, you can
have a gym bag packed and head to the gym before you come
home. If you feel too guilty to try it maybe realizing that
the happier mom is, the better she is for everyone else is
enough to change your mind. You can also try exercising
during your lunch break, taking a short walking break every
hour or find an exercise buddy you can walk with and be
accountable to.
If you have young children, there are some other strategies
you may want to try. Get on that treadmill in your home,
use tapes, DVD's or just tune into your local exercise
channel. Just simply put your baby in an area safely
nearby. Your baby may even get a real kick out of watching
his or her mommy working out. If not, he or she can use
the time to sleep, snack or play. If your children are a
little older, give them a special activity that they only
get to do while mommy works out. They'll look forward to
the activity while you get your workout in.
If you want to workout outside, there are great exercise
joggers that allow you to walk, jog or run with your child
safely strapped in. You can also wear your baby in a Baby
Bjorn or baby backpack. This adds weighted resistance to
your workout while taking away any excuse you may have!
Your baby will also love the special time feeling close to
you while getting some fresh air. Another option is to join
a class for moms and their kids. If that doesn't work for
you, many health clubs offer babysitting for a small fee.
Lastly, you can hire a babysitter or find a friend that is
willing to take turns babysitting each others children so
you can both make the time for much needed self care.
It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do something.
The key is to find a way to incorporate exercise back into
your life. If you do nothing now and exercise for fifteen
minutes tomorrow, you're moving in the right direction.
What's most important is that you give your body, mind and
soul what it so rightfully deserves. And as you begin to
feel better about your body and your commitment to take
better care of yourself, your body will kindly respond by
slowly getting back to being the finely tuned machine it
had been long ago. Then at some point, you may see the
beauty in you that everyone else does.
Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC is a Registered Dietitian,
Certified Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach and
President of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc. For nearly 20 years,
Debi has been inspiring and empowering moms to become
physically fit and emotionally strong through gradual,
lifestyle change. For more information on the Lifestyle
Fitness Program, please visit
As you can see a perfect workout for one person may not be perfect for someone else. So, it depends on your level of fitness, and your exercise goals. There are many different things you can do to increase your fitness levels, and in doing so I'm sure you will find your perfect workout.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Three Easy Ways to Lose Weight!
I know, as soon as you saw the words "easy" and "lose
weight" in the headline, you were ready to write this off
as another one of those gimmicks or programs sound too good
to be true and usually are. But bear with me and you'll
learn 3 strategies that I guarantee will help you in your
weight loss efforts.
You've probably been conditioned to believe that weight
loss had to be tied to countless hours at the gym, the
latest supplement breakthroughs or eating nothing but
celery stalks and tofu. Fortunately, dropping a couple
dress sizes doesn't take anything that drastic. What it
does take is making some small changes in the behaviors
that led to the addition of those unwanted pounds. Here
are 3 lifestyle changes that will immediately help you lose
that unwanted fat and get your body back.
1. Stop Eating Out. Think back to when you were growing up.
Do you remember what the dinner plates looked like? Now
compare that to what the "plates" look like at O'Charleys,
Applebees or any of the other chain restaurants. It's no
wonder we're gaining weight. There are dozens of studies
about eating out and they all lead to one conclusion: if
you eat out, you overeat! Not only is it almost impossible
to exercise effective portion control when you eat out, but
you're also compelled to get you money's worth so you eat
everything you're served rather than stopping when you
The bottom line is that those who eat out consume more
calories than those that don't. Take a break from eating
out for the next six weeks and see how easily you can drop
a dress size or even two. And you can use the money you
saved eating at home to buy a couple of new outfits to
showcase your improved body.
2. Eat Smaller Portions. You don't have to avoid the foods
that you enjoy - you just can't eat big servings of them.
An easy way to do this is to use smaller plates for your
meals. This will help you fell like you're not depriving
yourself while still exercising good judgment. And don't
think that just because something is on your plate, you
have to eat it. As opposed to what your mother told you,
you don't have to clean your plate.' In fact - you
shouldn't. Eat slowly and stop when you aren't hungry any
more. You'll quickly find that you can enjoy your favorite
foods and your skinny jeans at the same time.
3. Make Better Choices. I know I just said that you can eat
the foods you enjoy and still lose weight, but that doesn't
mean overindulging on processed foods, candy, sodas and
chips. The key is moderation. So when you go to the
supermarket, do the bulk of your shopping around the
perimeter of the store and spend less time in the isles.
When you're at work, keep health snacks handy so you don't
have to rely on the company's vending machine for your
energy boost. But most importantly, make good choices with
the meals that don't really matter. Your quality of life
won't dramatically improve if you choose a cheeseburger
over a grilled chicken salad for lunch, so don't do it.
Save the times when you are going to choose foods that
might be considered unsupportive for the meals that you
really look forward to. Improving your choices will
accelerate your weight loss and help you save unnecessary
calories without really trying.
Obviously, there is nothing magic about any of these three
strategies other than the results that they produce. So
start applying these three simple ideas and prepare to get
your body back.
Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness
coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of
the internationally popular e-book The Busy Mom's Fat
Loss Bible. Go to to get
your FREE copy and discover everything you need to know to
losing unwanted fat and how to keep it off for good.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
East Retford Half Marathon
Anyway, I had a good time particularly because I wasn't straining to go too fast early on, and had the attitude that this was just a training run. I would run steady for the first half and speed up later on. I did not want to push myself too hard -- that is what my coach, Mad Dog, said to do as I am running a marathon in a few weeks, and should save my energy for that.
It was a good feeling speeding up towards the end and not having anyone pass me -- I think after 9 miles nobody passed me. Some had passed me earlier on, but I caught them up, and passed them again! Finishing time was 1 hour 43 minutes exactly.
Last year I wasn't in good enough shape to run this half marathon, and had to do the fun run instead, so it just shows how far I have come in a year.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Smart Trainer HRM £39.99
I am selling the following Heart Rate Monitor:
Smart Trainer Heart Rate Monitor -- monitors your heart so you workout more effectively.
* Heart Rate Monitor with Smart Trainer program
*Average heart rate reading
*Measures calories burned
*Automatic or manually programmable hi/lo heart rate training zone
*Automatic or manually programmable hi/lo heart rate alert when out of training zone
*Wireless chestband
*Clock with alarm and calendar
*Stopwatch with count up timer
*HiGlo backlight
*Water resistant to 30 metres
For information email me at fugespeaks [AT]
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Natural Treatments for Diabetes - Less Sugar, More Spice!
Natural Treatments for Diabetes - Less Sugar, More Spice!
Diabetes (including its precursor, Metabolic Syndrome) is
one of the top five most significant diseases in the
developed world and is rapidly becoming a burden in the
developing world too. However contemporary research has
found that several spices including cinnamon, garlic,
fenugreek and caper have the potential to be effective
natural treatments for diabetes.
In order to understand the management of diabetes, it is
helpful to consider one of the most important underlying
defects in this disease; that of insulin resistance. Before
a cell will allow glucose through its protective membrane,
its insulin receptor must be "turned on" by insulin or a
chemical mimic. Insulin resistance occurs when the receptor
develops a weakened response to insulin resulting in the
cell's failure to absorb sufficient quantities of glucose
from the blood. This process culminates in energy
deprivation in the cells and raised blood glucose levels.
The primary cause of a poor insulin receptor response is
the chronic over-production of insulin. Not only does too
much insulin lead to receptor failure, but wide
fluctuations in insulin levels are also known to be an
important cause of this condition. These oscillating levels
are, in turn, closely associated with a diet high in
refined carbohydrate foods.
