Thursday, November 30, 2006

Are Exercising to Burn Fat and Exercising to Burn Calories the Same Thing?

Are Exercising to Burn Fat and Exercising to Burn Calories the Same Thing?
Copyright (c) 2006 Ainsley Laing

Over the weekend, a really good friend was discussing how
he "just can't seem to lose 2 kilos". He feels that it is
fat weight and we discussed ways in which he can change his
workout to optimize fat loss. This got me started thinking
about how many different methods of fat loss and fads have
come and gone over the many years that I have been a
fitness instructor.

If there is one thing I have learned ­ exercising
regularly over time will work to burn fat. The methods that
work for each individual vary depending on the individual's
weight, cardiovascular fitness level, activity level,
metabolism, muscle development, size and even gender!

For all of us, though, if we eat more than our body
requires ­ we either store it as fat or have to "burn it

The body at rest uses energy (calories) to power the
organs, brain, cardiovascular system, immune system and
skeletal muscle. In other words, all of the cells of the
body require energy. The rate in which the body uses energy
to function is known as the basal metabolic rate. There
are two other areas of calorie requirements, one known as
the thermic effect of eating (energy required to digest
food) and the thermic effect of exercise.

So how does the body convert energy for use during
exercise? There are 3 principle metabolic pathways, which
are the ways in which the body produces Adenosine
Triphosphate (ATP). I promise not to go too technical here
and risk boring you…

1. The ATP-PCr System

This is used during the first few seconds of exercise.
Creatine phosphate (PCr) in the blood is used to produce
ATP which powers the cells.

2. The Glycolytic System

Glycolysis means the breakdown of glucose. The body uses
this system for the first few minutes of exercise. If the
exercise is very intense (say sprinting), glucose in the
blood is used without oxygen and the by product of this
will be lactic acid. After a while, the lactic acid
accumulates (the burning sensation in the muscle) and leads
to muscle failure. This is known as anaerobic or fast
glycolysis. If the exercise is less intense (jogging),
glucose in the blood is used with oxygen to produce ATP and
the by product will be pyruvate which then is used by the
oxidative system below. This is known as aerobic or slow

3. The Oxidative System

This system is has 4 parts which I definitely won't go into
except to give you the names: slow glycolysis (discussed
above), the Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain and Beta
Oxidation It is in this system, fats more than
carbohydrates (glucose) are used to generate ATP. This
process is called lipolysis. The fat produces more
"energy" (ATP molecules), but also requires more oxygen.

What Does It All Mean?

In order to burn more fat, the intensity level must be
kept at a level that is sustainable for long enough to move
into the "fat burning zone" or Oxidative System.

Most people have about 2 hours of stored glycogen (glucose)
in the muscle when exercising at moderate intensity. So
it's safe to assume that unless you are running a marathon,
you are using both stored glucose and fat when doing your
aerobic training. This applies to whatever type of aerobic
training you choose.Weight training, on the other hand,
relies on stored available carbohydrate (glucose) because
the short duration/high intensity of each lift doesn't call
for the body to burn fat for fuel.

The argument that low intensity long duration exercise
burns a greater percentage of calories from fat still
stands. Example: a comparison of the calories expended by
the same person walking for 1 hour and jogging for 1 hour
reveals that the walking burns a much greater percentage of
calories from fat although the overall calorie expenditure
is lower.

In terms of just pure calorie consumption during exercise ­
the more oxygen you use the greater your calorie use. If
we look at the Oxidative System which uses fat, but
requires more oxygen to do, we can infer that working out
at medium intensity for longer durations will burn more
calories AND a higher percentage of fat.

The current thinking is that the more muscle groups engaged
during the activity (example: aerobic dance with arms and
legs), the harder the body works requiring more oxygen and
more calories. Do it long enough, the body will burn a
higher percentage of fat.

There's a lot of discussion about the "afterburn" or the
thermic effect of exercise recovery. Yes, the body does
burn energy to recover. A more intense workout requires
more energy to recover ­ hence more calories burned after
the workout.

There are many fitness programs that advocate interval
aerobics for fat burning. There are just as many that
advocate long duration aerobics for fat burning. I
advocate a combination of the 2. Both will burn fat. Each
has benefits beyond fat burning.

Interval training increases your cardiovascular strength,
output, heart rate recovery and produces a stronger

Long duration trains the cardiovascular system to sustain
an increased load for a longer period of time and teaches
the body to convert fat to energy more efficiently for use
during exercise (endurance).

Whatever aerobic activity a person does, the key is to keep
doing it. Why? The more a person exercises, the more
efficient the body becomes at converting and using
available carbohydrate and fat. So… regular aerobic
exercise over a long period of time is more important for
fat and calorie burning than which method used.

About the Author:
Ainsley Laing, MSc. has been a Fitness Trainer for 25 years
and writes exclusively Body for Mind eZine. She holds
certifications in Group Exercise, Sports Nutrition and
Personal Fitness Training. To see more articles by Ainsley

Anti-Aging Regimen: It Pays Off

Anti-Aging Regimen: It Pays Off
If you want to be in charge of your aging process (and you
can be), having a plan that includes a daily "do or die"
regimen is vital. It must also be automatic. Discussion
with yourself about "should I or shouldn't I do it today,
or "do I have time today" isn't allowed. You just do it.
That's one of my major rules to successfully control the
aging process.

What is a regimen? It's any system or procedure you devise
that you believe is essential to maintain and improve your
health. It should also help you be where you want your
health and life to be in 25 years.

My daily regimen includes (among other things) taking
supplements. For example, first thing in the morning, I
whip up in a blender my "wakeup potion." It consists of
calcium ascorbate crystals, collagen powder, a potent
greens powder and a dynamite vitamin powder, water and some
orange juice.

Why this mixture?

