Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Using Yoga and Meditation To Discover Your Hidden Talents

Using Yoga and Meditation To Discover Your Hidden Talents
Do you feel as though there is something missing from your

How about the nagging feeling that you have been just
floating through life so far, yet to make the sort of
difference you envisioned as a child?

It's common to have the "gut" feeling that we are capable
of much greater things in our lives, but to lack clarity on
how we can realize such accomplishments.

Now is the time to change all of that by using yoga and
meditation to become directed by inner strength and passion
rather that external influences.

Face it, the vast majority of decisions in our lives are
directed by others. You would be correct in arguing that
we don't have someone else telling us what to do every
single hour of each and every day, but through leaving our
lives to chance and by following a short-term, tactically
driven lifestyle, we really control very little about the
direction of our life.

No wonder that as each year passes we seem to drift further
and further away from the key characteristics of someone in
control of their life: happiness, health, meaningful
relationships and a fulfillment that can only be achieved
through alignment with your inner passions.


As we move through life we become better and better at
"tactical living". We get better at making short-term
decisions related to short-term goals, fooling ourselves
into thinking we are making giant leaps of progress when in
fact, we are moving further away from inner-directed

We chase job after job, business after business with the
hope of gaining more money - but for what?

We deal with health problems with an ever-growing list of
substances from alcohol and drugs to painkillers and
sleeping pills, yet we fail to recognize the underlying
cause of such ailments.

Relationship seeking becomes an essential part of our life,
each subsequent relationship is designed to overcome the
limitations of the first and satisfy our ego giving us that
short-term fix that eventually leads to the very thing we
hope to prevent - loneliness, unhappiness and unfulfilling

Through all of this "tactical living", we become lost,
adopting outward beliefs, impressions and values to help
make the many decisions we must make each day.

What if we could harness the power of strength, passion and
inner spirit that exists today, deep inside of us?

With yoga and meditation you can open up your inner
resources to work in your favor, overcome the conflict that
often exists between your decisions and your inner values.

I first started yoga and meditation to relax, to simply
re-capture a portion of the day for myself and I have to
admit, the insight gained into my own strengths and
passions is a powerful effect I had not earlier planned.

After just a few months of practicing yoga and meditation,
two important things happened:

1. It became easier to relax and let my sub-conscious
thoughts make their way to the surface. We all have a
powerful sub-conscious that is capable of directing your
life, the key is to understand what the messages are.

2. Through the process, many people soon begin to
experience new feelings of self-respect, a like for
themselves achieved through greater understanding and
self-awareness. Quite simply, you can't like someone you
don't know, and most of us go through life not really
knowing who we really are. In fact, this lack of knowing
what is deep inside us scares us enough to cover it up

Success in relationships, health, social situations,
career, finances are all embedded within us, by choosing to
understand and leverage our internal strengths and talents,
we can live the lives and impact society as we secretly
know is possible.

Adopting just 15-20-minutes of yoga and meditation each day
will open your conscious mind to your sub-conscious
strengths and talents making you virtually unstoppable.

Join The World's Top Achievers Reach Inner Strength,
Happiness, Fulfillment and Live Their True Potential by
Discovering The Secrets of Yoga and Meditation. Visit
And Learn To Improve Your Life Now.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Fairy Tale Fitness

Fairy Tale Fitness
Copyright (c) 2006 Ainsley Laing

At University, many years ago, I took a class in marketing.
One of the lessons of this class was about the "Cinderella
Theme" in marketing and merchandising. Have you ever heard
of it? Even if you don't know it by its technical name, I
am quite sure you would recognize this method or philosophy.

Guys, how many of you have wanted a car just because that
particular car has the image of being a "Babe Magnet"? Be
honest with yourself now – 99% of you, right? This is how
the professionals on Madison Avenue make their living.

Ladies, how much make-up do you have in your make-up bag
that you bought because the model looked good, the guy in
the ad looked good…..only to get the cosmetic home and find
it make you feel like a clown?

Those folks on Madison Avenue are good…I personally keep
buying lipsticks that when I buy them I just know this is
the magic one that will change my looks and hence my life
forever - only to find I look the same with different
colored lips. Ah well.

After many years helping fitness clients, I feel that some
clients also begin a fitness program with a "Cinderella"
mentality. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone
say "If only I could lose 10 pounds, I would be so much
happier", I would be pretty rich by now.

Just imagine how much money is made appealing to this
thinking with quick fixes such as diet pills, weight loss
suits, diet foods, etc. The list is exhausting.

It really doesn't matter with respect to fitness how or why
a person decides to get fit and change their body
composition – the end result is the same. What gets them
to the decision, be it vanity, peer pressure, health or
Madison Avenue doesn't make any difference….so long as the
commitment is made.

The equation is the same: commit the time, do the work and
you will lose fat, gain muscle and get fit.

But, here's where the fairy tale ends. A great many people
will commit and follow through only long enough to reach a
goal. I feel that this is the Cinderella theme aspect of
all this. Many clients I have seen see "weight loss", or
"getting into a size 7" as a goal and use fitness programs
and/or diets as a means to get there. Again, a good reason
to start; but just losing a few pounds does not make a fit,
strong body and heart nor does the weight stay off

Slim people are not necessarily fit….fit people are not
necessarily slim. I recently read some scary statistics
somewhere that concluded that many women were smoking
cigarettes because they believed this would keep them slim.
Since smoking is counterproductive to fitness, I would
guess that these slim people are not as fit as they could
be! But, I digress.

Fitness takes time, is hard work and needs to continue for
some time for a person to really transform into "the
princess" or "prince". I generally tell clients that,
although it takes about 6 months to start to feel "the
magic" of getting fit by following a good fitness and
nutrition plan, it takes much more time to get real,
lasting changes in both body composition and health profile.

It is true that the practicalities of getting fit, staying
fit and making healthy lifestyle choices don't seem
romantic. They involve sweat, tears and just plain old
time - a lifetime in fact.

It's about the process, small increments over a long time
period. Through the process, a self romance can grow: a
sense of pride of accomplishment and a strong beautiful
body. THE PROCESS is the "happily ever after"…

About the Author:
Ainsley Laing, MSc. has been a Fitness Trainer for 25 years
and writes exclusively Body for Mind eZine. She holds
certifications in Group Exercise, Sports Nutrition and
Person Fitness Training. Read other articles by Ainsley at
http://www.bodyformind.com .

Isagenix Body Cleansing: Help Get Your Body in Top Condition With Isogenics

Isagenix Body Cleansing: Help Get Your Body in Top Condition With Isogenics
When it comes to body cleansing, many people actually get
this confused with another term-fasting. The fact is body
cleansing is not fasting. It is simply a process that will
help you to get unwanted toxins out of your body and there
are many aspects of body cleansing.

First of all, body cleansing is a process made up of
different parts. For example, in order to rid your body of
toxins that may have built up in your system, you may want
to begin by cleansing one part of your body first-the
colon. Doing a colon cleanse first will allow the rest of
your body to function more smoothly which will allow other
organs to work better and thereby, cleanse themselves
better. The next step may be a kidney, gall bladder, or
liver cleanse.

To do body cleansing, however, you do not need to stop
eating. It's simply a matter of knowing the right foods to
eat and making sure you are getting the proper amount of
water that your body needs. Many will go on a strict diet
of raw organic foods and juice to make certain they are
still filling their body's requirement of calories and
nourishment and to make sure their body is functioning to
its maximum ability. Once they have cleansed, they will
start adding more foods to their diet, making certain they
are eating healthy and as few processed foods as they can.

The fact is that only eating certain foods can certainly
help you to cleanse your body, but you need to make certain
your body is getting nourishment during this time, as
well. If you were to go on a fast for three days, your
body would be able to clean itself out and you'd find it
would help to rid your body of some of the built up toxins.
However, if you are starving and not getting the
nourishment you need, you'll find that you will not be
functioning at your top performance level.

The time in which it takes to do a body cleansing varies.
You can do a body cleanse in one day or ten days, if you
prefer. Obviously, along with the varying time, the
benefits will vary, as well. For example, if you are
extremely toxic and you do a cleanse for three days, you
may not be able to get all the built up toxins out of your
body. However, a ten day cleanse may allow you to release
all of the built up waste and toxins that were at one time,
taking all of your energy. The results will be more
noticeable when you get rid of more toxins in your body.

Before you begin any body cleansing regiment, you may want
to speak to your physician regarding any of the symptoms
you've been experiencing. You will want to make certain
that you consume healthy, non-processed food that will help
your body to put its energy into digesting the good and
eliminate wastes that may have built up in your body. Once
the toxins have been released, you'll notice a major
difference in your energy level and you'll want to make
certain you do a body cleanse regularly to make sure your
body is always in top working condition.