Extreme changes of insulin levels and associated insulin
resistance are abnormalities common to both diabetes and
metabolic syndrome and are typically the result of a diet
dominated by high glycaemic index foods. The rapid
absorption of high GI foods results in abnormally high
blood glucose levels. In order to stimulate the cells to
absorb this sudden glucose load, the pancreas responds by
releasing larger than normal quantities of insulin.
The excessive amount of insulin produced to achieve this
effect results in a sudden fall in blood glucose, and
within a couple of hours this level becomes very low. The
subsequent intake of more high GI foods causes the blood
glucose to rise dramatically once more, perpetuating the
cycle of wildly fluctuating glucose and insulin levels. If
this steady bombardment of the receptors by large amounts
of insulin continues over a long period, it eventually
leads to their insensitivity and malfunction and, finally,
insulin resistance.
A good diet is the most effective ways to prevent insulin
resistance. The consumption of predominantly low GI foods
means that insulin is released slowly. As a result, glucose
is absorbed by cells in a controlled manner and blood
glucose levels do not rise and fall so rapidly. This
prevents the harmful glucose – and thus insulin – peaks and
troughs that are associated with the repeated ingestion of
large quantities of high GI foods.
Reducing the proportion of high GI foods in the diet has
another, indirect benefit in terms of preventing insulin
resistance. Such foods are typically fattening and reducing
their intake can lead to weight loss. Obesity, and
particularly "central obesity", is another other important
cause of insulin resistance and tackling it is an effective
way to reduce the risk of diabetes and other chronic
Other invaluable dietary tools for preventing and managing
insulin resistance and diabetes are the spices. These foods
counter the disease processes in several ways and can be
tremendously helpful, irrespective of whether individuals
are making dietary or other lifestyle changes.
Cinnamon, for example, is a potent inducer of insulin
sensitivity and the addition of as little as one gram a day
to the diet can reduce the blood glucose levels of
diabetics by a staggering 30 percent. It does this by
enhancing the enzymes that increase insulin receptor
sensitivity and inhibiting those enzymes with the opposite
Cinnamon has the added benefit of lowering the abnormal
lipid levels commonly found in diabetics and reducing
oxidative stress caused by lipid oxidation in these
patients. Cinnamon is now available as a powder or an
extract as a treatment for diabetes.
Fenugreek is also highly effective at modulating glucose
metabolism and can lower the blood glucose levels of
diabetics by up to 45 percent. This spice both increases
insulin receptor sensitivity and normalizes the imbalanced
blood lipid levels of diabetics. The fiber contained in
fenugreek also lowers the GI of a meal, thus modulating the
post-prandial blood glucose levels by slowing the
absorption of high GI foods.
Ginger and caper increase sensitivity to insulin, and caper
mimics the effects of insulin. Garlic and coriander are
also insulin mimics, while coriander enhances insulin
These and most other spices can, with their rich array of
antioxidants, help to prevent the complications of diabetes
by reducing the oxidation of fats.
Several spices, including chilies, can also help combat
associated conditions such as obesity by increasing the
metabolic rate and therefore helping to "burn off" excess
Spices possess an amazing potency and range of weapons in
the fight against diabetes. By helping to prevent, delay
and even treat one of worst and most widespread chronic
diseases afflicting the modern world, they offer useful,
natural treatments for diabetes.
Dr Keith Scott is a medical doctor with a special interest
in nutrition. He has written several books including the
ground breaking, "Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing Power
of Spices" and "Natural Home Pharmacy".
Download a free pdf copy of "Medicinal Seasonings" and find
out more about how useful spices can be in the prevention
and treatment of diabetes at:
Friday, March 23, 2007
Natural Chelation With Vitamins, Minerals and Phytonutrients
Natural Chelation With Vitamins, Minerals and Phytonutrients
It is reassuring to know that there are many plant-derived
compounds, vitamins and minerals that can protect us
against heavy metals and other environmental toxins.
Our bodies are continuously exposed to poisonous substances
- both natural and man made. Although we have biochemical
mechanisms to cope with most them, when our bodies are
subject to overwhelming quantities of toxins, severe health
problems occur.
The human body deals with poisonous substances in various
ways. Enzymes and components of the immune system in the
intestines are the first line of defense in this regard.
They either convert the toxins into harmless substances or
prevent their absorption into the blood stream by binding
to them. In addition food-derived compounds help to
neutralize harmful agents before they are absorbed through
the bowel wall. Interestingly, and somewhat paradoxically,
metals like iron, zinc and copper (that are potential
toxins themselves) can also help prevent the absorption of
poisonous heavy metals like lead.
If a toxin manages to evade the defense systems in the
intestines and gains access to the blood stream it may then
be rendered safe by enzymatic action or other processes in
the liver – the most important detoxifying organ. If the
liver fails to deal with a toxin it may then be excreted by
the kidneys. However, some the most problematic toxins are
those that the body cannot neutralize or get rid of.
The most important examples of these are the metals –
especially arsenic, copper, iron, zinc and the heavy metals
like lead and mercury. As the body has difficulty excreting
these poisons it tries to sequestrate them in tissues like
fat and bone where they will not cause as much harm as they
would in other organs or tissues. Unfortunately when the
stores of these toxic substances reach a certain threshold
they inevitably begin to cause damage. Lead and mercury are
particularly damaging to the brain and other nervous tissue
and this is especially so in children.
The treatment of choice for metal poisoning is chelation
therapy; a therapy whereby a chelating agent is used to
'grab' or bind to the toxin; either rendering it harmless
or allowing the body to excrete it more easily. Examples of
chelating agents that are used to treat metal poisoning
There are also many naturally occurring compounds that have
chelating properties. The spice, coriander (cilantro) has
been shown to chelate lead while turmeric binds to both
copper and iron. Other studies have shown how vitamins B1,
E, C and zinc can help prevent the absorption of lead and
enhance the capacity of chelating drugs.
As well as acting as chelating agents plant derived
compounds play a vital role in countering the damaging
effects of heavy metals and other toxic substances. Many
toxins are free radicals and as such cause oxidative damage
to cells and tissues. Spices, fruits, nuts and vegetables
all provide large numbers of important antioxidant and
other compounds that play a vital role in helping to
contain free radical damage.
If we want to minimize the effect of heavy metals and other
environmental pollutants on our bodies we need to ensure
that we have an adequate daily intake of spices, fruit and
vegetables. It is these foods that provide us with the best
means to deal with this inexorable threat to our health.
Dr Keith Scott is a medical doctor with a special interest
in nutrition. He has written several books including the
ground breaking, "Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing Power
of Spices" and "Natural Home Pharmacy".
Download a free pdf copy of "Medicinal Seasonings" and find
out more about the health value of compounds in spices and
other foods at:
Teaching Good Values with Jiu Jitsu
Learning martial arts have manifold advantages. Not only do
these martial arts help in defending ourselves from
attackers, but also they are known to improve health,
physical fitness and concentration of mind. Training and
practicing martial arts will help in reducing body weight
and keep various diseases like heart disease, diabetes
under control. They also improve self-confidence and one's
strength of character. As learning martial arts has many
advantages, everyone is advised to learn martial arts.
Learning martial arts can be both easy and tough. Joining a
local club is the best way to learn. Proper guidance would
be available at the club and also one can come into contact
with people who have similar aims and motives.
One of the most popular martial arts is jujitsu. Other
martial arts like judo, karate, sambo, taekwondo and many
others are also very much popular. Jujitsu has its origin
in Japan. In fact, jujitsu means "gentle art" in Japanese.