I've been taking calcium ascorbate crystals for years.
It's a non acidic form of vitamin C, so it's easy on the
stomach. It's tasteless and soluble in water. I take about
10 grams (10,000 milligrams). The government, knowing what
is best for us, says the minimum daily requirement for
vitamin C is about 50 milligrams. That dose is better than
nothing at all, but it's useless to help control the
ravages of aging.

I use collagen powder to help support bones and joints and
above all, to keep my skin smooth. Cosmetic creams that
contain collagen or promote collagen production are good,
but you can't beat collagen taken internally for maximum

Using a potent greens powder is essential for two reasons.
First, you want to keep your body in an alkaline state. The
greens powder helps to do that. It would be better to juice
your own fresh greens, but who has time?

Why is it important to be alkaline? I believe cancer can't
survive in an alkaline environment. If you wonder what
state your body is in, go to the health food store or a
pharmacy and purchase test strips to determine
acidity/alkalinity. Put a strip on your tongue. If you are
in an alkaline state, the paper will turn green. If it
turns yellow, you are in an acid state. A
yellowish-greenish color somewhere in the middle is okay.

The other reason I use a greens powder is that it's almost
impossible to eat enough green vegetables. Eating a serving
of broccoli or spinach grown in deficient soil, treated
with chemicals to extend shelf life and sprayed with
pesticide does little to enhance health.

Finally, I use a "souped up" vitamin powder for the same
reason that I don't count on daily intake of vegetables or
fruit to provide the nutrients needed to maintain and
protect health.

Having a regimen pays off and I encourage you to develop
one of your own. In 25 years, when you look and feel as
good as you did 25 years earlier, you will be glad you did!

Barbara Morris, R.Ph. is a pharmacist and youth
preservation strategist. She is author of Put Old on Hold.
Sign up for her monthly newsletter at and receive free ebook, "Twelve
Unique Diva Tested Tips for Fabulous Skin."

6 Reasons Why Exercise Programs Fail

6 Reasons Why Exercise Programs Fail
Failure to set goals ­ Goal setting is one of the most
important aspects in anything you attempt. What do you want
to accomplish and in what time frame? If you don't have
concrete goals, you don't have a plan.

You should set short-term goals, (daily and/or weekly) as
well as long-term goals (monthly and/or yearly). Goals give
you vision and depth. They allow you to work toward
something, rather than floating around aimlessly with
nothing to shoot for.

Jumping in with both feet ­ Jumping into a fitness program
with both feet is very common. Many times people get all
ho-hum with their goals and exercise program and have a
do-or-die attitude. Granted, it's a good attitude to have,
but it can also be a legacy.

Begin your program slowly by taking small successful steps
each day, week, and month rather than just diving into the
program and hitting rock bottom suddenly. You must have
elbow room to ensure success. The body does respond to
small amounts of exercise and those who begin by doing too
much too quickly end up on the sidelines due to burnout.

Carrying all your eggs in one basket ­ All too often, many
people begin their fitness endeavors by cutting calories,
adding endless hours of cardio, and popping weight loss
supplements left and right. Your body adapts very quickly
and if you use all your resources at one time, you won't
have anything to fall back on when you hit a stalling point.

Begin lowering calories slowly and adding cardio slowly.
Keep harmony and balance. After a few weeks you can
incorporate the supplement of your choice to help give the
body a boost.

Not knowing where to begin ­ Not knowing where to begin is
not uncommon. Many people don't have a starting point or
know how to create one. Establishing a starting point is
crucial and can be a significant factor in your success.

A quality starting point should include your current body
status (weight and body fat percentage). This will allow
you to determine your caloric base and macro nutrient
intake. In addition to your stats, you need to make a
fitness plan to include resistance training and cardio to
build lean muscle and decrease body fat.

Not following the fitness plan ­ Many create wonderful
fitness programs, yet fail to follow it properly. This can
be anything from not doing it at all or simply doing too
much. Most of the time my focus is on those not following
it, but in this case I want to tap on those who do follow
it, but in excess.

If you create a plan of weight training four days a week
for 45 to 60 minutes and cardio for four days a week for 30
minutes for the first week and cardio 40 minutes the second
week, then do that. Don't overstate your cardio before it's
time. More is not better. It's how you implement it.

Improper nutrition ­ You can exercise until you are blue in
the face and you won't see desired results until your
nutrition is in order. Many venturing onto a fitness
program choose poor quality food rather than whole food
that nourishes the body.

For continual success in your fitness endeavors, set short
and long-term goals, pace yourself, create a fitness
program and follow it as prescribed. Staying consistent on
your program will ensure success.

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988.
She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two
personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks
on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform
their bodies.

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Abdominal Muscle Exercises

Abdominal Muscle Exercises
As a personal trainer, I get asked this question at least
once a day, "Which the best exercises to get firm, flat and
toned abdominals?" It's not an easy question to address,
since there are hundreds of abdominal exercises.

Let's face it. Our eyes gravitate towards a flat and well
toned abdominal region. We all want that elusive flat, firm
and enviable look of 'washboard abs'. The muscles of your
abdominal region, and indeed the midsection aren't
isolated; they weave through your torso like a web of
high-tensile steel, and it's critical to train them the
right way.

So how do you get results fast? A recent study by the
American Council on Exercise has the answer. Let's discover
the 3 most effective exercises to get flat abdominals, the
correct way to breathe during abdominal exercises and tips
and tricks to get results faster. I have integrated these
exercises to help thousands of clients get results. You can
view my clients in action with exercise videos and download
full color abdominal exercise routines, diet plans and
ebooks by registering on my websites mentioned at the end
of this article.

A California study conducted by the American Council on
Exercise has determined that the classic sit-up is not the
best answer for stronger, flatter abdominals. The
conclusions were intriguing, to say the least. The
traditional sit-up was among the least effective abdominal
muscle exercises.