Stacey S. Zimmerman is the author of many comprehensive
articles on Isagenix body cleansing, detoxification, weight
loss and nutrition. He is an independent Isagenix associate
http://freeinfo.isagenix.com/cleanse.dhtml , who runs many
websites on the internet. Be sure to check out his
Isogenics website http://www.isogenics.us/isogenics.html
for more information on healthy weight loss through
Isogenics body cleansing.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Top 10 Tips for Choosing a Successful Diet Plan

Top 10 Tips for Choosing a Successful Diet Plan
Copyright (c) 2006 Debbie Fontana

Going on a new diet usually ranks about as high as going to
the dentist.

You know you need to do it. But you procrastinate because
your past experiences have been so unpleasant. Even

But there's one big difference between going to a dentist
and going on a diet. The results from the dentist usually

So why don't the results of a diet usually last?

Because you have to eat several times every day. So if the
only way to keep the weight off is a diet that seems as
torturous as a trip to the dentist, is it any surprise most
of us fail repeatedly?

I believe you'll have a greater chance for long-term
success if you enjoy your weight loss program.

So here are my top 10 tips for choosing a successful diet

1. You Have to Be Able to Live With Your Diet And Have a
Life With It.

This is absolutely the most important tip.

If your diet seems like torture, if the food gives you no
pleasure, if you're making yourself and everyone around you
miserable, then you'll have trouble losing all the weight
you want and keeping it off.

You have to make long-term changes in your eating habits to
succeed with weight loss. So whatever you do to lose weight
initially should be similar to how you keep it off.

That means you have to eat foods you enjoy. You have to be
able to socialize at food-based events. You have to be able
to enjoy life.

2. You Should Lose No More Than 2 Pounds a Week.

Sometimes, you may lose a little more at the beginning. But
week-to-week, 2 pounds is enough. Anything more is

3. Your Diet Shouldn't Be Extreme in Any Way.

Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, it's unhealthy to
eliminate entire food groups. A balanced diet provides
vitamins and minerals to keep you strong.

So skip the diets with low-carb, all grapefruit, or
whatever the latest fad is. Extreme diets usually don't
work. At least not for very long.

4. You Should Have Minimal or No Hunger.

If you're losing only 1 or 2 pounds a week, you shouldn't
experience tremendous hunger. Not if you plan your meals
and snacks correctly.

5. You Should Have Lots of Food Choices.

There's no reason to restrict the kinds of food you eat
week to week. I've never understood plans that say in Week
1, you can only eat these 10 foods. In Week 2, you can add
another 5 foods. But if you gain weight, go back to Week 1.

If your diet doesn't work with every food from Day One,
it's probably not going to work. Period.

6. You Should Be Able to Enjoy the Holidays.

If your diet doesn't build in holiday eating, you're going
to do it anyway. You'll just ruin your diet.

That's why so many people start diets in January - after
the holidays. Trouble is, the holidays always roll around
later in the year. So you need to have a way to handle them.

7. Your Diet Has to Allow for Moments of Weakness.

Perfect diets are for perfect people. But there are no
perfect people. So a perfect diet is destined to fail.

8. You Shouldn't Have to Exercise with the Diet To Lose

I'm not saying you shouldn't exercise. We all know exercise
is healthy and it makes you feel good.

But the benefits of exercise should be a bonus. Not a
necessary part of a diet plan.

After all, what if you become unable to exercise for some

Or suppose you stop losing weight on your diet plan and you
haven't reached a reasonable target weight. If the only way
to start losing again is to exercise more, then the diet's
not working.

9. You Should Get All the Information You Need When You
Start the Diet.

If someone sells you a diet and you have to go back week
after week to get more information, they're just trying to
make money off of you. There's no reason why Week 1 should
be substantially different from Week 9.

And when you pay your money, you should know what the
entire diet system is about. How else can you evaluate if
it's going to work for you?

10. You Should Control the Diet.

The diet shouldn't control you. By this, I mean that your
diet should meet your needs and wants.

Strict rules just increase your chance of failure.

For example, if you like to snack in the evening, but your
diet eliminates eating after 7PM, how are you most likely
to fail on your diet?

That's right. By snacking in the evening.

But everyone has different needs and wants. So you have to
be able to customize a diet to meet yours. Then you're more
likely to succeed.

And of course, before starting any weight loss program, you
should see your doctor to make sure your diet is right for

Debbie Fontana is a full-time author and business owner who
writes about health, weight loss, looking great, and
feeling fantastic. She created the delicious I Love to
Cheat lifestyle diet and the companion I Love to Cheat
Rewards Newsletter. She encourages her subscribers to
submit their weight loss problems, questions, and concerns.
Visit her at http://www.ILoveToCheatDiet.com

Friday, October 27, 2006

Healthy Foods

Healthy Foods
A sensible healthy diet will go a long way towards
maintaining clear beautiful sparkling eyes for a lifetime
and will significantly slow the onset of deteriorating
vision and other eye problems.

You are never too young and it's never too late to start a
healthy dietary regime to help protect your eyes from risk.

There are many people who have good eyesight into their
eighties and beyond. Ageing does not automatically mean
that your eyesight will diminish but as ageing progresses
changes can occur that may weaken the ability to see.

This can occur as early as the teen years if not earlier.

Sensible precautions to avoid eye strain by spending too
long staring at a computer screen, reading small print in
bad light, avoiding smoky ill ventilated atmospheres and so
on are obvious.

What is less well known is the importance of diet to
protect the eyes. The right food for your eyes is essential
for optimum eye health.

Fish Oil may help to protect and promote healthy retinal
function and has been found to assist in preventing the
onset of Macular Degeneration, the leading cause of

Cod liver oil or fish oil capsules taken daily as a regular
addition to your diet is probably the least likely to be

Salmon, trout, herrings and any other tasty oily fish can
make an occasional and enjoyable meal to supplement the

Fresh Vegetables and Fruit are very important in helping to
maintain effective vision health. Green leafy vegetables
contain carotenoides, principally Beta-carotene and Lutein.

Both are antioxidants and are found in spinach,
kale,brussel sprouts, broccoli, collard greens, and
similar. Egg Yolks also contain beneficial carotenoids.

Berries. Dark berries, such as blackberries blueberries,
blackcurrants,cranberries,bilberries will have a beneficial
effect by stregthening the capilleries that carry nutrients
to the eyes.

Avoid the fats found in many processed and baked foods
These will include margerines,fried foods, doughnuts,
cookies, pastries, french fries, and biscuits.

These non beneficial fats, known as Trans Fat should not be
confused with Omega-3 fatty acids found in Salmon, Trout,
Tuna and other oily fish which can decrease the risk of eye

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a slow but
progressive degeneration of central vision for which there
is arguably no cure. Risk factors for AMD include genetic
inheritance, smoking, high blood pressure or simply
advancing age.

It is the most common cause of blindness. Many sufferers of
AMD or who are at risk of the disease have no factors that
can they can control to mitigate or avoid the onset of the
disease with the possible exception of nutrition.

Studies have shown that individuals with the highest
consumption of dark leaved green vegetables rich in
carotenoids, such as raw spinach or kale had a
significantly lower chance of developing AMD than those who
ate these foods the least.

High levels of antioxidant vitamins and zinc can also be
effective in lowering the risk of developing the disease
and can also slow its progression.

There is a school of thought that the bilberry or blueberry
can prevent or even reverse AMD and sufferers are advised
to investigate this as a possible treatment. These studies
clearly show the importance of nutrition in prevention and
slowing the development of AMD.

Do obtain qualified medical advice before taking high dose
nutritional supplements for the control of AMD as there may
be other risk factors, not associated with eye care, to
take into account. This is particularly important for smoker

Jaks Lloyd is a former photographic fashion model. She now
lives in Spain and indulges her creative talents by writing
and building innovative authority websites.


Chocoholics Rejoice..Chocolate

Chocoholics Rejoice..Chocolate is Healthy?
I've always considered chocolate to be one of the most
decadent, satisfying and unquestionably addictive foods on
this earth (along with countless other women, I'm sure).

It's been there for me as a pleasure-producing comfort food
through rough times, blue moods and trying times on the
job. So, how could something that elicits such feelings of
bliss be "bad" for me?

Well, researchers are now saying that chocolate, especially
the high quality variety, offers certain unique health
benefits never before discussed or studied. Now, does this
mean it's ok to consume a king sized Hershey bar every day?

No, of course not. Because you see, unfortunately along
with the indulgent good flavor and body of chocolate, there
comes an inherent "unhealthy" factor in the sugar and fat
added to accomplish it's distinct texture and flavor.