Jujitsu involves using a combination of techniques to
overcome an opponent. Martial artists practicing jujitsu
use a variety of techniques like blocking, locking,
striking, throwing, sweeping and grappling to defend
themselves against attackers. Learning jujitsu is a
difficult task and involves a lot of hard work and
practice. Nevertheless, complete mastery over jujitsu can
be achieved with diligent efforts.
Physical fitness is not an absolute requirement for
learning jujitsu. Being physically fit has an added
advantage and can significantly enhance the learning
experience. Regular training at the club will improve
physical fitness, precision, coordination, skill and
reaction time. Martial arts not only tone the physical body
but also they sharpen and tune the mind. They improve
confidence and urge doe facing challenges. Lessons on the
mat will help the person to face real life situations even
long after the training has completed.
Teaching values is an absolute must and in fact teaching
martial arts is value based education. Learning martial
arts is not just learning the techniques and moves. It is
more of learning the philosophy underlying it. Respect
towards the master teaches children to respect elders.
Strict time maintenance makes one punctual and dedicated
towards responsibilities. In general martial arts are the
best way to realize and tap into one's own potential. It is
also a way of inculcating self discipline. It is best to
join young children in martial arts clubs. This way they
will learn good values and put those values into practice
from a very young age onwards. Children are the future and
future can be changed only by teaching children better
For more information please visit .
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Can Cleansing Your Body Help Cure Candida?
Can Cleansing Your Body Help Cure Candida?
It has been found that the Candida parasite can affect
various parts of a person's body from the intestine, to the
colon, to the liver, the mouth, the genitalia, the hands as
well as the skin. But one question that may be raised by
some people is can cleansing to cure Candida be effective?
In this article, we hope to provide some answers to this
particular question.
Certainly an intestinal cleanse is very valuable,
especially if you are suffering from candida. The the main
objective of this method of cleansing is that it removes
the debris, putrefied food and feces, as well as the
solidified mucus from a person's intestine.
Another way of cleansing in order to cure Candida is by
taking some sort of anti-fungal treatment. If you are
looking for a more natural remedy rather than using over
the counter products, then you could try things such as
Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil, Caprylic Acid, or
Colloidal Silver. These can be purchased at your local
health food store or online. It is important that you take
them consistently for 1 or 2 months in order to feel the
full effects of the cleansing.
When taking grapefruit seed extract, it should be taken
between meals, and if you find that irritates your
digestive tract then you can take it with meals or use the
capsule versions instead. You should be taking 10 drops
diluted 50/50 with either vegetable or fruit juice for the
first 3 days. Then for the next 4 to 10 days you should
increase the drops to 15 and use it twice daily. Then from
days 11 to 28 you will still keep the dose at 15 drops, but
you will now need to have it 3 times each day. Some people
have found that they show satisfactory improvements on the
lower of these doses and therefore did not need to increase
the amount they were taking for the rest of the treatment
period. Then once a person has notice a satisfactory
improvement they can begin to reduce the amount of
grapefruit seed extract that they are taking. However, if
at any time the symptoms should reappear then you will need
to return to the much higher dosage. Often a 4 week course
of treatment using this particular product will help in
cleansing to cure Candida from the body.
You should also avoid eating any foods with sugar or yeast
until sufficient improvement in symptoms is experienced.
After symptoms improve, you can begin to slowly add foods
containing sugar and yeast back into your diet.
By combining an intestinal cleanse, homeopathic remedies,
and a temporary diet change, you should see improvement in
your symptoms.
Do you want to know more about cleansing and detoxing your
body using natural remedies? Download a FREE report at
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Why do Some People's Teeth Develop Dental Caries and Others Do Not?
causes teeth to become decayed. Generally it is agreed that
bacteria attach themselves to teeth in the plaque which
forms on them from the food we eat. A by-product of the
germs which live on teeth is their production of an acid
which eats away tooth enamel.
The question is: Why do some people's teeth develop dental
caries and others do not? Most individuals know that diet
has something to do with it - and certainly sugar has - but
why caries take place remains somewhat mysterious. It is
also common knowledge tooth decay and the bacteria which
accompany it are the forerunners of infection of the
tooth's nerve and pulp and the need for root canal
Dr. Weston Price conducted thousands of experiments to
determine the reasons why teeth become carious. Dentists
will find that Dr. Price's deductions correspond with
current beliefs -but his research brings surprising new
insights into the process of tooth decay.
Important basic factors which would have greatly advanced
the course of dentistry were buried right along with
Price's root canal infection information because of
disputes which existed at the medicine and dentistry about
the focal infection theory.
Dr.Price made thousands of studies of patients' blood in
looking for the true causes of oral diseases. The first key
issue he found concerning dental infections was the
changing of the acid- base balance of the body from its
normal slightly alkaline status to one which was acid.
Studies later by Harold Fl Hawkins, D.D.S. showed the
saliva of people who were free of tooth decay was on the
alkaline side and those who suffered dental caries had
saliva which was decidedly acid. In his book, Applied
Nutrition, Dr. Hawkins points out that acidity of the
saliva results when the diet contains white bread,
cereals,cookies,cake,sugar,and similar refined food.
Starchy grain foods and sweets from sticky plaque on the
surface of teeth we find so difficult to remove during
tooth brushing. This plaque is an ideal food source and
home for bacteria which live in our mouths. Their acid
by-product etches the enamel and starts the decay process.
The two most fundamental factors in all of life's
processes,Price felt, were the changes which take place in
the acid-base balance of people who have tooth decay and
other dental infections and, secondly,the effect dental
infections have on the ionic calcium level of the blood.
People who had root canal fillings and those who
experienced tooth decay were found to have low amounts of
calcium. Both Price and Hawkins independently discovered
that those people with normal to high levels of calcium in
the blood and saliva enjoyed freedom from dental caries.
The advent of the use of fluorine in water
supplies,toothpastes, etc.,has, to a great extent,led the
public to feel that nutritional factors have been
over-emphasized and are of little importance. A quick
summary of the chemistry involved with the presence of
fluorine in teeth will show fluorine use isn't all it is
cracked up to be.
Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. is a Founder of the
Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence
That Root Canals Damage Your Health Learn What to Do. Learn
how Dr. George Meinig discovered that a meticulous 25 year
research program. To subscribe to the newsletter:
Edited and prepared by Sung Lee, alternate author
How To Guarantee Success With The Master Cleanser Fast
the Lemonade Diet, it is a ten day cleansing and
detoxification program developed by a man named Stanley
Burroughs. Through the use of a simple concoction of lemon
juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, you can rid your
body of toxins and rebuild healthy tissue. It was
originally created to treat stomach ulcers, but was found
to help treat and cure many other health problems.
The recipe is quite easy. Every Master Cleanser drink
consists of the following ingredients:
-2 tablespoons Organic Grade B Maple Syrup
-Juice from half a lemon or lime
-1/16 teaspoon cayenne pepper
-8oz water
Drink a minimum eight glasses of the Master Cleanser per
day for ten full days. In addition, you should drink an
herbal laxative tea each evening, as well as a drink every
morning consisting of two teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt
and a quart of warm water. These last two requirements may
seem unpleasant, but they will help your body eliminate
waste faster, thus making Master Cleanser far more
Here are some simple tips for a great Master Cleanser
Make the lemonade drink in a big batch every morning and
keep it nearby at all times. If you try to make each drink
individually throughout the day, you will have a much
harder time sticking to the plan. Also, by keeping it
nearby, you will have it ready in case you begin to feel
weak or lightheaded (which may happen occasionally -- this
is normal and part of the cleansing process!).
Rest as much as possible. Although you may feel extremely
energetic due to the body not spending energy on digestion,
it is important to rest so that your body can heal. It is
encouraged to spend some of your cleansing time pampering
yourself! Many people use vacation time so that they can
stay at home during their Master Cleanser.