Sit-ups (in which you raise your trunk up from the floor
with your knees straight or bent) involve the hip muscles
disproportionately relative to the abdominals. This means
the hip muscles work more and the abdominal muscles work
less i.e they are not getting trained in the right manner.
In addition, there is an unnecessary (and potentially
harmful) strain on the lower back. The sit-up is not only
ineffective, but potentially harmful.

There's more, and it's equally surprising. The study
indicated that several gadgets for the abdominals were
either ineffective or marginally more effective than a
regular abdominal crunch, which doesn't cost you anything,
other than the time required to learn the right technique.

Now for the big news. The top three abdominal muscle
exercises were:

The Bicycle maneuver. The Captains Chair. Crunch on an
exercise ball.

For best results.

Start with 2-3 sets of each exercise, 8-10 repetitions.
Increase by 8-10 repetitions each week till you work your
way up to a set of 40 repetitions in each set. 2 sets of
35-40 repetitions a day for the abdominals is ideal, and
you do not need to train more than that.

Breathing during abdominal muscle exercises.

With all abdominal muscle exercises, exhale as you contract
/ exert / come up / crunch your abdominals; inhale as you
relax / lower / return to the starting position.

Points to remember.

1. If you have lower back injuries or pain, consult a
doctor before you begin, so you don't hurt yourself. Also
see a physician if you are over 35, have been sedentary for
a long time, have high blood pressure and/or cholesterol,
are a smoker, have chest pains or shortness of breath or
have had a joint or muscle injury.

2. It's not the number of repetitions, but the quality and
technique that gets results. Overdoing sit-ups can hurt
your lower back. Besides, the best way to get those flat
lower abdominal muscles is to be patient for 8-10 weeks,
eat a healthy diet and do regular aerobic exercise.

For more information about abdominal exercises and to
download free and full-color exercise routines, diet plans
and grocery lists, visit . For free
bonuses and exercise for women, visit . To train with Nitin
Chhoda, visit

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What you should do for Your Ankle Sprain

What you should do for Your Ankle Sprain
Copyright (c) 2006 Ted Crawford

Ankle injuries account for about two million injuries per
year and about 20% of all sports injuries in the United

An ankle sprain results when you turn or twist your ankle
in an unusual way and the ligaments over stretch or tear.
When you sprain your ankle, your ankle will hurt even if
you aren't standing on it. Your ankle will swell, be
bruised, and you may not be able to put weight on it or be
able to move it very much.

You should go to the doctor if your ankle hurts to the
point that you cannot stand on it or if your ankle and foot
feel cold or numb. Most ankle sprains DO NOT require an
xray. Your doctor will determine if you require one or not
to rule out a fracture.

Here is what you can do it your sprain your ankle. Take a
pain reliever and anti-inflammatory medication like
Ibuprofen or Naproxen to help with the pain and swelling.
Elevate your injured limb and ice your ankle and wrap it
with an ACE bandage. You should stay off of your ankle
the first day and merely keep it iced off and on, wrapped
(to reduce swelling) and elevate.

Two to three days after the injury you should begin
exercising the injured ankle. If your doctor tells you it
is OK to go ahead and exercise your ankle, here is a good
outline of what to do.

Ice and elevate your ankle for 10-15 minutes. Then:

TOE RAISES: Keeping your knee straight, pull your toes
toward you. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

HEEL RAISES: Keeping your knee straight, point your toes
away from you. Hold 10-15 seconds.

ANKLE CIRCLES: Sit either in a chair or on the floor and
move your ankle from side to side and up and down and
around in circles. Perform 5 to 10 circles in each

SITTING & STANDING HEEL RAISES: Sit in a chair with the
injured foot on the ground. Slowly raise the heel of the
injured foot while keeping the toes on the ground. Return
the heel to the floor. Repeat 10 times.

BALANCING: Stand and place a chair next to your uninjured
foot to balance you. Initially, stand on the inured foot
for 30 seconds. Slowly increase this to up to three
minutes at a time.

Optimally, your should do these exercises at least 2-3
times a day to improve your function, decrease the swelling
and pain, and limit the stiffness in your injured ankle

Dr. Ted Crawford is a family practice physican in Tucson,
Arizona and has a website devoted to helping patients find
reliable health information and products. His article "What
You Should Do For Your Ankle Sprain" can also be found at

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why Eat Organic Food? The Benefits of Organic Food and the Dangers of Non-Organic Food

Why Eat Organic Food? The Benefits of Organic Food and the Dangers of
Non-Organic Food
It is hardly surprising that chemicals strong enough to
kill insects and plant infections can be harmful to the
human body and environment. There are literally hundreds of
permitted pesticides, insectisides, fungicides, hormones,
antibiotics and other chemical additives present in
non-organic food, not to mention food additives and
flavourings introduced after cultivation and in food
processing. All important reasons for eating organic food.

Over 3,000 high-risk toxins are present in the US food
supply, which by law are excluded from organic food. These
include 73 pesticides classified by the Environmental
Protection Agency as potential carcinogens. Pesticides also
leak into the water supply - for example, a 1996 study by
the Environmental Working Group found 96 per cent of all
water samples taken from 748 towns across the US contained
the pesticide atrazine.

Toxic metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury enter the
food supply through industrial pollution of soil and
groundwater and through machinery used in the processing
and packaging of foods. For example, lead solder used to
seal tin cans imparts residue into the food, despite the
adversity to health. Cadmium has links with lung, prostate
and testicular cancer and mercury is toxic to brain cells
and has been linked to autism and Alzheimer's disease.
Heavy metals damage nerve function, block haemoglobin
production causing anaemia and contribute to lower IQ and
diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Organic food
safe-guard's against toxic metals.