The ingredient in chocolate that gives it that unique
flavor that so much of us crave as "comfort food" is cocoa,
and this is also the ingredient that packs the nutritional
compounds of which I am speaking - not the sugar or the
fat. The healthiest type of chocolate that you can eat is
actually the darker chocolates, because they typically
contain more cocoa and less sugar and fat.

The darker chocolates also tend to be more bitter, but that
is actually my favorite type of chocolate as opposed to the
creamier, less cocoa-concentrated version, milk chocolate.
Whether you're a dark chocolate or a milk chocolate fan,
you still receive some sort of nutritional benefit even
from the lighter, creamier stuff.

So, what is this "healthy" nutrient that the cocoa in
chocolate gives us? The cocoa bean, from which cocoa
powder is derived from, contains a fairly potent
concentration of antioxidant nutrients, so the more cocoa,
the better.

If you're a dark chocolate lover, this means you get more
of that antioxidant benefit delivered to your blood stream,
which helps to ward off unhealthy tissue growth and
destroys free radicals, the arch enemy of the healthy cell.

Chocolate not only imparts rich nutrient benefits when
consumed in moderate amounts, but studies have also shown
it elevates the mood, which partially explains our
emotional connection with chocolate, AKA addiction. OK,
aside from the rich texture and taste bud tempting taste.

There has actually been research done where the unborn
fetuses in a mother's womb who consumed chocolate exhibited
elevated signs of activity. Researchers came to the
conclusion that the chocolate consumption of the mother
subsequently improved her baby's temperament, which
translates into the adult term for "happy".

Chocolate has even been called the most high impact food
when it comes to cravings and mood. When we crave
chocolate, we tend to crave it when we are feeling low
emotionally. The likely mechanism of chocolate's mood
altering abilities is it's ability to make the body produce
endorphins. Endorphins are essentially the primary
"pleasure chemical" which is emitted by the brain and cause
pleasurable sensations of well being and contentment.

Whether the endorphin release is caused simply by the good
taste of chocolate, or whether there is some actual mood
altering chemical in chocolate is still up for debate.
Whatever the case may be, it cannot be ignored that many of
us, especially women, equate eating chocolate with pleasure
and comfort, and there is definitely a reason for it.

Chocolate consumption will always be a sure thing when it
comes to mood enhancement. We have to be prudent when
consuming chocolate though, since the effects of the sugar
can actually cause us to crash and feel worse.

Another unfortunate fact is that chocolate is high in
calories and can definitely add up if you consume it
several times a day, or you over do it on the portion. So,
the next time you feel that irrestistable urge for
chocolate, grab a mini chocolate bar, and get those
antioxidant, mood boosting juices flowing!

Danna Schneider is the founder of
http://www.herbalnewsmagazine.com , a daily online magazine
all about herbal and alternative health, and
http://www.mybeautyspace.com , which reviews and talks
about beauty products and procedures.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

3 Little Known Tips for Cardio

3 Little Known Tips for Cardio
I've got a confession to make...

In the year 2006, I've seen so many articles on cardio that
it even made me confused! Everything from don't with it
"good night to cardio" to cardio is worthless to HIIT
training and all kinds of crazy ideas. There's anti-cardio
gurus and cardio masters.

At times, cardio seems like a diet plan.

Let me explain that...

With a diet, you have so many foods to choose from that you
can literally make any combination up and call it a "diet."

Cardio seems to be that way lately. There's a lot you can
do with your cardio workouts. Keep them short, make them
intense, do all kinds of machines, do it every day, do it
once a week, don't use machines at all but go outside and
run hills... etc. List goes on and on.

Let's try and answer the question of the best time to do
cardio and how much recovery after your weight sessions you
need in order to get workout but without burning up any
precious muscle.

3 Simple Steps to Effective Cardio Workouts

1- Use cardio as a tool.

Cardiovascular exercise is good for the heart. However, so
is weight training. And lifting weights and building
muscle will do more to get you leaner than 6 spin classes 6
times a week.

If your goal is to build muscle and gain weight or burn off
the fat, then use cardio sparingly as a way to your goal.

Did you know that 1 lb of muscle burns more calories than 1
lb of fat? By focusing on building more muscle, you'll get
leaner quicker than if you plug away at a treadmill all day

Let's put it this way...

If you cut bread with a saw (weight training) it gets the
job done nicely. But if you cut the bread with a saw and
then use a finely sharpened knife to make the slides
perfect (cardio) you'll get the best of both worlds.

You'll get slides of bread quickly (saw) and you'll get
them neatly carved out (knife).

If you can think of cardio as a tool to stripping off
unwanted fat AFTER your weight training and nutrition is in
order, you'll use the tool as it's meant to be used.

2- Do your cardio at the right times.

There's a loaded question if I ever saw one!

a) the right time is anytime it works for you. If you read
several articles about morning cardio and you simply cannot
do it, then do it when you can. There's plenty of studies
that debate the optimal time to do cardio but they all
point to the single fact that it doesn't make a massive
difference in your overall gains. When it comes to
eliminating body fat. Whether it's early morning, late
evening, the most important thing is that you just do it.

b) do your cardio AFTER your weight workouts. Why after?
Because your weight training workouts require something
called glycogen. That's short term fuel. If you burn off
and use up your short term fuel first, you'll have little
to give when it comes to your muscles.

The fuel your muscles need for a weight training workout is
different from the potential fuel sources you can use when
doing cardiovascular activities.

When you do your cardio AFTER your weight training
sessions, you are warmed up and have a better chance at
using fat as a fuel source over glycogen.

3- Separate your cardio from your weight training sessions

If at all possible, try and give yourself plenty of time
between a cardio workout and a weight session. Some
programs recommend 8 hours. This means you'll do cardio in
the AM and weights in the PM. You'll have plenty of time
for post-workout nutrition and a few meals in there as well
to help with recovery.

But what if you can't?

2 Tips to Cardio Workouts

Tip #1 - Do your cardio AFTER your weight session as in the
step above. While this won't be ideal, it allows your body
to use glycogen for short term fuel for the weights and
potentially fat as a fuel source.

Tip #2 - Engage in post-workout nutrition (protein and
carbs) after your weight training session. While you
probably won't burn as much fat, you won't risk burning off
as much muscle either.

The reason your body burns muscle is that it costs a lot to
maintain it (metabolically speaking). In that case, make
sure you can support the muscle by not overtraining and
engaging in proper nutrition.

Those two simple concepts will go a long way in helping you
to preserve muscle when you have a short rest period
between a weight training session and a cardiovascular

The bottom line is that cardiovascular exercise is part of
a health and fitness routine. It should be used as a tool.
Sometimes more (getting ready for a competition) and
sometimes less (lean bulking). Lately it's been over-rated
but it certainly isn't worthless.

Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner's
Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on
Marc's e-book at: http://www.Beginning-Bodybuilding.com .
To get Marc's free e-zine, visit http://www.JustAskMarc.com

The Best Muscle Building Product

The Best Muscle Building Product
Copyright (c) 2006 Paul J. O'Brien

You already own it'you already use it and chances are you
haven't even begun to realize its full potential. The best
muscle building product is of course the human body. You
don't need an expensive gym subscription. You don't need to
waste money on extremely expensive supplements. All you
need to do is invest a little time and some hard work, make
some easy choices and you'll be building muscle, burning
fat and sculpting a physique worthy of praise and attention
in no time.

Here's how it works -

The human body is capable of building muscle at a rapid
rate all by itself when properly stimulated. That means no
supplements, no strange workouts, and no spandex. The only
question is what's the best way to stimulate the muscles?

Well there are lots of ways to stimulate your muscles.
There's weight training, sports, aerobics, body weight
calisthenics and more. But if you really want to get the
most value and the very best gains from your body you need
to use your own body to give you resistance. A strange
concept called Isometrics.

Isometrics is the contraction of a muscle without moving
the joint its attached to. For instance tense your legs as
hard as you can without bending them or straightening them.
Go on do it right now under you desk ' no one will see and
I'll wait.

How did it feel? If you did it right you should feel the
muscles of your legs getting warmer as the blood flows into
them. We do this naturally everyday, the first thing in the
morning stretch isn't a stretch it's a contraction of the
muscles that quickly fatigues and relaxes them using the
principal of isometrics.

Now the trick is to apply complete isometric tension when
you are doing your regular workouts. For instance try a
push up'okay maybe not in the middle of the office, but
when you get home reread this article.

Do a push up and do it in the normal everyday way (if you
don't know how to do a pushup you can get animated
instructions on how to do them and loads of other
exercises for free on my website). Now get into the push up
position but tense all your muscles, making them rock hard.