Stick to the laxative tea and salt water flush as much as
possible. Although they can be unpleasant, they will help
your body detoxify much faster.
Keep a journal. Document your progress every day. This will
be helpful to look back at if you're going through a rough
spot during the cleanse, and it will also be helpful to
look back at how far you've come when you are done.
As obvious as it may seem, don't start chowing down when
your cleanse is complete. You will definitely experience a
lot of cravings when you are cleansing, but it's important
to try to adhere to a healthy diet once completing the
Master Cleanser. You have just cleansed your body of a lot
of junk – don't ruin it by feasting on every bad food you
can get your hands on!
Using these tips, you should have great success with the
Master Cleanser. Good luck!
Do you want to know what it is truly like to go through the
Master Cleanser? Download my FREE private journal detailing
my two ten-day Master Cleanser fasts. It is available for a
limited time only at
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
How To Exercise In the Morning Consistently
when you bounce out of bed prepared for exercise, feeling
energetic, mentally sharp, and ready to give the world a
good dose of yourself, than you don't need to read this
article - just kidding!
But... If you're like most people, you get up in the
morning with an "oh, no not again!" attitude and hazy
vision that only a shower, black coffee, and a few hours of
being upright will cure. On top of that, morning is usually
a study in hurried chaos. You hit the snooze button one too
many times. You try to find clothes that match. You just
did a load of whites, but you can't find a pair of socks.
You forgot where you put your checkbook and the keys.
Is this a time to be working out? Are you kidding, you say,
absolutely out of the question. You know what? The morning
hours may by the best time for a "busy person's workout."
You just have to learn how to plan a morning exercise
routine, and then stick with the plan. Here's your wake-up
Try these techniques to make time for a morning workout.
Set your alarm clock to go off 15 minutes earlier. NOTE:
give yourself 1-2 weeks to adjust to your new wake-up time,
then set it back another 15 minutes. Now you've just added
a ½ hour to your day that you can completely devote to your
A.M. workout. But you must make sure you give your body
time to adjust to your new schedule. Setting your alarm
back 30 minutes is too much of a shock to your system.
Go to bed earlier once you're committed to morning
workouts, don't expect to be able to go to bed at midnight
like you used to. Put simply, if you're getting up earlier,
go to bed earlier. (Some people have a problem with that.)
You're better off cashing it in earlier than watching your
favorite late night comedy show.
Get ready the night before. Normally, you waste a lot of
time if you roll out of bed, stumble to the bathroom, take
a shower, put your clothes on, then to the kitchen for some
coffee and a quick eat-on-the-way-out-the-door breakfast.
Once you think about your morning routine, you may find
dozens of little things you could do the night before to
give yourself some extra time for a morning workout. For
• A coffee maker with a timer you set before going to bed
• Making your lunch
• Setting your keys, checkbook, and briefcase by the door
so you don't have to look for them
These will save you minutes in the morning - and it only
takes a few minutes to add another set of reps or another
mile to your workout.
Consider going to bed in your workout clothes! Go to bed in
shorts and a T-shirt (or if it's cold, sweatpants and a
T-shirt). Then, when the alarm goes off, get out of bed,
jump into your shoes, and you're ready to go. While you're
at it, get your work clothes ready, too. If you work out at
a gym, pack them in the car so they're ready to go.
One of the best ways to stick to a morning exercise routine
is to go to bed and get up the same time each day, even on
weekends. Sleeping in more than an hour will throw you
completely out of whack. Once your timing is down, STICK
WITH IT. You will be rewarded with a body and mind that
functions smoothly - almost like clockwork.
To read reviews on home exercise equipment and learn how to
choose the best exercise gadgets for your needs, visit
Nitin Chhoda's new site
Monday, March 05, 2007
Article From SubmitYOURArticle: Young Soccer Players And The Stages Of Learning
Please accept the following article for possible
publication in 'HealthandFitnessFanatic',
or wherever you feel may be appropriate.
Title: Young Soccer Players And The Stages Of Learning
Word Count: 565
Author: Neil Stafford
Category: Sports & Recreation
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appreciated - send to
Best regards
Neil Stafford
Young Soccer Players And The Stages Of Learning
When a new skill is learned there are three stages of the
development, the mental, practice and automatic stage.
Throughout these three stages your input into the learning
cycle will differ according to the phase the player is in.
The Mental Stage
When a player first learns a new skill their key goal is to
understand what to do to perform the technique correctly.
They draw upon all of their awareness to search for
information to map the correct technique.
It's more about internalizing "mentally" the physical
technique of what's to be done. The mental map is made
from previous activities, similar actions and looks, visual
input as the player attempts to make neural connections so
that their physical body can perform.
Coaching during the Mental Stage
Patience is the key. Some players will make the
connections a lot quicker and will be able to perform the
technique sooner than others.
Only key information should be given to the players at this
stage as there is a tendency for player to become
overwhelmed with information if they are given too much
Visual indicators are very important during this
development phase, which is why we encourage you to
demonstrate new techniques and skills.
The Practice Stage
The next phase of mastering a technique is to have a go.
There is some overlap with the mental stage here as the
players will be having a go at the technique, but they will
still be making mental connections as the neural paths
start to give information too.
Refinement is the key here and so the more opportunities
that the players have to execute the skill the better.
As players practice the errors they make should start to
reduce over time as the sensory, visual and touch functions
will start to give feedback to the players on how well they
are performing the technique.
For example, when under 6's practice dribbling just keeping
the ball close is a major battle, any adjustments they make
can often lead to the ball being toe poked away even
But as the young players see the ball moving away from
them, and make small jumpy movements to keep the ball under
control, all of the feedback signals will be computing and
assisting in their development.
Coaching in the Practice Stage
Observation, accurate feedback, encouragement and praise
are all key skills during this phase.
Very young players will need more feedback whereas youth
players should be able to self analyse their performance;
some well structured questions can also assist.
The Automatic Stage
As practice continues so the players become far more
proficient at the technique; this then frees up some mental
capacity to take the learning even further.
This is why some techniques lend themselves to a chaining
type coaching method, or when using a functional phase
practice and build it through to extended play.
Players in the automatic stage know when they have made
mistakes and also have the knowledge internally on how to
put things right without much input from the coach.
However, complacency can creep in, so to can over-analyzing
a technique which can be harmful to performance.
Coaching in the Automatic Stage
Rather than coaching specifics, the coaches duty now shifts
to present more challenging situations to practice the
technique and develop it into a full functioning skill.
Refinement is the key to develop truly magnificent players.
Claim your complimentary copy of the 'Soccer Coaching
Guide' provided by Junior Soccer Coach and receive hints,
tips and techniques to improve your team's performance AND
your expertise as a coach. Grab your copy now, visit the
website today…
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Sunday, March 04, 2007
Ready to Reset Your Body Weight?
The number one weight loss tip is one we all know. Eat
less, move more. It seems obvious, doesn't it?
All we have to do is stop over eating and just start
walking more. We can do something as simple as walking
around the block one time each day. This would only take
about ten minutes at most.
The real key is to just get in action. Is this your routine?
- Get in your car and drive to work
- Walk to your desk
- Sit at your desk for three to four hours.
- Walk to a place where you sit and eat
- Walk back to your desk and
- Sit for four more hours
- Walk to your car and sit in your car to get home
- Walk into your house.
- Sit down and eat and then
- Sit down and watch TV.
- Walk to your bed and sleep
- Repeat
The total amount of time you probably devote to walking in
this scenario is maybe about 60 minutes. Did you know 60
minutes of exercise can eliminate 600 calories when
applying some degree of intensity to it?