Solvents are also used in commercially processed foods
which can damage white blood cells, lowering immune
defence. Further, the solvents benzene and toluene, have
known links with numerous cancers.

Produce imported from developing countries may contain
agrochemicals that have been outlawed in developed

<b>Cell health</b>

Other agricultural chemicals have been found to be
deleterious to cell health, such as PCP (pentachlorophenol)
that can cause DNA fragmentation in animals, as well as
numerous other chemicals found to damage cellular membranes
and negatively effect the functioning of mitochondria.
These include the insecticide endosulfan and the herbicide
paraquat, as well as chemicals 2-4-D, prathion and dinoseb.
Pesticides such as chlopyrifos, endrin and fenthion have
been shown to over stimulate certain enzymes involved in
chemical signalling, causing imbalance that has been linked
to inflammatory conditions, psoriasis and atherosclerosis.

<b>Children at risk</b>

Organic foods may be vitally important to protect children
from the damaging effects of these toxic contaminants. Two
separate reports, from the Natural Resources Defence
Council (1989) and the Environmental Working Group (1998),
revealed that millions of American children were exposed to
levels of pesticides from food that exceeded limits
considered to be safe. These include neuro-toxins that can
be hazardous to the developing brain and nervous system, as
well as potential carcinogens that some researchers believe
can be a particular risk to children and adolescents during
periods of high growth and breast development. The Benefits
of Organic Foods

Organic fruits and vegetables grown from clean, natural
soil with a rich and balanced mineral content, are not only
free from chemical contaminants, but win hands down with
regard to flavour and offer a fuller range of nutrients.
Non-organic equivalents contain more water and less
vitamins and minerals. Danish research published in the
August 2003 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry revealed significantly higher amounts of
flavonoids in the urine and blood samples of those on an
organically-grown as opposed to conventionally-grown diet.

<b>10 reasons to go organic</b>.

The Soil Association, a UK-based registered charity and
organic certifying body, lists 10 reasons for going
organic. These are:

1. To protect future generations
2. To pay the real cost of real food
3. To have an independent guarantee
4. to protect water quality
5. To enjoy greater flavour and nutrition
6. To keep chemicals off your plate
7. To reduce global warming and save energy
8. To prevent soil erosion
9. To help small farmers
10. To help restore biodiversity

<b>12 Best and Worst Non-Organic Foods:</b>

It might not always be possible to get the organically
grown fruit and vegetables you desire, in which case, the
Environmental Working Group have highlighted the 12
cleanest and 12 riskiest non-organic foods as listed below.

12 Cleanest non-organic foods:

Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Corn
(though avoid genetically modified corn), Kiwi, Mangoes,
Onions, Papaya, Pineapples, Peas

12 riskiest non-organic foods:

Apples, Bell Peppers, Celery, Cherries, Grapes, Nectarines,
Peaches, Pears, Potatoes, Raspberries, Spinach, Strawberries

<b>Organic superfoods</b>

As well as changing to organic food in your diet, be sure
to add plenty of superfoods! Superfoods are the kings and
queens of the plant kingdom with miraculous benefits - the
most potent, anti aging, antioxidant rich, nutrient dense,
disease fighting, beautifying, immune boosting, mood
enhancing foods on the planet!

These include organic vegetables like spinach and brocolli
that may already feature in your diet, to more unusual
foods, like bee pollen, goji berries or coconut oil.
Organic coconut oil can actually speed up your metabolism
and help you loose weight! It is also anti-microbial and
fights against bacteria, viruses and funghi. There are
numerous other superfoods, from the more common to unusual
members of the plant kingdom.



<A HREF="HTTP://">Enhance Your Health

<a href="">Fruit Superfood</a>

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Seaweed: Vegetable of the Sea

Seaweed: Vegetable of the Sea
When you think about seaweed you may visualize the smelly
green/brown vegetation that washes up onto the shore. Not a
pretty sight, but you may be surprised by the powerful
nutrient punch seaweed has to offer. Think of seaweed as:
"Vegetable of the Sea".

Benefits of a diet that includes seaweed:

• Live longer
• Weight Loss
• Healthy Heart and Veins
• Healthy Thyroid
• Fights Radiation Poisoning
• Lower Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
• Prevent Ulcers
• Fights Constipation
• Detoxify
• Lung Health
• Neutralize Acids

Is seaweed a miracle potent? No, although some people
believe it is from the results they see and studies they
have read. Seaweed is a unique health food supplement rich
in valuable nutrients that our body needs. It's not a quick
fix, but a long term investment that will produce results
over time.

Seaweed is rich in vitamins and minerals such as, calcium,
natural iodine, selenium, enzymes, plus a list of others
such as: A, B, C, D and Vitamin K.

In today's stressful world seaweed can have a calming
effect that helps in our daily routines. Your nervous
system will benefit from seaweed by improving nerve and
brain signals. This can help your alertness and memory,
which could promote improvements in many aspects of your

British scientists are trying to make junk food healthier
by adding seaweed. They believe the high fiber content
along with the vitamins and minerals will add some
nutrition to an otherwise very unhealthy product. This may
even fight excess weight. It is far better to not eat the
junk food in the first place.

There was a time in certain cultures where seaweed was
thought very highly of. Only royalty had easy access to it.
Now anyone can benefit from seaweed's nutritional qualities.

Are you worried about pollution in seaweed? The world we
now live in is highly polluted. The lands and produce grown
there are frequently more polluted than the oceans
generally are. Pesticides are extensively utilized in our
crop's growth production. Overall the oceans seem to be the
better choice.

So if you particularly want to add fiber, vitamins and
minerals that you may not be consuming enough of, then
consider supplementing your diet with seaweed. You may not
like the taste of seaweed but seaweed has many health

There are some high quality seaweed supplements that you
may consider if the strong taste is unbearable for you.
This is a small investment that could reap significant
rewards for you and your health. So invest in the most
important thing in your life, You!