Your fingers should be white digging into the ground; your
legs should be hard as steel, your butt checks clenched,
your abs and back tight flat and straight. Actively pull
your hands inwards without moving them. You should feel
every muscle getting tired from the effort. Holding this
tension, actively pull yourself down using you back muscles
and push your self up with you chest.

Now ' how did that feel? Much harder? Far more intense?
Well it should. What you've done is actively contract your
muscle tissue while doing a standard exercise -
supercharging its effectiveness and stimulating every
muscle fiber. This builds really muscle really fast because
it provides the most stimulation in your exercises. Best of
all you can apply this technique of isometric tension to
any workout anywhere! The best muscle building product is
your body's ability to use isometric tension ' try it and
be blown away with the results!

Paul J.O'Brien is the head trainer of the <b>top 1% ranked
fitness website</b> http://www.isometric-training.com ,
where you can get FREE exercises guides, e-books, training
and diet advice as well as learn hundreds of new animated
exercises to show you how to get the body you want in the
time you have. Click here to get your free animated
training guide NOW!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Don't Lose the Fat: Why Some Diet Gurus May Have Steered You Wrong

Don't Lose the Fat: Why Some Diet Gurus May Have Steered You Wrong
Copyright (c) 2006 Debbie Fontana

It's become a mantra. Fat is bad.

At least, that's what almost all the diet gurus say.

But did you know that when we cut too much fat from our
diets, we may be eliminating the very element we need to
absorb the vitamins and nutrients that keep us healthy.

That's because certain vitamins, especially in fruits and
vegetables, are "fat-soluble." In other words, your body
can't absorb nutrients unless enough fat is present.

So if you're constantly eliminating the fat from your diet
to cut calories or to follow the latest warnings, you may
be getting far less healthful effects from your salads,
other vegetables and fruits.

In studies released in 2004 and again this year by Ohio
State University, researchers found that the absorption of
carotenoids from yellow, orange, and red vegetables is
better when you eat them with some fat. Carotenoids are
believed to have cancer-fighting properties.

Here is a partial list of some fat-soluble compounds that
may be absorbed better if you eat them with fat:

1. Beta Carotene. This can be found in foods such as
cantaloupe and carrots.

The researchers suggest eating salads with full-fat rather
than low-fat or no-fat dressings. So if you put carrots in
your salad, full-fat dressing may help you to absorb the

But with so many people unable to stay on strict low-fat or
veggie diets, why not choose something that tastes a little
better? For example, something that people in Pittsburgh
once called a Boston cooler.

You cut a cantaloupe in half (leave the rind on), clean the
seeds out of the middle, and put a scoop of chocolate or
vanilla ice cream in the hollow of the half-melon.

Then place the half-melon in a bowl so it doesn't fall over
when you try to eat it. You eat the ice cream and the melon
with a spoon.

It's about 250 calories, but it's a great snack or dessert.
You get to indulge with ice cream, but still get some good
nutrients from the cantaloupe.

It's also filling. So you shouldn't be as hungry as when
you just nibble on a salad.

And the best part is that the fat in the ice cream may
enhance your body's ability to absorb the fat-soluble
compounds from the cantaloupe. (Although no one knows for
sure at the moment.)

2. Lycopene. This is the red carotenoid found in
watermelon, tomatoes and pink grapefruit.

It's also a potential cancer fighter. Researchers have
shown that our bodies absorb the lycopene in tomatoes more
efficiently as sauce, juice or ketchup.

Here again, rather than always eating salads with full-fat
dressing, why not try cheese ravioli with tomato sauce?
It's a tasty, satisfying dinner.

And you may be enhancing your absorption of the lycopene in
the tomato sauce with the cheese in the ravioli.

3. Vitamin E. This can be found in broccoli, mangoes,
peanuts and spinach.

Some research suggests that vitamin E can help your heart
and possibly prevent blood clots. But the results aren't
conclusive yet.

However, a recent German study with rats showed that eating
trans fats actually slowed the absorption of vitamin E when
compared to other types of fats. So this may get tricky.

4. Lutein. This antioxidant can be found in dark green,
leafy vegetables like spinach and also in egg yolks.

Lutein is supposed to help your skin and your eyes,
particularly in reducing the risk of macular degeneration.

I find it interesting that we're allowed to eat eggs again
when the food police vilified eggs for so many years -
particularly egg yolks.

Have we also gone too far in vilifying fat?

So before you completely cut the fat from your diet, think
about the nutrients you may be missing.

Now I'm not saying we should eat only high-fat foods.

But while it's not healthy to go to extremes with high fat,
it seems as though it's not healthy to go to extremes with
low fat, either.

Maybe it isn't only the fat that's making us fat, but also
the number of calories we consume. Some moderation in both
areas just might do the trick.

And I believe people are more likely to lose weight if they
like the foods they eat.

So talk to your doctor about whether you really need to cut
so much fat from your diet. Or is it healthy to have a
little ice cream or ravioli once in a while?

His answer might surprise you.

Debbie Fontana is a full-time author and business owner who
writes about health, weight loss, looking great, and
feeling fantastic. She created the delicious I Love to
Cheat lifestyle diet and the companion I Love to Cheat
Rewards Newsletter. She encourages her subscribers to
submit their weight loss problems, questions, and concerns.
Visit her at http://www.ILoveToCheatDiet.com

Tweaking Your Fat Loss Diet

Tweaking Your Fat Loss Diet
Hey Ray, I keep forgetting to book an appointment to sit
down to try and lose more fat off my tire, so I'll try and
type out my diet thoughts here. It's going to get long
winded but here it goes. I'm sitting at 195lbs down from
242lbs after reading your book, and of course it's not good
enough for me. I have been eating the same portions and
food since day 1 when I set up the meal plans for 226lbs.
Here's my game plan, let me know of it makes sense or not

- Doing the wild rose cleanse this week starting Thursday.

- At this point changing portions to adjust to 195lb BBE
calculations but up the protein from .8/lb to 1g/lb. Not
a lot of change for my diet actually for the cleanse except
for fish instead of poultry, plan to keep protein levels
high just using fish (likely lots of salmon), everything
else is a match, or close to it anyway.

- When I am done the cleanse and go back to poultry,
cottage cheese etc, I am looking at a few changes. The
carbohydratess are a no brainer, just cut back a bit. For
proteins I eat a pretty standard set of foods: Meal 1 -
cottage cheese 2- chicken / turkey 3- chicken or
salmon 4-chicken / turkey 5 & 6- burgers or pork chops,
just something other than chicken or turkey. My thoughts
are to keep the daily proteins the same except maybe more
emphasis on turkey, but change the night meals to white
fish or some type - crab, cod, halibut, stuff like that
with very low fat contents, or should I be switching
everything to white fish to try and cut fat from the diet?

- Still have a protein shake at 10 am and eat ice cream at
night (usually an ice cream bar) Ice cream is because I
found myself getting dizzy a lot and realized it was lack
of sugar, have felt a lot better since starting this.
Anything I can do different as I realize its not the best
thing for attaining a 6 pack!

Work outs: Going to start running 3 miles, 2 or 3 days a
week before work (this assumes I can drag my butt out of
bed) to see if I can get things moving some more, otherwise
I am fairly active in the evenings, more so when my
shoulder smartens up. Thoughts?

Thanks again, Mack

From Ray:

First I think you should start looking at body fat
percentages now instead of the scale. I saw you the other
night and you are getting really lean. I don't know if you
have a certain number you want to see on the scale, but if
not, I would be more concerned with body composition than
getting that scale to go down any more. After all, do you
want to fight at 160 lbs and 10% body fat or 190 lbs and
10% body fat? Just a choice so let me know.

Now on to the diet. The cleanse is going to make you feel
awesome after and I think you will see great benefits from
it. So that is a go. As for the BEE calculations, I
wouldn't drop as low as 195. I would only go for a 210 for
now. Big changes usually cause the body to freak out and
rebel. You don't want that, you have to just tease it a
little and not totally tick it off.

With your activity level, I would not decrease the
carbohydrates for the increase in protein. This is my
opinion but I feel that if the carbohydrates are not
available then your body is going to go after the protein
next since it is not the macronutrient that is needed for
survival, fat is. So it is extra muscle you are after, then
add the protein on top but don't decrease your
carbohydrates right now. Not for an athlete.

As for fat, you do not want to cut it out totally. Fat
should be at least 15% of your calories. You need this for
hormone production buddy. I like the way you cycle your
protein sources, keep that up and I would actually go for
more fatty meats at night along with fibrous carbohydrates
if fat storage is a concern. If that makes no sense to you
then we can talk about the science on that later.