If you begin to use that same 60 minutes to walk fast and
energetically it may reduce the time walked down to 30
minutes but would be more beneficial time where you could
lose 300 calories per day doing that.
The calories needed to maintain your weight is a total of
your weight times ten. If you want to lose weight you need
to eat less calories than that number. When you have been
below your maintenance number of calories ong enough for
the difference to total 3500, you will lose one pound.
By knowing this, you can get control over your weight once
you become serious about it and commit to a weight loss
program that gives you the nutrition you need while doing
so at a minimal caloric intake.
Resisting Weight Loss.
What makes you resist moving? Human nature is to stay in
our comfort zones as much as possible. When the comfort
zone is to sit in a chair, we resist doing anything else.
On the other hand, if your comfort zone were to be outside
walking here walking there, enjoying the weather your would
be uncomfortable sitting in a chair.
Arrange your life so moving around is a natural part of
your life. Get involved with a diet program where you can
eat when you are hungry and still experience weight loss.
Juanita Bellavance is an internet marketing mentor with a
focus on passive income streams combining internet
technologies with other business models.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Article From SubmitYOURArticle: Improving your golf happens with confidence
Please accept the following article for possible
publication in 'HealthandFitnessFanatic',
or wherever you feel may be appropriate.
Title: Improving your golf happens with confidence
Word Count: 463
Author: Craig Sigl
Category: Sports & Recreation
It is preformatted to 60 CPL.
You have permission to publish this article electronically
or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are
included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be
appreciated - send to
Best regards
Craig Sigl
Improving your golf happens with confidence
If improving your golf was all about the swing, then why do
we have balloon-score rounds right after taking our lessons
and spending hours on the practice range? Because golf is a
mental game right?
The meaning of the word "confidence" and how it applies to
golf is everything for improving your golf and what happens
to us on the course when we're playing. . The greatest shot
killer is not bad mechanics, it's DOUBT!
Also remember Brad Faxon's words: "most golfers just suffer
from too much doubt when it comes to putting."
If you haven't experienced doubt on the putting green
before and seen it's ugly effects, then you are already the
greatest putter in the world and I want to know your secret.
So many top pros have recounted in interviews that the best
putting they ever did was when they were in their teens.
Why? Because they had their best mechanics? Because they
have a more steady nervous system in their youth? No, it's
because they are full of confidence and have reached a
basic fundamental skill level. They have very few past
failures and disappointments that cut into their natural
cockiness. And that's all you need! The best putters in the
world have long recognized this.
Do you remember being a teenager and you felt invincible?
Like you could do anything and nothing bad would happen to
you? As we get older, things happen to us and we become
more afraid to try things and we get closer to our own
When I was a teenager, I can remember being unafraid to go
swim out to 10 foot waves in the ocean so that I could ride
them in with my little blow up raft! Getting rescued by the
lifeguard one time cured me of that real quick. I went
river rafting once and after running a class 3 rapid,
walked back up to the beginning of the rapid and SWAM it! I
can also remember jumping off a 50 foot cliff overhanging a
lake without knowing what was under the water. I look back
at those times and think "how in the world did I ever
survive being a teenager?"
Could you go back to that time, in your head and create
that state that is stored in your unconscious mind for
confidence? Of course you can, just call upon your memories
of those events and re-experience them right there on the
And that's all there is to it. They are just feelings
you've had in the past and your memories can bring you
there again. Those memories are your most powerful weapon
to managing your mental state when you are improving your
golf game. Manufacture confidence and remove doubt and
watch your scores drop!
Craig Sigl, the Golf Anti-practice expert, is a Master and
Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP and Time Empowerment techniques.
He plays to a 5 handicap and teaches his methods worldwide.
Visit to receive 2 free
digitized golf books: "Solve Your Golf Problems" and "Why
You Can Improve Your Game Without Practice."
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Article From SubmitYOURArticle: Fiber Does More Than Just Lower Cholesterol
Please accept the following article for possible
publication in 'HealthandFitnessFanatic',
or wherever you feel may be appropriate.
Title: Fiber Does More Than Just Lower Cholesterol
Word Count: 633
Author: Adam Kessler
Category: Health & Fitness
It is preformatted to 60 CPL.
You have permission to publish this article electronically
or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are
included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be
appreciated - send to
Best regards
Adam Kessler
Fiber Does More Than Just Lower Cholesterol
If you have paid attention to the media recently, the
experts are touting that getting more fiber in your diet
will help lower cholesterol. This is good news with all
the alleged problems and lawsuits against statins that
lower cholesterol. Is it true though? What else can fiber
do besides lower cholesterol to make it necessary for our
diet? It is looking like if you get enough fiber in your
diet, your chances reduce dramatically of acquiring many
diseases you could be susceptible to as you get older.
What exactly does fiber help to prevent? New research has
shown that a diet with enough fiber in it can reduce the
chances of diverticulosis, diabetes (by slowing the release
of sugars from the blood), heart disease (by, yes, lowering
cholesterol), and other diseases. Currently, there are
conflicting reports whether fiber helps prevent cancer, but
if you do eat foods that have generous amounts of fiber in
them (such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) you
also get plenty of minerals and vitamins that are very
important to the body. Bonus, baby!!!
In a nut shell, this is what fiber does. It goes through
the intestines and picks up all the wastes and toxins along
the way. It continues to trek through the intestines,
passing through quickly. Because fiber is going through so
fast, it doesn't allow the waste time to settle and develop
into health problems such as cancer or tumors. And yes,
some of that waste is cholesterol, which the fiber helps to
eliminate. Also, if you want weight loss, the intake of
fiber helps give you a fullness feeling and as a result you
don't want to eat as much. Thus, because you're not eating
as much, you lose weight. Pretty nice, huh!
With our society's new diet of processed foods and lack of
natural foods, Americans get on average 10 to 15 grams a
day of fiber, but it is usually on the low end. Our diets
consist of high saturated fats and proteins along with
these processed carbohydrates. There really isn't a lot of
fiber found in these foods. It gets lost in the
processing. New studies have shown that if you can acquire
around 30 to 35 grams of fiber a day, it will increase your
health benefits and chances of preventing cancer. But
unfortunately, some Americans couldn't identify a fruit or
a vegetable if it were in front of them. Which, as you
will learn, are great sources of fiber. So the obvious
question would be, how does one change his/her diet to get
enough fiber?
Good sources of fiber can be found in the following foods:
apples, citrus fruits, strawberries, oats, oatmeal,
potatoes, pasta, and dried beans. These are soluble
fibers, meaning they dissolve in water. These fibers help
lower the cholesterol and give you that fullness feeling
mentioned earlier. Other great sources of fiber that help
remove wastes and possibly prevent cancer are: crunchy
vegetables, whole wheat grains, and whole wheat pasta.
These foods don't dissolve in water and are commonly called
insoluble fibers. They help with waste removal as well as
possible cancer prevention. Really try to avoid foods that
are processed such as white breads and white pastas.
All in all you want to make sure you get a lot of fiber in
your diet, but don't neglect your proteins and
carbohydrates so you can really get a balanced diet and
acquire the nutrients your body needs to run efficiently.
So, bottom line is that if you are a person that has high
cholesterol, fiber will definitely help you lower it.
Along with lowering the cholesterol, you will also get a
lot of added health benefits that might help you lead a
long and happy life.
Adam Kessler is the President of Fitness Planning
Consultants, Inc., located in Columbus, Ohio. His company
helps people safely and permenantly lose weight. To read
more about what you can do to lower cholesterol and
download his free report on the dangerous side effects of
statins go to .