Lambert Klein is the owner and founder of Think Healthy
Supplements. You can fine Sea Vegg here.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dining Out with a Weight Loss Diet

Dining Out with a Weight Loss Diet
When you are trying any type of weight loss diet, dining
out, and grocery shopping can be dreaded tasks. Often
times, depending on the weight loss diet you have chosen,
restaurants do not carry many diet-friendly menu items. The
grocery store, forgive me for saying this, can be pure hell
for any person on a weight loss diet. Well with this
article, you will find that neither has to be the nightmare
we all know it can be.

If you find the right weight loss diet you can eat out at
your favorite restaurants confident that, you will stick to
the diet and still experience weight loss. It is really
very simple, if you know exactly what to do. You know those
appetizers and bread that restaurants like to tempt us
with? Avoid them! Do not eat them before you eat your meal.
If they really look good, take them home with you and have
them for snacks later.

The entire key of weight loss diets is knowing what to eat,
how much to eat, and when to quit. It is important that you
avoid eating all you can at one meal. You should only eat
until full. When I say full, I do not mean that stuffed
feeling that you get after eating a big meal, where if you
move you might simply fall over or vomit, whichever comes
first. No, you should only eat until your body says ok that
was good.

Breaking up your meals into several mini-meals is a great
weight to begin a weight loss diet. Eat until you are
satisfied and save the rest for later. Some weight loss
diets suggest that you literally eat six to eight small
meals a day. What this does is allows your body enough time
to convert the foods into energy and metabolism, which
promotes weight loss. The more metabolism you experience,
the greater the energy, the greater the activity, the
greater the weight loss.

It is better to take leftovers home with you from a
restaurant, when on a weight loss diet, than it is to sit
there and stuff yourself. The more you eat at a single
sitting, the less likely you are to lose that weight you
want to lose. You start a weight loss diet to free yourself
from the monster of fat. It is important that you learn
healthier eating habits and understand that while you need
to watch the foods you eat, you do not have to starve
yourself, but you also do not want to over-eat either. Only
eat what you need, save the rest for later.

You can get "How can you find the perfect weight loss
program for you in 5 days" a free 5-Part mini course here


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wild Blueberry's Health Benefits

Wild Blueberry's Health Benefits
Blueberries, especially wild blueberries, has the richest
antioxidant content compared to most other food.

What are the potential long term benefits of the humble

• Anti-Aging
• Disease Prevention
• Eyesight
• Cholesterol levels
• Urinary Tract
• Healthy Arteries
• Antioxidants
• Enhanced Memory
• Weight Control

Blueberries have been enjoyed by local Americans for many
years. Besides their scientific health benefits,
blueberries are sweet, delicious and convenient. They are
often referred to as the "Super Fruit". The blueberry
family are native to North America and Eastern Asia.

Blueberry bushes are visually appealing with white blossoms
in late spring. They are very green in summer and have
abundant red foliage in the fall.

Want to fight off Alzheimer's or improve your memory? Give
blueberries another look. They are rich in valuable
nutrients, low in sugar, healthy and they taste great!

Try to eat blueberries when they are in season. That's when
they taste best, plus they are nutritionally at their peak.

If you can't find fresh berries you could try frozen. There
are also some very good supplements around. Just pop a
couple capsules, and you receive the benefits of a handful
of blueberries. Of course they don't taste as good.

Blueberries contain vitamin-C, potassium, iron and fiber.
They are great for the brain, heart and stomach. Yes,
blueberries are bursting with nutrients and flavor. You
won't have to worry about the calories too much either.

Let's see now. Low calories, low fat, no cholesterol, no
saturated fats, low in carbohydrates and sugars….. And they
still taste great?

A number of detailed studies has shown blueberries to
improve eyesight. This could be the anthocyanin in the blue
pigment. They furthermore reduce the bad cholesterol which
benefits the heart and arteries.

The scientific health benefits of blueberries are so
powerful that many researchers are enjoying them in their
diet. They also are highly recommending them for you.

Blueberries have one of the highest ORAC value of any other
food. That's Antioxidant power. Blueberries contain natural
nutrients that are found in the skin of this blue fruit.
The deep blue hue is the result of anthocyanins. The
blueberries also contain proanthocyanins, a particular
group of flavonoids, which are powerful free radical

Wild blueberries contain more anthocyanins then the
cultivated variety. If you want the best, then organic wild
blueberries would be your prime choice.

Researchers have found blueberries to slow down the aging
process. Their natural antioxidants and phytonutrients
shield the nervous system from radiation and free radicals.

So go ahead and grab a handful of blueberries now and start
munching on them. They taste great and are good for your
head, heart, body and you.

Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy Supplements
where you can learn more about FruitAdvantage Wild
Blueberry and other supplements


Proper Nutrition for Your Best Golf Scores

Proper Nutrition for Your Best Golf Scores
A car does not run to its capacity if it does not have the
right type of fuel and that of the highest quality and our
bodies are the same way. They need proper fuel for peak

Golf is not at the top of the list when it comes to
demanding sports yet it demands a lot. And, proper
nutrition is key in getting your game up to par or par

If you had been slacking off in the department of
nutrition, now is the time to examine your pantry and the
morsels that make it to your mouth.

Make sure that you include in your daily meals enough of
proteins, complex carbohydrates, and good fats that are the
building blocks of a good diet. Let's examine them one by

Proteins Proteins that we consume are used to repair muscle
tissues that are broken down during exercise and movement.
Protein is the chief constituent of muscles and muscles are
the structures responsible for making your body move. Those
sleek swings and those controlled movements of the club
have muscles playing behind the scenes.