As for the ice cream at night, this is weird. You are
considering cutting back on carbs for the sake of increased
protein but then eating ice cream at night for the sugar
you need. See what is happening there? This is another good
reason why you need to keep your carb intake at the present
levels or even bump them up just a bit. You only need to
add a few grams of complex carbs here and there and the
light-headedness will go away. Try some oatmeal with a
banana any time you need a sugar/carb fix. It will break
down fast at the start and slow burn on the end from the
banana and oatmeal combo.

Now for the extra activity. I know you know the math of fat
loss. 3500 calories per pound of fat is the magic number.
Now how many calories are you in deficit when you calculate
your classes, gym sessions and good eating. If you are in
deficit then the extra running should only be because you
like it or need to improve your performance in running.
Doing excess work to burn calories can throw you into
overtraining really fast. Watch yourself. I think you are
doing enough activity already with the MMA, my class and
the gym. If anything I would go with sprints in the morning
if you must go for a run. 10 sprints for 100 yards with 30
seconds rest in between.

Hope that helps buddy! Keep going, your looking great!

Ray L Burton is a personal trainer and author of the best
selling internet ebook titled, Fat to Fit - The Journey.
You can learn more about exercise and wieght loss at
http://www.buildingbodies.ca and read more about his weight
loss book at http://www.fattofitbook.com

No Running in School?

Most of the top athletes started running early in life. Just look at the
Kenyans -- they used to run to school and back, sometimes 6 miles there and
back. So, yes the earlier you start exercising in life the better-- you
create the habit, and the chances you'll suffer from obesity problems later
are severely reduced.

No Running in School?
Copyright (c) 2006 The Brain Code LLC

Dodge ball was out years ago because of it's dangerous
nature. Now some schools in Wyoming, Washington, Oregon,
California and South Carolina have banned tag, soccer and
touch football. Just this week some Massachusetts schools
added themselves to the game-banning list, citing a broader
rule against "hitting and inappropriate touching" ­ WHAT???

A recent article published in USA Today explains how a
trend is developing across the country limiting kid's
physical activity in schools. Many districts are banning
more and more games in PE and on recess.

Another class bites the dust

To make matters worse many middle schools and high schools
are cutting PE from the full year curriculum. ‘The Shape of
the Nation' report, released about a month ago, concluded
that most states are failing to provide student's with
adequate physical education. The report showed that the
number of students attending a daily PE class is down to
28%! Does this have anything to do with the fact the 1 out
of 5 school age kids today are overweight? Along with
horrible diets of most kids, the lack of sufficient
physical activity is a huge part of the problem.

Many schools cite the need for more academic class time in
order to meet the requirements of national testing
standards. The irony of it is that cutting PE programs is
actually making our student's test performance worse. A
large Canadian study looked at the academic performance of
kids split into two groups. One group received one hour of
PE class with moderate physical activity during the course
of the day, while the other group had academic instruction
for that hour.

At the end of the year, the group of kids that had PE
outperformed the other group in academic classes for every
grade tested. This was true even though the non-PE group
received about 15% more classroom instruction time. So does
it make sense to cut PE from our schools?

Physical activity is proven to increase attention, improve
learning and improve memory. These are all attributes that
help kids become better students. Yet our schools continue
to cut PE from their curriculum. We must put greater value
on physical activity in the school system and find a way to
support it.

Sweat or Stress

As the Canadian study suggests, physical activity can
actually make you smarter. Not only that, but exercise can
help prevent disorders like Alzheimer's disease,
Parkinson's disease and depression. It can even increase
your chances of recovering from a stroke or traumatic brain

Exercise causes a rise in several growth factors in the
brain that are responsible for helping brain cells survive
and divide into new brain cells, or neurons. One of the
brain areas producing new neurons is the hippocampus. The
hippocampus plays a critical role in learning, memory and
attention. Exercise helps new neurons grow in the
hippocampus, which helps improve performance on several
types of cognitive tasks.

Another important role of the hippocampus is in the
response to stress. In fact, studies show that a smaller
hippocampus is associated with anxiety disorders and
depression. Stress can damage the hippocampus and cause
neurons to die, the opposite of what happens when you

Folks that exercise regularly know that they are much more
capable of handling stress throughout their day than they
are when they don't exercise. This is, in part, because
exercise and stress have opposite effects on the
hippocampus and exercise improves your ‘buffer' to handle
the stress.

Interestingly, anti-depressants work in a similar way.
Although, we don't completely understand the exact
mechanism of anti-depressant action, we do know that
several classes of anti-depressants increase new neurons in
the hippocampus. They do the same thing that exercise does!

Like exercise, anti-depressants also induce new neuron
growth in the hippocampus. Psychiatrists have known for a
long time that patients experiencing depression respond
much better to therapy if they combine it with regular
exercise. In some cases, exercise alone is sufficient to
alleviate depressive symptoms. Personally, I'd rather see
doctors try a prescription for more physical activity and a
better diet before they send you to the pharmacist.

How fast is your Brain Aging?

Studies also show that exercise protects the brain from
aging and injury. Older adults that regularly exercise
perform better in cognitive tasks and have lower rates of
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. They also recover
stronger from strokes and from accidental brain injury.

One can argue that people who exercise have many factors in
their lives that can contribute to these findings. For
example, they smoke less, eat better, etc. However, studies
in laboratory animals support the idea that exercise alone
is protective. Animals that are exercised are protected
against traumatic brain injury in laboratory tests and
don't develop the extent of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
disease in model systems.

Studies also show that in addition to exercise's protective
role, it is a valuable therapeutic tool for brain function.
Fitness training improves cognitive functions relative to
planning, scheduling, task coordination and attention.
Adults that exercise have more grey matter, representing
more brain cells, than adults that don't exercise.

We know that on average, adults tend to maintain the
lifestyle values that they had as kids. So does it make
sense to stand bye and watch schools cut PE and
heart-pumping recess activities?

Dr. Simon Evans is a neuroscientist at the University of
Michigan and a nationally licensed youth sports coach. Are
your kids getting everything they need to reach their
potential? What barriers are holding your family back? Find
out at Dr. Evans website at http://www.thebraincode.com

This is a bigger problem in the USA, but here in the UK obesity problems
amongst children are increasing. There is a drive though from schools to
get more kids to eat healthier foods, and its more and more common for junk
food to be banned at school. Children, like their parents, probably don't
get enough exercise though.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts
Mixed martial arts, better known as MMA, is a form of
sports that involves the use of a mixture of martial art
combat techniques to win over the opponent. MMA has become
very popular in recent years and MMA championships like the
"UFC" or Ultimate Fighting Championships have become very

MMA began with pitting one martial art technique with
another under minimal rules, so that the martial art which
would be the most effective in day to day life could be
found. Modern mixed martial competitions have evolved from
such events, but rules are much stricter due to which, the
sport has been promoted into acceptance. However, there is
no centralized sanctioning authority for mixed martial arts
and the rules vary from place to place or organization to

Striking and grappling are the common techniques used in
MMA. Striking techniques involve kicks, knees and punches
while grappling techniques involve the use of holds, sweeps
and throws. Techniques like eye-gouging, biting and fish
hooking are considered illegal in most MMA competitions.
Other techniques like head butts, spinal locks and elbows
may or may not be considered legal in different MMA

In MMA competitions, victory is based on the judge's
decision, submission or knockout. A competitor's corner man
can also decide the outcome of the match and so can the
match doctor if the competitor is injured to an extent that
he/she can no longer fight properly.

Competitors participating in MMA have to train themselves
in a variety of fighting styles so that they can
effectively overcome their opponents. MMA training usually
involves stand up, clinch and ground combat. To make the
stand up combat effective, boxing and kickboxing are
taught. These improve kicking, punching, kneeing and most
important of all-footwork. Freestyle wrestling is taught to
improve clinching. Additionally, competitors are trained in
Muay Thai to improve the striking power during a clinch.
Training in Brazilian Jujitsu and Sambo improves ground
combat by improving the competitor's positioning. Further,
shoot wrestling, catch wrestling and judo are taught to
enhance the competitor's ground combat abilities.

Some of the best competitors are well rounded fighters.
But, they all specialize really well in one aspect of mixed
martial arts. Sometimes this style is so dominant that it
is overwhelming for the other opponent.

Success in modern martial arts lies in adapting many
styles. These styles have to be altered accordingly. Today,
MMA competitors do not train in a particular style but
train all the styles together. Flexibility plays a very
important role in succeeding in MMA competitions. MMA is
physically a very demanding sport and being competent is
the only key to success.