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
Matters of the Mind: Alternative Healing Techniques for Mood Disorders
As a caregiver and someone who is watching a loved one
struggle with a mood disorder, figuring out if and how to
involve alternative therapies is one more challenge.
Alternative therapies techniques that usually fall
outside of the realm of conventional treatment -- is a hot
topic for many traditional therapists and psychiatrists.
It is certainly true that traditional therapy and
medication or a combination thereof have provided relief
for many suffering mental disease. Yet a great many other
affected people don't receive the relief they seek. And
the truth is we don't know how many people are actually
"cured" or "healed" from traditional therapies. Perhaps
this is why alternative therapies have assumed a place
alongside conventional healing modes. In fact, they are
also called "complimentary" therapies because they are
often utilized in concert with traditional approaches.
When people feel bad, they usually start with a trip to a
therapist who can conduct a screening, develop a diagnosis,
and then recommend where to go for help. Typically, the
standard treatment is talk therapy in conjunction with
medication. As a result of managed care, increasingly
people seek treatment first through their primary care
physician, which has its own pros and cons. Caution is
recommended, since mental illness is a specialty. You would
not go to your primary care physician for heart surgery, so
think twice about asking a primary care doctor to diagnose
and treat you or a loved one for a mood disorder, such as
depression or bi-polar disorder.
What role do alternative therapies play in treating mood
For many suffering from mood disorders, alternative
therapies are used in conjunction with medication and/or
talk therapy. Some of the more serious alternative
treatments include: repeated transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS); the use of lightboxes for people with
seasonal affective disorder (SAD); eye movement
desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy; massage
treatments; hypnosis; sleep deprivation therapy; Chinese
herbal medicine; group therapies; support groups and
Many people report being helped or even healed by
alternative therapies. Exactly why or how the therapies
work is not a question to be answered here. In his book,
The Noonday Demon, Andrew Soloman eloquently states:
"Depression is a disease of thought processes and emotions,
and if something changes your thought processes and
emotions in the correct direction, that qualifies as a
recovery. Frankly, I think that the best treatment for
depression is belief, which is in itself far more essential
than what you believe in."
Simply put, a great variety of factors including
situation, openness, genetics, sociological and
physiological issues -- all play a role in the "healing"
factor. Very often there is no "cure" and the pain may or
may not subside over time with or without help from
medication therapy and other methods of alternative
healing. Still, who are we to instruct the person
struggling with mental disease to stop searching for ways
to assuage their pain?
If your loved one is struggling with depression, for
example, and wants to try alternative therapies how should
you respond? This may have more to do with your finances
than anything else. But based on Mr. Soloman's thorough
examination of depression, it is a good bet that supporting
your loved one's search is not meaningless if they hold a
belief in the cure.
Suggestions and ideas for offering support to someone with
a mood disorder who is interested in alternative therapies:
1.Assist them in getting educated. Read everything you can
about potential therapies. Keep an open mind and curiosity
about the various approaches that interest them.
2. Seek advice from on line support groups for people who
have gone through the types of therapies you are
investigating. Real stories from real people can provide
useful information.
3. Find the best in the field. If your loved one wants to
try hypnosis, EMDR, or other type of therapy, find the best
people available to provide it. Treat this as you might a
research project and get the best information and medical
help possible. Many traditional therapists increasingly are
adding techniques like EMDR to their repertoire. Getting a
referral from a professional is usually preferable to
finding someone in the yellow pages.
4. Don't give up your existing support system (e.g.,
individual or group therapy and/or medication).
5. Remember, these therapies cost money and most often are
not covered by insurance, so be mindful of prioritizing and
setting limits if finances are a factor. Occasionally,
alternative treatments are available at low or no cost
through community agencies or medical institutions, which
could offer the opportunity to try a particular therapy and
perhaps arrange for affordable, quality treatment. But
usually these therapies are an out-of-pocket expense. In
the end, alleviating personal pain is the ongoing,
consistent goal. For some, it is critical that they receive
professional help in conjunction with alternative
therapies. For others, the quest might involve healing of a
different sort. Keep an open mind and, as always, don't go
it alone: seek professional guidance in support of getting
Mary Logan is a professional life coach specializing in
support for the caregiver. Inspiring audios and her free:
"Are you an effective caregiver?" assessment can be found
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Refuse to Stress
Copyright (c) 2007 The Brain Code LLC
Stress is too common in most people's lives today. We live
in a fast-paced world with many demands on our time. How we
react to stress sets the stage for much of our health.
Exercise battles stress
We have known for a long time that exercise combats stress.
Regular exercise gives people better control over stress
and this creates a positive cycle.
How does exercise help you keep stress at bay? It turns out
that exercise increase brain cell growth in a part of the
brain called the hippocampus. This brain region is a major
player in controlling stress. The hippocampus helps focus
your attention on what is important in your environment and
needs your attention.
So it makes sense that this part of the brain would be
involved in stress. If you get caught up focusing on
problems and are unable to move toward focusing on
solutions and opportunities then you will feel more
stressed. The Chinese have a saying that on the flip-side
of every problem is an opportunity. When you exercise and
increase the ability of your hippocampus, you help yourself
get past the stress of problems and focus on how to solve
Hippocampus size buffers against stress
Some very cool studies have looked at the relationship
between the size of the hippocampus and the degree that
people suffer from stress-related disorders. It is well
established that a smaller hippocampus is associated with a
greater degree of stress.
The question remains, though, as to whether a smaller
hippocampus makes you more susceptible stress, or whether
stress itself actually shrinks your hippocampus. The answer
appears to be both.
Studies show that war veterans get more severe cases of
PTSD if they had a small hippocampus before going to war.
Other studies show that stress itself can damage or even
kill brain cells in the hippocampus and cause it to shrink.
The hippocampus happens to be the one place in the adult
human brain where we continually make new brain cells. So
the rate at which we make brain cells has an affect on the
size of the hippocampus. Well, exercise increases the rate
of making new brain cells and increases the size of the
hippocampus protecting you against stress.
Exercise improves productivity
As stated above, the other benefit of improving the
hippocampus is increasing your ability to focus, which
increases your productivity. So if you think that you don't
have time to exercise then you probably don't have time to
not exercise. A small amount of daily exercise will
increase your focus, increase your productivity, protect
you from too much stress and free up more time.
If you are not currently exercising, I challenge you to
work with your doctor to develop a sustainable exercise
routine that you enjoy. This part is important. If you
don't enjoy it, you won't stick to it. Find something
physical that elevates your heart rate and gets you
sweating a little even if it's just playing an active
game on the Wii!
Boost your Family's Brain Fitness in 30 days with Natural
Strategies used by an Expert Brain Scientist and Sports
Coach. Learn how at
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
How To Keep In Shape... After Fifty... And Beyond
How To Keep In Shape... After Fifty... And Beyond
Middle age is the time when hormones change and metabolism
slows down. Added to this, ailments like arthritis and
joint problems start to creep up on us. These factors and
more tend to drive us into a less active lifestyle.
Menopause and postmenopausal symptoms also beset us at this
age. Even men can experience midlife crisis. These factors
can lead to depression and obsessions with eating. This
leads to the proverbial "middle age spread."
Given these factors it is more important than ever to keep
in shape after 50. However your regime will be a little
different than someone in their 20's. Firstly you may have
any or all of the above problems and more, which will
definitely force you into a less rigorous exercise routine.
Underlying ailments like arthritis can leave you with
stiffness and pain. You will need to gradually ease into a
routine rather than starting a vigorous regime. It is very
necessary to slowly work up a routine rather than straining
your body right at the start.