Protein is composed of amino acids. There are essential
amino acids that the body cannot produce and that it needs
for proper functioning. These amino acids must be obtained
from your diet. Protein sources such as dairy, eggs, fish,
meat, and poultry supply the essential amino acids.

If you are a vegan, it will definitely pay to look into
food combinations that will provide your body with all of
the essential amino acids. For example, you can have a meal
of either rice and beans, or corn and peas, or bread and
lentils to get your supply of essential amino acids.

How much protein should you eat? Ideally, 15 to 20% of your
daily calorie intake should come from proteins.

Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the main class of food that
are energy sources for our bodies. Sugars from fruit;
starches from breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables; and
fiber found in these foods are carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and absorbed by
the body. They can cause an increase in blood sugar levels
in the body. Examples are refined sugars and the sugars
from fruits, honey, molasses, corn syrup.

Complex carbohydrates are not as quickly absorbed by the
body. They are the preferred carbohydrates to be included
in a healthy diet as they supply a steady source of energy,
give you the feeling of satiety for a longer period of
time, and do not spike blood sugar levels. So, include more
of vegetables, whole fruits, oats, wheat, barley, brown
rice, potatoes with the skin on, all legumes--lentils,
chick peas, black-eyed peas, and beans--kidney, pinto,
fava, and black beans.

How much carbohydrates should you consume per day? Ideally,
complex carbohydrates should supply 40 to 60% of your daily

Fats Fats belong to another class of food that is essential
for the body. Fats help our bodies to absorb some nutrients
such as vitamins, they help in nerve transmission, they
keep the skin and joints healthy, and when carbohydrates
are in short supply, they serve as energy sources.

Some types of fats are healthy while others contribute to
weight gain, heart disease, and even certain types of

Bad fats Saturated fats and trans fats are the bad guys
that can clog arterial walls and cause the build up of
plaque that leads to cardiovascular strain and heart
disease. Saturated fats are mainly found in animal meats,
and some oils such as palm oil and palm kernel oil. Trans
fats include hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils
and shortenings.

Good fats Monounsaturated fats such as those found in nuts,
olive and canola oils are the good fats because they lower
LDL cholesterol, which is bad cholesterol while increasing
HDL cholesterol, which is good cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fats work in our bodies the same way
monounsaturated fats do. They are another category of good
fats and they are found in fatty fish such as salmon,
herring, mackerel, and sardines. Some plant-based oils such
as flax, corn, soy, safflower and sunflower oils are also
high in polyunsaturated fats. Omega 3 fatty acids belong to
the group of polyunsaturated fats.

How much fat is necessary per day? Ideally, 20 to 30% of
your daily calorie intake should be from the good fats.

So, knowing all these facts, let's do a meal overhaul…

If you had been having a muffin-and-coffee breakfast, have
a change with cereal with milk, nuts, and fruit instead.

For lunch or dinner, if you had been having a Big Mac, eat
a salad and chicken breast sandwich with whole grain bread

If donuts satisfied your afternoon sweet tooth, why not
switch to fruit with nut butters?

Step up your nutrition goals and watch your golf score rise!

Recently Janet opened an off course golf apparel store
focused on the needs of women golfers everywhere.
Visit for fashionable golf apparel,
news, and informative articles.


CFS, Fibromyalgia and Obesity: The Truth about Exercise and Diet

CFS, Fibromyalgia and Obesity: The Truth about Exercise and Diet

We have now reached a level of obesity in the US, South
America, Canada, and throughout Europe which is
unprecedented in recorded history.

It is also accepted that the lifestyles we lead are often
very high stress.

It is no coincidence that these new peaks of obesity and
stress correlate directly with an increase in the
occurrence of "modern" or "new" diseases of Western
society, including heart disease, the cancers, and others
including the rheumatic and fatigue spectrum, specifically
in our case Fibromyalgia and CFS.

At least we have moved past the era when debate was so
Neolithic as to suggest that these conditions don't really
exist or are a subdivision of psychology and now we can
concentrate on the science and biology of these diseases
and the reality of life and recovery for Fibromyalgia and
CFS patients.

Carrying extra weight will exacerbate small anomalies in
musculoskeletal balance.

These anomalies in conjunction with a certain genetic
predisposition appear to underlie the onset of Fibromyalgia
and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in certain individuals, while
other individuals who suffer the same initial "trigger"
infection, trauma or exposure recover relatively unscathed.

Post-onset, carrying extra weight may cause your condition
to be maintained longer and exacerbated more than in
patients of normal weight.

The Autonomic Nervous System, damaged by the initial trauma
of your condition controls homeostasis, digestion, and the
organs of elimination to name but a few of its functions.

The ANS will be under additional stress in individuals who
are overweight or clinically obese.

I do appreciate that the last thing you need to hear when
you are struck with the early stages of Fibromyalgia and
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is that you need to lose weight.

In the early stages of the illness weight loss is NOT
advised. I advise sufferers to eat a well balanced diet.

At a later stage as overall toxicity reduces, lymphatic
flow improves, immunological modulation begins and
digestive stress is reduced weight loss strategies can be
considered and undertaken.

However due to the causal factors involved in Fibromyalgia
and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome it is essential to avoid
programs which require strenuous exercise regimes, due to
the onset of post-exertional malaise which is a defining
feature of Fibromyalgia and CFS pathology.

Any program involving sustained aerobic activity that
induces cardiovascular debt or strenuous muscular exertion
such as weightlifting, can seriously damage sufferers of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Patients suffering "true" CFS should never attempt to waste
what little energy they have on strenuous exercise, whether
it be weight bearing, graded, aerobic or anaerobic.

The only energy you should be expending is on your
essential daily activities, and relaxing walks or pastimes
which will reduce your susceptibility to depression.

What I am about to say I am sure will open a veritable
Pandora's Box, well so be it.