For more information, please go to our site:


10 Secrets to Keeping the Weight Off for Good

10 Secrets to Keeping the Weight Off for Good
What's interesting about weight loss is that many people
think that it's just a process that begins when you make
changes to lose weight and ends when you've lost all the

However, if you're not continuing with the changes that
you've made, you might find yourself back at the original
weight that you were. Instead of going up and down on the
scale, here are ten secrets that you can use to keep your
slim figure.

- Weight training works ­ Studies have shown that people
that have more muscle mass will burn more calories, even at
rest. Because of this fact, you will want to incorporate
some weight training into you maintenance plan so that as
you increase your calorie intake, you're able to burn them
off without any gain.

- Food journaling - When you write down what you eat, you
will be able to control the amount of food that you are
eating. Even if you only write down your food intake for a
few days a week, keeping an eye on how you're eating can
help alert you of problems before they become pounds.

- Daily exercise ­ When you want to keep the weight off,
exercise will need to become a part of your life. However,
this doesn't mean that you need to workout for hours each
day. Try to fit in thirty to sixty minutes of exercise
each day to keep extra weight at bay.

- Allow yourself treats ­ Life isn't about deprivation, so
neither should your new figure. When you've lost weight,
you have learned about how much you needed to eat in order
to cut back on calories. Once you've learned this, you can
also learn to have a treat every now and then, enjoying it
instead of overindulging in it.

- Look at making changes rather than dieting ­ When you're
looking to lose weight, the ‘sprint' approach isn't going
to be a long term fix. You need to permanently change your
eating habits in order to ensure that your weight stays at
its new position.

- Learn to make favorite recipes healthier ­ If you have a
favorite cheesecake recipe; why not learn how to make it
lower in fat and sugar? This way, you can still enjoy the
foods you love.

- Get support ­ You don't have to join a weight loss club
to do this, but telling your friends and family about your
goals can help to get everyone into supporting your
efforts. When you do this, people will start to recognize
that family gatherings should have healthy options as well
as not always revolve around food.

- Keep the stress away - Many people eat when they are
stressed, but when you've lost weight, you want to avoid
this kind of trigger. Instead, figure out ways that help
you deal with stress. What can you do instead of eating to
help calm down and relax?

- Watch your weight ­ Studies have shown that those that
regularly monitor their weight tend to keep off weight
better than those that don't. You don't have to get on the
scale every day, but weighing in once a week can help alert
you to when you might need to rethink that second slice of

- Recognize a slip up and forgive yourself ­ When you start
to get angry about mistakes, you can backslide into old
eating habits. You will have times when eating right will
be more difficult, but you will persevere.

Acknowledge that you made a poor eating choice (or several)
and then forgive yourself and eat better at the next meal.
There's no need to punish your self.

Keeping the weight off can actually be more difficult than
losing it in the first place, but when you're committed to
keeping trim, these tips will make sure that you do.

Lynn VanDyke is a master trainer and fitness nutritionist.
Her fitness site, http://www.strength-training-woman.com is
ranked within the top 1% of all websites. She has authored
the wildly popular ebook, Melt the Fat
(http://www.melt-the-fat.com). It is yielded as one of the
best fitness and nutrition ebooks available.

Fish or Fish oil supplements?

Fish or Fish oil supplements?
Both fish and fish oil supplements contain important
essential Omega 3 fatty acids needed for good health, but
as we will see, it isn't just any old fish and nor is it
any old fish oil that can do the job properly.

The Paradox

Today's consumers must be very confused about seemingly
contradictory advice about eating fish. The food standards
agency says most people should be eating more oily fish
like Salmon, Tuna, Herring and Mackerel, because the Omega
3 fatty acids they contain are good for our health. But at
the same time they limit the recommended daily amounts to 2
portions of oily fish a week for women and girls who may
want to have a baby one day and for breastfeeding mothers,
and 4 portions for everyone else. So first we are told to
eat more fish in order to gain the extraordinary health
benefits of Omega 3, but then we are told not to eat too
much because our fish are polluted with toxins,
particularly methylmercury. What are we supposed to do with
this advice? Perhaps we should look at how much Omega 3 we
actually need.

Omega 3 - how much is enough?

No official recommendation exists as to how much Omega 3 is
required for optimum health but on an individual basis the
ideal amount is linked to our intake of Omega 6. The more
Omega 6 fatty acids that we consume, the more Omega 3 fatty
acids we need to counteract the imbalance. First of all it
might help to explain that the body is unable to synthesise
Omega 3, or Omega 6 fatty acids for that matter, so we have
to rely totally on our diets to get them. Now here's the
astounding part.

Most of us today are eating diets that are deficient in the
anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids but excessive in
pro-inflammatory Omega 6. Over the past 70 years or so our
consumption of fish has drastically diminished and at the
same time we are eating more processed foods, grains and
vegetable oils. These foods aren't bad in themselves it is
just that this imbalance in our diets is believed by some
to be the root cause of a huge rise in inflammatory
conditions, heart disease and depressive disorders, hence
the need for more Omega 3.

The important Omega 3 fatty acids are Eicosapentaenoic acid
and Docosahexaenoic acid or EPA and DHA. Generally
speaking, 1g of EPA/DHA daily is considered enough for
everyone. To give you an idea of what this equates to in
real terms, to get this amount of EPA/DHA from the diet,
you would have to consume a 3-oz portion of salmon every
single day, seven days a week.

Bearing in mind the toxicity problem, one might think it's
safer to get Omega 3 from fish oil supplements, but here's
the 'catch'. Fish oil is made from the very same fish in
the sea, so it stands to reason that fish oil supplements
can be toxic too unless of course the fish oil has been

What types of fish oils are there and which one is best?

To put it simply, there are basically 3 types of fish oil

• Cod Liver Oil
• Standard fish oil
• High-grade concentrated fish oil

Cod liver oil is produced from the liver of fish and
although contains high amounts of Omega 3, the liver is
where most of the toxins are stored and so potentially, cod
liver oil can contain a high level of pollutants. Cod
liver oil also contains high amounts of vitamin A and D and
too much can result in Vitamin A toxicity.

Standard fish oils are produced from the flesh of the fish
as opposed to the liver of fish but again, they can contain
impurities as whatever was in the fish at the time it was
caught is transferred to the oil. The amount of Omega 3
fatty acids they contain can also vary depending on a
number of factors including the time of year, environmental
conditions etc.

High-grade concentrated fish oil has an advantage over the
others in that not only has all the impurities been
removed, the oil can be concentrated to contain much higher
levels of Omega 3. For example, concentrations of 70% EPA
is possible and so fewer capsules are required in order to
produce the same effect. With some of the standard fish
oils, 5 or 6 capsules are required every day. EPA is
rapidly gaining recognition as the most important fatty
acid as the body can produce DHA when enough EPA is present
but this isn't effective the other way round.


To date there has been no real studies done on whether
there is a significant difference or benefit in getting
Omega 3 from fresh fish or from fish oil supplements.
However, as it stands today, it would appear that the only
way to ensure a healthy intake of Omega 3 without the risk
of harmful pollutants is to take a high-grade fish oil
supplement that has been through processes to filter out
the impurities.

Dave McEvoy is an expert in EPA with over 20 years
experience; for more information about fish oil and how it
can help come and visit. http://www.mind1st.co.uk

Monday, October 23, 2006

How You Can Fulfil Your Nutritional Needs With An Instant Pudding

Did you ever consider that pudding may be your answer to
all your nutritional needs? The High N.R.G. instant
pudding can be used as a daily nutritional supplement to
help keep you healthy and energized. By using 350 mg of
potassium the instant pudding allows you to feel recharged
and revitalized after a couple mixings. The best thing
about it is it is quick and simple to prepare and can be
used as a meal replacement.

The High N.R.G. instant pudding is a versatile product that
allows you to get the nutritional supplements missing in
your life. However, it can also be used as a weight loss
or weight gain product. Depending on the amounts you eat
per day and the size of serving you take in will determine
how the instant pudding is used.

It is possible to lose up to 40 pounds in just 30 days with
the use of the instant pudding. The pudding is filling and
can be used as a replacement for your daily meal if you do
choose to use it as a dietary supplement. The pudding is
extremely flavorful but only consists of 160 gross
calories. If you were to eliminate the 3 grams of fiber in
the pudding that consists of 60 calories, the instant
pudding qualifies for a 100 net calorie product.

When using the pudding to gain weight you will increase the
amount you eat per day. By taking the right amount and not
missing a single pudding meal you can gain up to 5 pounds
in 30 days. You can gain more after the first 30 days as
well, but it is vital that you are true to yourself and do
not miss a meal.

As mentioned above the instant pudding is an extremely
flavorful taste that consists of rich dark chocolate. You
can make a serving of the pudding and have it ready to eat
in about one minute. Because of the ease to make and mix
and how quickly it is to whip up, it makes it a convenient
nutritional supplement.