Your goals should be to gradually strengthen and bring more
use into arthritic joints. The more you do this the better
you will be. You will not make ailments like arthritis
completely go away, but will make the condition much better
with regular exercises. Even a brisk daily walk for a few
miles will help you.
Exercise is a great remedy for depression. Actual physical
exercise can help to alleviate depression, as well as
making you look and feel better. When you exercise on a
regular basis you will not only take your mind off being
depressed but will give you a new purpose in life which
will help you feel better both physically and mentally.
Diet changes: Metabolism slows down considerably in middle
life and beyond, making it important to reduce
carbohydrates and increase fiber and protein into your
diet. You will find you need less food so train yourself to
eat less. Try to be extra careful not to indulge in too
many sweet or fatty foods, as these are harder to digest
and are big weight gainers.
Try to eat less refined foods and more whole grain foods as
your digestive system is not as strong at this age and you
will need more fiber to help your digestive system work
well. More fiber in your diet will help you eat less, as
you will feel fuller with less food. Try to eat more fruits
and vegetables, as you need more vitamins and minerals at
this age. Calcium especially gets depleted and you may
consider taking some supplements.
Try to keep yourself busy with hobbies and social
gatherings to avoid getting obsessed by food. Do not let
advanced years get the better of you. Just because you are
in your middle years does not mean you have one foot in the
grave. Remember you are only as old as you feel. So get
into a regular routine of exercise even if it is just a
good brisk daily walk plus try to be careful with your diet
and you can enjoy a long full life, despite your advancing
Article by Andrew Jamaz, on behalf of
Check out our "Exercise and Keep Fit" category of quality
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Slow Down For Weight Loss
Ask anyone who meditates or practices yoga regularly, and
they will tell you that either one helps you slow down and
get in touch with yourself. I, like many others, have
always assumed that being in touch with one's self was a
good thing if a little hard to quantify and measure.
However, there is one part of us that can be quantified and
measured, and that is how much we weigh. As a society,
there seems to be a lot more of each of us to get in touch
with than there used to be. There are even those that are
calling obesity an epidemic, both here in the U. S. and in
other countries as well.
There are certainly many people who want to take charge of
their lives and bring their own weight under control but
who either do not know where or how to start, are not sure
how to find the time in busy schedules for regular
exercise, or who are simply daunted by the entire mass of
data and life style change represented by adopting the
proper exercise and nutritional changes that they know must
Therein lies the crux of the matter. Although many people
may not be aware of this fact, the weight loss equation has
been solved long since. Eat more calories than you burn
and you will gain weight. Burn more calories than you eat
and you will lose weight. Those without this knowledge
pursue all sorts of diet gimmicks, fad diets, and sometimes
dangerous diet pills when simply making a few lifestyle
changes over time would eventually lead to weight loss and
a healthier body. Even those with this knowledge are often
confused about what to do and when to do it, or just feel
that it is one more straw in the pile that surely will
eventually break the camel's back.
While I normally advocate biting the bullet, and not
another fudge brownie, and, say as the commercial says,
"Just do it!", the fact is that a little helpful tip or
hint here or there might help some people start their climb
up out of the obesity pit.
One such tip is simply, as the yoga practitioners and
people who meditate have known for years, to slow down.
Life lived at a hectic pace can not only create stress
which can contribute to weight gain through "stress eating"
and the action of normal chemicals within the body such as
cortisol, but eating too fast can contribute to weight gain
as well. In fact, researchers at the University of Rhode
Island at Kingston have found more than one way that
slowing down at the breakfast, lunch, and dinner tables can
help us lose weight.
In one study, participants lowered their calorie intake
simply because the researchers told them to take their
time. When told to eat as quickly as possible on the other
hand, they ingested more calories. Researchers also used
such tips as having them lay down their spoons between
bites, and chew their food thoroughly, between 15 and 20
This chewing thing is interesting, because I had heard
about a "chewing diet" in which participants were to chew
their food several times before swallowing. It all sounded
a little mystical to me, and I was inclined to write it off
until I read more about research at the University of Rhode
Island. It seems that when the diner chews the food 15-20
times, several things happen. Apparently, the trigger is
that thorough chewing helps to release about 50% more
nutrients in the first minute after the food enters the
stomach. As a result, blood flow to the digestive organs
is raised nearly instantly raising the metabolism. This,
in turn, results in a more rapid onset of a feeling of
fullness, causing the diner to feel full...and
finished...sooner, thus preventing the ingestion of excess
It has long been known that one problem with weight loss is
that we simply tend to eat more food than we really need or
want. Part of this is the result of the fact that signals
of fullness take their own sweet time getting through to
the brain, allowing us to take in more food than was really
required or desired.
So, slow down. Chew your food carefully. Enjoy the taste
and flavor of each morsel. Maybe even take smaller bites.
The researchers also found that giving the participants
smaller spoons helped. Lists of diet tips have long
included the admonition to serve meals on smaller plates as
that helped the portions appear bigger and more
psychologically satisfying.
Take this little bit of information, add a little bit of
exercise, and start making some better choices about what
you eat, and you might find that you have created the start
of an effective weight loss program.
Donovan Baldwin is a Texas writer. He is a University of
West Florida alumnus, a member of Mensa, and is retired
from the U. S. Army. Learn more about health and weight
loss at .
Monday, January 29, 2007
Spices - Antioxidant Source Throughout the Ages
they contain other important compounds that have had
profound health benefits on mankind throughout the ages.
The evolution of spices in our diets is a fascinating story
that shows how important spices are to our health as much
today as they were eons ago.
Thousands of years ago our hunter/gatherer forebears were
forced to adapt to a wide range of climatic and other
environmental conditions. Thus, before agrarian societies
developed, humans consumed a wide variety of plant species.
Some of these plants contained the basic macro and
micronutrients needed for survival (carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, vitamins and minerals). Many of the pungent,
stronger-tasting, and richly coloured plants also contained
an array of "non-nutritive compounds" that had profound
health benefits.
Today we know that the piquant flavours and bright colours
characteristic of spices are hallmarks of the important
phytochemicals these plants contain. The resilience that
characterizes many spice plants means that, during times of
famine, pestilence and drought, these are often the last
edible plants to survive. When taken alone many of them may
be very unpleasant to eat. However, these foods, in the
absence of tastier alternatives, were frequently the only
forms of nourishment available to our ancestors. This was a
fortuitous dietary hardship and one which resulted in
unwitting, but important, self-medication.
However when agrarian communities began to form, the
variety of plant species consumed by these societies
decreased and they became dependent on a small selection of
crops and a limited variety of wild plants. As our
forebears were forced to eat "spicy" foods out of
necessity, they probably enjoyed the intense flavors of
these plants. Another factor that influenced their
palatability was the relative strength of flavors between
different foods. To understand this, it is necessary to
consider that most of the fruit and vegetable species eaten
by early societies were stronger tasting and less sweet
than they are today. In fact, the majority of modern
plant-food cultivars bear very little resemblance to those
varieties that grew thousands of years ago: the bitter,
sour and astringent flavors that characterized fruits such
as apples, melons, pears and many others have been bred out
by generations of selective propagation.
As hunter-gatherer peoples began to be replaced by agrarian
societies, motives for the consumption of spices began to
change. Among settled societies, spices were the source of
flavorings and colorings that could be used to augment the
more monotonous diets based on a restricted number of
crops. Also, in order to establish food security, these
societies began to store the plants they grew or animals
they killed. Drying of food was one solution, as was the
use of the refrigerant effect of the low temperatures found
at higher altitudes and latitudes. However, until recent
times, the desiccation and freezing of food was not a
viable option for those living in hot, humid climates;
these societies discovered chemical preservation, in the
form of salt and spices. As the former was only available
in certain areas spices were often the only other option to
protect food from insect infestation and microbial
We now know that many of the strongly flavoured
phytochemicals which give plants protection against insect
and microbial attack are the same compounds that "preserve"
our bodies, by protecting us against degenerative diseases.