My research has lead me firmly to the conclusion that the
evidence supporting "graded exercise" as a strategy for CFS
and Fibromyalgia treatment is wholly unfounded.

Clinical trials I have investigated which were used as
supporting evidence for the use of graded exercise as an
establishment response to CFS and Fibromyalgia were deeply
flawed as inadequate distinction was made with regards to
the actual medical cause of fatigue in these sufferers.

The definition of Chronic Fatigue was basically that a
subject should have suffered pronounced fatigue for 6
months or more.

From our own research we all know that there are a thousand
and one different causes of long term fatigue. Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome being just one of these.

Similarly it is a recognized fact that patients diagnosed
with mild, post-natal, or clinical depression and/or
Seasonal Affective Disorder often respond well to graded
exercise regimes, particularly if undertaken outdoors in

Not only does graded exercise improve stamina via increased
RBC production and oxygen uptake, it provides a lux (unit
of light) boost in SAD sufferers, and provides a new
purpose and routine to depressed patients.

Exercise also produces endorphins which help to boost and
modulate brain chemistry with respect to serotonin and
dopamine balance.

Naturally, it stands to reason that all these factors will
benefit patients with fatigue of DEPRESSIVE origin.

However, damage to the Autonomic Nervous System in patients
with "true" Fibromyalgia and CFS mean that energy
production via the Sympathetic Nervous System in response
to exercise is impaired.

More importantly, removal of toxins and lactic acid
produced by the muscles in response to exercise via the
lymphatic and venous systems is seriously compromised and
as a result causes toxic overload and rapid symptomatic
decline after exercise.

This results in the "post-exertional malaise" that
Fibromyalgia and CFS sufferers who have attempted an
exercise regime WILL have experienced.

A cruel twist in the tale which has lead the establishment
down the pscychological path so many times is that often
the most obvious physical sign of illness in Fibromyalgia
and CFS patients is that they are suffering depression.

It is only now being acknowledged by the establishment that
patients with these syndromes display depression as an
environmental CONSEQUENCE of living with their illness.

It is NOT THE CAUSE as is so often dictated by well-meaning
healthcare providers.

I am putting together a manual of dietary advice which I
will be posting soon, but in the meantime I recommend a
diet that is balanced and safe, rich in nutrients and will
produce sustainable results with regards to maintaining or
reducing your weight while you are still in the
recuperative phase of a chronic disease.

I do admit reservations about recommending calorific
restrictions but our illness is not caused by a lack of
calories, and excessive consumption due to depression or
comfort eating will only serve to overload organs which are
already disturbed and congested.

From a dietary perspective, I advise a pretty standard

• Eat 5 or more portions of fresh, raw fruit and lightly
boiled or streamed vegetables per day, with a good balance
of protein and carbohydrates.

• Avoid red meat more than once a week. Eat chicken and
fish instead.

• Avoid too much sugar. Fruit will contain all the sugars
you need in a more useable form.

• Avoid dairy products due to the almost universal immune
over-reaction to cow's milk.

• Avoid alcohol consumption. This should be a given if you
are reading this anyway. The immune response is excessive
and the toxic load on the eliminatory organs such as the
liver, kidneys and stomach are also excessive.

• Take a daily high quality multivitamin/multimineral

With this balanced diet you will not be deficient in any
nutrients which could possibly be causing your fatigue, or
that could hinder your recovery from your condition.

Also, you will not be putting undue strain on your
digestive system, which is currently disturbed and

I DO advocate taking a high quality
multivitamin/multimineral supplement to top up any slight
deficiencies you may have on a daily basis. They will
certainly do you no harm and for a small price will
eliminate any worries you might have over dietary

There have been notable cases where sufferers who have been
misdiagnosed have responded remarkably to high doses of the
B-Complex family. It seems malnutrition is still far from
being confined to history in the US and with the rise of
fast food is making quite a confident and remarkable
comeback in our own backyard.

The quality of foods you consume should hugely outweigh the

All foods consumed should be natural, unprocessed, and
highly rich in vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.

If I must recommend a particular "fashion" diet that meets
these criteria it would probably be "The South Beach Diet",
but I do not recommend any dietary restrictions till you
are past the 3 month stage of your recovery protocol.

Mark J Shaw.
Mark is the author of a new digital book and training
manual "Beat Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"
Mark also publishes in a regular blog at:


5 Things You Can Do To Maintain A Healthy Diet

5 Things You Can Do To Maintain A Healthy Diet
Next to smoking, being overweight is one of the worst
attributes to your health possible. By having a high
weight you are putting yourself at risk of heart disease, a
stroke, diabetes, gout and much more. Because of the many
health issues that come up with being overweight it is
crucial that you have a healthy diet. Here are 5 ways you
can assist yourself in having a healthy diet.

1. Know your BMI:
Many people
are unaware of their BMI or are clueless to what BMI even
is. BMI stands for your body mass index, which is a
measure of your body fat according to your height and
weight. By knowing your body mass index you can identify
if you are leading a healthy diet so far in your life, and
if not you can be aware of how much body fat you have. A
healthy body fat is 20 to 25.

2. Be active throughout your day: It's the simple things in
life that nobody even considers that can make the
difference in a healthy diet. For example, as opposed to
taking the escalators or elevator upstairs, try walking
upstairs for a little extra workout. Try getting off of
the bus one or two stops early and walk the rest of the
way. By practicing a few of these things on a daily basis
you will be surprised at how much it adds up.

3. Work Out: One of the best things for a healthy diet is
being active. The more you become active and the longer
you do whatever it is you are doing, you can increase the
intensity of the workout to reap the benefits even more.
To start, it is recommended that you try and workout 30
minutes every day to maintain a healthy diet and stay fit.