Too many times dietary and nutritional supplements require
you to change your daily meal diet and decide for you when
you can eat and how much. It is because of this that many
people quit before they see any progress. With the instant
pudding it is just the opposite as it is important that you
do NOT change any part of your daily diet. This will allow
you to stay energized and gain the nutrition you may be
missing in your life.

There are many advantages to the High N.R.G. instant
pudding that make this product stand out above any other.
Because of the flavorful taste and the ease to make, the
instant pudding is a product that can be used by any in the
family and for all purposes. Regardless of the main use of
the product, it will provide you with nutrition that you
may be missing in your life right now.

Luanne Ribble, President of Q.U.I.C. offers a risk free way
to try the amazing NRG Products so you can FEEL the
difference for yourself. Find out more about the High
N.R.G. Products, available at =>


Shin Splints

Shin Splints
Shin splints is a very common ailment that affects athletes
but can also occur in the non-athletic individual. It is
an inflammatory condition occurring either in the front of
the lower leg or in the back. The cause for each is

Typically, with shin splints, a person will be doing some
kind of athletic endeavor (walking a long distance would
qualify), and begin to notice soreness in the lower leg,
either in the front or back of the leg. The more the
person moves the more the condition worsen. Should the
person stop, the pain will diminish somewhat only to worsen
once the activity is resumed.

Anterior shin splints, or pain in the front of the lower
leg, may be more prevalent running on hard surfaces, or
running or walking down hill. After the heel hits the
ground, in gait, the foot should slow down in order for the
front of the foot to hit the ground. People with a tight
heel cord (Achilles tendon), do not allow the foot to slow
down so the muscles that control the forefoot and originate
in the front of the lower leg are forced to overwork. This
overworking of the muscle causes the muscle to swell and
since the muscle is in a confined location in the lower
leg, the swelling causes pain.

Posterior shin splints generally occur when in people who
are moderately to severely pronated or more commonly known
as flat footed. People who exhibit this type of foot
structure force their feet to overwork, thus causing the
muscles in the back of the lower leg to also overwork.
Again, this overworking causes the muscle to swell and
since it too is in a confined space, pain will occur.

As previously stated this condition generally occurs in
athletic people, but people exhibiting certain types of
foot structure, who are called upon to do a fair amount of
walking can also experience shin splints.

Symptomatic treatment of the condition is through the use
of icing the area and taking anti inflammatory medication
such as aspirin, Aleve, Motrin, Advil, etc. Also, avoiding
the type of walking surface that caused the problem would
be indicated. This is acceptable treatment for the short
term, but not considered a solution to the problem.

The best way to alleviate the problem on a permanent basis
is to have your feet examined by a foot specialist to
determine the type of foot structure you exhibit and thus
find the cause of the problem. Generally, an orthotic,
usually a prescription type of device will be indicated,
but certain individuals may also experience relief with an
over the counter type device. In addition to an orthotic,
the athletic individual should also examine his athletic
shoes as there are various types of shoes on the market,
many of which may help correct the abnormality in the foot
structure and thus relieve the symptoms.

The non-athlete should also examine his or her shoes as
flimsy type shoes may exacerbate the abnormality in that
person's foot structure and bring about the pain associated
with shin splints.

Other conditions that may mimic shin splints include stress
fractures of the lower leg, along with muscle tears.
Anyone who is suffering from shin splints that do not
respond to the above mentioned treatments should consider
having an MRI to rule out theses possibilities.

Lastly, a condition that mimics shin splints but has the
potential for more serious consequences is known as
"anterior compartment syndrome". It is basically a more
severe form of anterior shin splints, however, in this case
the excessive swelling of the muscle will cause excessive
pressure on the nerves resulting in numbness in the area
and weakening of the muscles into the foot. Equally
important, the blood supply in the affected area is cut
off. The patient will complain of numbness in the foot and
leg, along with pallor (due to the circulation being cut
off), along with excessive pain. This is considered a
medical emergency and immediate medical care is indicated.

A practicing podiatrist with over 25 years experience
treating disorders of the foot, ankle and lower leg.


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cholesterol and Heart

Eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise are perhaps the best ways
of managing your cholesterol levels as the article below explains. All it
takes is a brisk walk for 30 minutes three times a week, and you're well on
your way to forming the exercise habit. Combine this with a low fat diet
and you should start to get your cholesterol levels under control.

Cholesterol and Heart
Copyright (c) 2006 Alvin Toh

It is important to maintain a healthy cholesterol level
irrespective of your age. Coronary heart disease is the
main cause of death in America. There are several
contributing risk factors to heart disease and cholesterol
is one of them that can be controlled. Not all cholesterol
is bad, so a good understanding and knowledge of the facts
about cholesterol can help you to live a healthier life.

Cholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance found in the
body's cells and bloodstream. You can get cholesterol in
two ways. Cholesterol is produced by your liver. It is also
found in animal products with high saturated fat such as
meat, seafood, poultry, and dairy products. Processed foods
are another culprit as they contain trans-fatty acids that
can raise cholesterol.

Cholesterol is essential to maintain healthy bodily
functions such as producing bile that aids with digestion,
protecting nerve fibers, building cell membranes, creating
hormones, and synthesis of vitamin D. Too much of it,
however, is not healthy for the body. It can clog our
arteries, thus leading to heart attack or stroke.

There are two types of cholesterol, high density
lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL). HDL
is also called the good cholesterol because it can protect
the heart while LDL is the bad cholesterol because it can
clog arteries. We need these 2 types of cholesterol in our
bodies but in the right balance. The health concern of
cholesterol refers to excessive amount of LDL and
insufficient amount of HDL in the body.

Excessive LDL cholesterol in our bodies builds up in inner
walls of arteries that supply the heart and brain. It forms
a plague that clogs the arteries. A clot that blocks the
blood flow to the heart or brain can cause a heart attack
or stroke.

Why is HDL considered as good cholesterol? It carries the
bad cholesterol, LDL from the arteries to the liver to be
excreted from the body. As high level of HDL protects
against heart disease, you want more of HDL than LDL in
your body.

The link between cholesterol and heart disease has been
established in numerous studies. High cholesterol level is
a main risk for coronary heart disease. Cholesterol can be
managed through a heart-healthy diet, regular exercise,
regular screening, weight control, medications, avoid
smoking and drinking. A healthy diet and lifestyle can
prevent and reduce your risk of developing heart attack,
stroke and other diseases.

Can cholesterol-lowering drugs do you more harm than good?
There are ways to manage your cholesterol level without
relying on the long-term use of cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Find out how you can do so at

All cholesterol in the diet is not bad, but if you have any concerns of
this nature you should consult a qualified health practitioner. Information
is presented here for entertainment and educational purposes and is not
intended to replace that of your doctor or health professional.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Pumpkin Power! Superfood Virtues Beyond Pumpkin Carving!

Pumpkin Power! Superfood Virtues Beyond Pumpkin Carving!
Pumpkin is at the heart of Halloween festivities, and for
many is the only experience they have of the squash all
season. This is usually for the joys of pumpkin carving
rather than cooking. When you discover just how healthy
pumpkins are however, you'll realise that pumpkin recipes
are just as worth getting excited about and that it would
be foolish not to eat the remaining flesh left over from
your pumpkin carving. (As a note, if you're rolling up your
sleeves ready to tackle your orange fellow there are plenty
of free pumpkin carving pattern ideas available on the

Pumpkin is a superfood indeed. In fact, it's not just the
inner meat of a pumpkin that's virtuous but its seeds are
super nutritous too and contain a wealth of
health-promoting properties. Like melons, cucumber, and
squash, pumpkins belong to the gourd family. They were much
celebrated by Native American Indians who made use of their
flesh and seeds for culinary and medicinal purposes.
Pumpkin flesh is high in fibre and vitamins C and E,
magnesium and potassium and a staggering quantity and
variety of carotenoids, being one of the most abundant
natural sources of these amazing phytonutrients.

Dietary carotenoids correlate with lower a risk of numerous
cancers, heart disease, cataracts and blindness. Pumpkin
contains heaps of beta-carotene as well as a huge
concentration of alpha-carotene, with just a quarter of a
cup yielding the recommended daily amount. Alpha-carotene
protects against certain cancers and cataracts, and has
also been discovered to be a powerful ally against aging.