Today spices are consumed in much greater quantity and
variety in warm, humid countries than in colder climates.
India and Thailand have the highest consumption of spices;
the warm Mediterranean countries follow somewhat behind
these and other Eastern countries but are ahead of the
United States. Chilly Scandinavian countries have the
lowest spice consumption of all. Moreover, the importance
of spices in helping to prevent chronic degenerative
disease can be seen to correspond to the varying levels of
spice utilization that occurs across different temperature
zones. Cold countries – typically the most developed
countries – tend to have much higher incidences of chronic
degenerative diseases when compared to hotter regions.
The dearth of spices in the diets of those of us living in
most Western countries means that we are depriving our
bodies of the important compounds that have, since time
immemorial, been used by our physiological and homeostatic
mechanisms to protect us from many diseases. We need to
consume lots of spices on a daily basis as they can make us
feel better, think better, age more slowly, and help us to
resist the onslaught of scourges like cardiovascular
disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other
chronic degenerative disorders.
Dr Keith Scott is a medical doctor with a special interest
in nutrition and complementary therapies. He has written
several books including "Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing
Power of Spices" and "Natural Home Pharmacy". Find out why
spices are the "Missing Links" in nutrition at:
Banning Trans Fats: Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire
Please accept the following article for possible
publication in 'HealthandFitnessFanatic',
Banning Trans Fats: Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire
Copyright (c) 2007 Debbie Fontana
Studies have shown that trans fats reduce our levels of HDL
(the good cholesterol) and increase our levels of LDL (the
bad cholesterol). All of which may be bad for your heart.
So cities across the US have either already banned trans
fats from their restaurants or are considering doing so.
All in the name of protecting the public health.
Also, many food companies are reformulating their foods to
eliminate trans fats. But then they have to. Otherwise,
they'll be portrayed as the bad guys trying to make a buck
off the poor, unsuspecting public by poisoning us with
their unhealthy foods.
The campaign to raise public awareness of the dangers of
trans fats has led many consumers to believe that a ban
will be healthy for them. So there are many people who are
all for it.
**But The Hype Has Just Begun**
In fact, a recent study actually tried to link trans fats
to infertility.
Even nutritionist Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, a professor at
New York University, expressed skepticism about that
conclusion in an article recently published on WebMD.
So are city governments justified in banning trans fats
from our foods? Or are these local governments making a
mistake because of all the anti-trans fat hype?
Regardless of how you feel about the government legislating
what we eat, here's the problem.
Trans fats are being replaced in many foods by a new type
of fat called interesterified fats.
But according to the results of a study published in the
journal, Nutrition and Metabolism, interesterified fats may
be even more dangerous for us than trans fats.
You see, interesterified fats also lower our levels of HDL
(the good cholesterol). Just like trans fats. So there's
still a heart health issue.
**But Now There's A New Health Risk**
Interesterified fats were found to significantly increase
blood sugar and depress insulin. Which may increase your
risk for diabetes. Or cause potential problems for you if
you already have diabetes.
If you remember, trans fats replaced saturated fats years
ago because saturated fats were supposed to be unhealthy.
At the time, trans fats were believed to be healthier.
So much for that conclusion. But it gets worse.
These new interesterified fats were found to increase blood
sugar by 20% more than good old saturated fats.
That was in a mere four weeks. Imagine what would happen
over a longer period of time.
**Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire**
It seems like every time the food police insist on changing
the type of fats found in our food, they introduce new and
potentially more dangerous health risks for us.
If you're concerned about this new diabetes risk, you can
check the ingredient list of your foods if it's available.
Interesterified fats are labelled as "fully hydrogenated
But maybe it's time to consider another course. Maybe we
shouldn't be reformulating our foods after every study. And
we certainly shouldn't be banning foods unless we're sure
the alternatives are safer.
Most importantly, maybe it's time for the food police to
get off their high horses and quit telling the rest of us
how to eat. They don't exactly have a good track record.
**Should We Stop The Trans Fat Bans Before It's Too Late?**
I'm not arguing that trans fats are healthy. But I think
it's a foolish mistake to reformulate all of our foods
until more studies have been done. We need reasonable proof
that we've found a safer alternative.
If you're concerned about the health risks from these new
fats, you may want to get in touch with your local
legislators. And stop the ban on trans fats until we know
for sure that we aren't jumping out of the frying pan and
into the fire.
Debbie Fontana is a full-time author and business owner who
specializes in writing about health, weight loss, and
nutrition. She invites you to visit her blog and post your
comments about the ban on trans fats. Do you agree?
Disagree? Do you think the food police are helping or
hurting us? Please post your comments at
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What Really Makes Muscles Grow?
Copyright (c) 2007 Jonathan Perez
If you are someone that regularly lifts weights in a
bodybuilding style workout routine in order to gain weight
in the form of muscle, then you should be very concerned
that you are weight training in such a manner that you
accomplish that in the most efficient manner.
In order to properly evaluate the effectiveness of your
workout program, it is very important that you understand
exactly what is it that makes a muscle grow in size, not
just strength (as 99% of weight lifters seem to confuse the
two and think that they go hand in hand, which they don't).
It isn't just a matter of lifting heavier and heavier
weight with good form in a progressive manner that will
stimulate muscle mass.
If that were the case, that all you had to do to build big
muscles was to constantly lift more weights, then
powerlifters and Olympic lifters would have the best
muscular development...and they don't.
I'm sure you know someone that can lift a lot of weight,
yet they don't have the muscle mass to match.
Bodybuilders have better developed muscles all over than
just about every powerlifter, with the occasional exception.
Sure, powerlifters are bigger in overall size and girth,and
weigh more than bodybuilders, but a lot of that "size",
"girth", and "weight" is not muscle mass, it's body fat.
These are the most important factors that will determine if
your natural workout routine is properly structured to
allow you to gain and build the most muscle mass that your
genetics will allow:
1) Total calories that you eat per day
2) Increasing lactic acid by-products
3) Increasing internal pressure within the muscle
4) Constant muscular tension
5) Stimulating hormonal metabolic processes
6) Causing higher amounts of blood to be sent to the muscle
after it's trained
7) Progressive weight overload / increases
Now, just because there are many factors that you must
cover in your weight training program that doesn't mean
that you have to make it complicated.
It's actually pretty simple to do, as long as you are using
the proper workout techniques.
If you noticed, I placed the total amount of calories you
eat per day as #1 on the list.
That's because you can have the perfect bodybuilding
routine, be consistent day in and day out, train with all
of the heart, might, and dedication in the world, but if
you don't eat enough calories for your particular body type
and genetics, you will not be supplying your muscles with
very crucial nutrients it needs to repair the muscle, let
it recover, rebuild, and grow.
You simply will not gain one ounce of muscle weight if you
are not eating enough calories, regardless of how or how
much you workout.
This is hands down the most important factor to building
muscle mass at the fastest rate possible.
If you aren't taking care of your daily total calorie
needs, don't bother moving on.
I'm being honest with you.
Now, factors #2 - #6 are all just as important as each
These 5 factors all go hand in hand.
I'll go into detail about those 5 in my next article.
Jonathan Perez is a Certified ACE Personal Trainer & a
Firefighter. He has written his experiences of how he was
able to take his body weight from a skinny 150 pounds to
over 220, without supplements or steroids. Check out what
he has to say --->