Both alpha- and beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin
A within the body, which plays an essential role in growth,
development and immunity. Beta-carotene is a potent
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent and prevents
cholesterol build up in blood vessels that could lead to
stroke or heart attack. The presence of magnesium,
potassium and folate in pumpkin heightens its
heart-friendly attributes. Beta-carotene works most
effectively in combination with other carotenoids and has
been found to reduce the risk of lung and colon cancer in

When exploring pumpkin recipes experiment with other
squashes too. There are numerous types in all shapes and
sizes with many similar nutritional values. One tasty
alternative is the butternut squash.

Pumpkins yield delicious and highly nutritious seeds. Known
as pepitas, they are dark green and flat with a chewy
texture and rich nutty flavour. These seeds are dense in
minerals, with just a quarter of a cup providing
approximately half the daily recommended dose for magnesium
and iron, in addition to high doses of zinc, phosphorous,
potassium, selenium, manganese and copper. They also
contain the amino acid tryptophan known for anti-depressant
qualities, and essential fatty acids.

The dark green oil produced from pumpkin seeds has been
used throughout history in India, Europe and America to
fight parasites, aid the digestive tract and help with
prostate and reproductive disorders. It has also been
recommended for pregnant and lactating women because of its
high content of essential fatty acids.

Pumpkin seeds have been found to help prevent against
prostate gland enlargement due to the chemical substances
called cucurbitacins it contains. The essential fatty acids
in pumpkin seeds are also necessary for prostate health,
and zinc (which pumpkin seeds are especially high in) is
great for the reproductive systems and has been shown to
reduce prostate size.

The L-tryptophan in pumpkin seeds is known to have
anti-depressant properties, so it is suggested eating them
can elevate your mood. Pumpkin seeds also contain omega-3
fatty acids known for their role in improving mental
function, alleviating depression and aiding memory. Both
the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in pumpkin
seeds have a broad range of health functions in the body.

So, for a smashing pumpkin Halloween, as well enjoying
carving pumpkins, check out some tasty pumpkin recipes so
you can benefit from the super healthy flesh of your
pumpkin carving remains, and throw a handful of pumpkin
seeds on top for that extra nutritional boost!


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Elliptical Trainer Comparison - How To Make An Accurate Elliptical Comparison Before Buying

>If you're buying a home elliptical trainer, you'll probably
>want to make several comparisons before you buy. With
>ellipticals skyrocketing in popularity, there are more and more
>new models out each year. This can make choosing the right
>machine a challenge.
>This article will give you 3 easy tips when making an
>elliptical trainer comparison. You'll learn what you need to
>look for and how to find the best machine for your personal
>workout needs.
>Follow these tips and you're guaranteed to choose the best
>elliptical for you!
>1) Compare Apples To Apples
>There are 2 places to buy a crosstrainer - online and at a
>store. It's not fair to compare ellipticals sold online to
>ellipticals sold at a store. They are two different animals.
>For example, at a store, you get to try out the trainer before
>buying. However the disadvantage is that you'll also pay more
>for it. Stores usually sell a limited number of brands as well,
>which will limit the models you can compare. If you want to
>compare more machines you have to locate and drive to the
>various stores around your neighbourhood.
>When you buy online you can compare a large selection of
>ellipticals from the comfort of your own home. You can also
>save money. For example, there are several elliptical trainer
>wholesalers that sell directly to the consumer and can save you
>up to 45% off retail prices. You can often find deals on
>shipping and sales tax as well.
>So for example, a trainer that runs approximately $1500 in a
>store might cost you $999 online. So to be accurate, make sure
>you compare online to online and store to store ellipticals.
>2) Know the Key Ingredients to a Quality Machine
>Lots of features make a great elliptical trainer. (For example
>number of programs, construction, availability of arm bars,
>forward and backward motions, etc.) However there are 3
>essential features to any high quality elliptical. They are:
>Brand Name
>Smoothness of Ride
>Excellent brand names build great machines (the majority of the
>time). They have the experience, reputation and know-how that
>you're looking for when you buy. When you research look for
>names that keep coming up over and over again which will give
>you a sense of which brands are best.
>Smoothness of the elliptical ride encompasses everything from
>stride length to properly aligned armbars to the proper
>alignment of footpads. Cheaper units don't always have the
>alignment right which can cause a jerky ride and result in a
>less efficient workout.
>The warranty gives you a good idea of the quality of
>construction. Look for a lengthy warranty as that tells you
>that the elliptical was built to last and to stand up under
>fairly frequent use. Try to steer clear of the 90 day
>warranties you get with most department store brands if you
>can. (Unless you like returning a 200 pound piece of equipment
>to the store).
>3) Know What You Need When You Compare Machines
>It's always great to get a bargain but also try to think in
>terms of your workout goals. For example, are you planning to
>exercise regularly? You'll need a medium or high end
>crosstrainer built to withstand freqent use.
>Do you like to pick up the pace when working out? You may want
>to select a highly stable piece of equipment with a higher user
>weight capacity.
>What about other people who will be using the elliptical? Do
>they have height, weight or workout considerations?
>By knowing these things when you compare elliptical trainers,
>you'll be able to choose a machine that best fits your needs
>(instead of just choosing the one that's on sale this week).
>You'll get more out of your investment and be much happier with
>your purchase.
>That's it - now you're way ahead of 99% of people buying an
>elliptical trainer! Just remember that with elliptical
>trainers, you do get what you pay for - so don't skimp when it
>comes to your health!
>About The Author: Kathryn O'Neill is chief editor for
>http://www.EllipticalTrainerReview.com - a consumer oriented
>website focusing on the home elliptical trainer market. For the
>latest elliptical Best Buys visit:

Nitric Oxide: Will It Help You Lose Weight & Burn Fat?

Nitric Oxide: Will It Help You Lose Weight & Burn Fat?
Copyright (c) 2006 Jonathan Perez

Nitric Oxide, also know as "N.O.", is one of the latest
supplements to hit the market, promising lean muscle tone
and a sculpted body, enhancing the weight loss and fat
burning appearance.

Can this supplement in fact help you to tone up, lose
weight, and burn body fat?

If you believe what all the magazines are saying , then I
have some land in the Everglades I'd like to sell you.

The bottom line behind nitric oxide supplements (when you
shuffle through all the "mumbo-jumbo" sales pitch and hype
that are in the ads that promote these products) is that it
is a "vasodilator", which simply means that it supposedly
dilates, or opens up, your blood vessels.

This "opening" up wider of the blood vessels supposedly
will allow more blood to flow to the working muscles, which
will supposedly "enhance" the pump, which will supposedly
engorge them and make them larger, helping you build lean
muscle tissue, which helps speed up your metabolic rate,
which in turn will speed up any weight loss or fat burning
that goes on.

Well, there are 2 major points that have to be considered
here when evaluating how well they truly are in helping you:

1) Does nitric oxide really open up the blood vessels?

2) Is getting a "massive pump" important if you are trying
to build lean, toned muscle to raise the metabolic rate and
burn fat and lose weight?

If and how much nitric oxide dilates your blood vessels is
still a topic in discussion.

There have been no un-biased, independent, peer-reviewed
studies done on this to make it conclusive.

So, we really can't say "yes" or "no".

However, let's play "make believe" and pretend that "yes",
nitric oxide supplements do allow more blood to flow into a
working muscle.

If that's the case, then let's consider the next point.

Do you need to get a big blood pump into the muscle to
develop or tone it?

Will it help the weight loss / fat burning process?

Just about everyone thinks that "yes", you must get a pump
in a muscle to build it.

However, when you are training a muscle in reality you
aren't pushing or sending more blood to the muscle.

What's actually happening is that when the fibers contract
the area inside of the muscle gets smaller, which results
in the blood that's already in there to become trapped and
the pressure increased.

So, in reality, there isn't more blood going into the
muscle, there's actually less since the blood that's in
there is trapped, cannot leave, nor allow fresh blood to

That's also why as you continue to do reps you begin to
feel the "burning" sensation in the working muscle.

That's a major sign that there is no oxygen anymore inside
the blood that's in the muscle.

When there is no oxygen in the blood it creates a chemical
called lactic acid.

Lactic acid is what causes this "burning" feeling.

There is no oxygen in the blood because fresh blood can't
get in there with new oxygen and nutrients!

Plus, you can do 1000 reps of an exercise using a 20 pound
dumbbell and get a major pump.

But I guarantee you that you won't build as toned of a
muscle as if you were to use heavier weight, even though it
may not make it easier to get as big a "pump".

So all of this "hoopla" about nitric oxide supplements
allowing you to get a better pump to build more lean muscle
mass, enhancing the metabolism, weight loss, and fat
burning systems is nothing but hype!!!!

It won't help you lose one ounce of fat / weight.

You watch and see, shortly all of these "N.O." supplements
are going to fade into the shadows and some new powder or
pill is going to be the new "talk of the town", I guarantee

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