4. Watch what you eat: There are a number of foods that
sound amazing but don't particularly go with a healthy
diet. It is important that you watch what you eat and at
what times of the day you eat. There are a number of foods
that are high in calories that will build fat quickly,
especially with little activity, so watch what you eat.
Adding a nutritional health shake of some sort on a daily
basis can be beneficial in a number of ways.

5. Keep track of calories: Not only is it important to
watch what you eat, but in order to have a healthy diet you
must know how much you're eating. To maintain a healthy
diet you should be burning more calories than you consume.
By writing down what you eat and how many calories the
foods have, you can be on your way to eating a healthy
amount per day. It is recommended that you eat around
2,000 calories per day.

There are a number of things you can do to maintain a
healthy diet, but these are a few starters that are crucial
to you staying healthy. By practicing all of the above on
a consistent basis, you will notice a difference in a short
amount of time.

Luanne Ribble, President of Q.U.I.C. offers a risk free way
to try the amazing NRG Products so you can FEEL the
difference for yourself. Find out more about the High
N.R.G. Products, available at =>

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How Much Calcium Do You Need?

How Much Calcium Do You Need?
Copyright (c) 2006

You've probably heard that you need to take a calcium
supplement each day - even if you are taking a
multi-vitamin. This is because most people don't get enough
calcium in their diets and the multi-vitamins don't have
the recommended daily dosage of calcium in them; even
though they do have other nutrients and minerals that we

We need calcium to keep our bones and teeth strong, but it
is also needed to help our muscles contract properly, to
help our blood clot, to help nerves carry messages, to keep
our hearts beating properly, and to prevent diseases such
as Osteoporosis. Without calcium our bodies are in big

We get some calcium from the foods we eat. Dairy products,
broccoli, rice, salmon, tuna, beans, nuts, seeds, oysters,
shrimp, turnip greens, okra, other green vegetables,
oranges, figs, and several other foods all contain calcium.
But again, most people don't consume enough of these foods
in a single day to get the required amount of calcium that
is needed by the body, even if they are taking an
additional multi-vitamin.

Most people don't even know how much calcium they need to
meet their body's requirements. Doctors always tell us to
take a calcium supplement - but they almost always fail to
say how much calcium is enough, and how much is too much!

First, let's look at how much is too much, in terms of
calcium. Nobody has ever overdosed on calcium, but some
people have had health problems that were caused because
they were getting too much calcium - the solution was
always to cut down on the calcium of course. So far,
scientists and doctors agree that up to 2500 milligrams of
calcium per day is perfectly safe - but you don't even need
that much.

Most health care professionals agree that if you aren't
drinking three eight ounce glasses of milk per day, you are
not getting enough calcium. Babies between the ages of
newborn and six months old should have at least 210
milligrams of calcium each day. From seven months to one
year, they should have 270 milligrams per day. Children
aged one to three years should have 500 milligrams, four to
eight years should have 800 milligrams, and nine years to
eighteen year olds should have 1300 milligrams.

It is vitally important that children under the age of
eighteen get the calcium that they need, because this is
when their bones and teeth are developing, and their bodies
crave calcium!

Adults between the ages of nineteen and fifty need 1000
milligrams of calcium per day, which adults aged fifty one
and over need to increase their calcium intake to 1200
milligrams per day.

If you are taking a supplement to get your daily calcium
make sure you are also taking magnesium with it. Magnesium
is the transport that brings the calcium to your cells.
The ratio of magnesium to calcium should be 2:1. In other
words if you are taking 1200mg of calcium you should also
be taking 600mg of magnesium for a complete solution.

Steven Godlewski is currently working with the staff at He has an extensive background in
nutrition as well as other health related fields. For more
health-related articles see their website at:


Information You Should Not Ignore If You Are Worried About Poor Posture Causing Your Back Pain

Information You Should Not Ignore If You Are Worried About Poor Posture
Causing Your Back Pain

Proper posture is important because it keeps your spine in
a more neutral position that does not put pressure on
bones, muscles, disks, soft tissue, nerves and other
structures in the back.

Now I know what you are thinking already. "I practice good
posture and I don't need to read this." Ahhh...but do you
really pay attention to your posture? Can you honestly say
when you sit down or take a walk that you are reminding
yourself about your posture?

I bet the only time you really pay attention to your
posture is when you sit up after slouching in your seat and
then tell yourself, "I am practicing good posture." Now
think about all the times that you practice bad posture and
don't even realize it.

And you wonder why you have back pain? Look, unless you
are a robot, you can't practice perfect posture all the
time. Whether sitting or standing, just try to be more
aware of your overall posture.

But what can you do to practice better posture besides just
sitting up straight?

One of the easiest ways to fall into a habit of poor
posture is typing at a computer. Your hands reach for the
keyboard which causes your shoulders to slump forward.
This promotes poor posture and can lead to back problems.

Here's a trick. Get a yard stick and place it across the
center of your sternum just below your clavicle bones. As
you are sitting and holding the yard stick (or you could
have someone hold it for you) try to keep your shoulders
from touching it. You shouldn't feel like you have to hold
your shoulders back either.

Good posture should always be comfortable. This will teach
you to keep your shoulders from slumping forward and
causing you to have poor posture. Practice this a few
times with the yard stick. Do it long enough until it is
reinforced in your mind and you are trained to keep your
shoulders back without having to use a yard stick.

Also, try not to lean to one side while either sitting or
standing. It's so easy to just lean to one side and let
your elbow rest on a table while sitting or lean your body
weight to one side while standing in one place. These tiny
shifts albeit small and seemingly insignificant put a
gradual strain on the muscles, ligaments and vertebrae in
your back.

You can also analyze your own posture while sitting in
front of a mirror. Look in the mirror and see if you are
sitting all the way back in your chair. See if your
shoulders are slumped forward? Does the lower lumbar area
of your back fit snug up against your chair if it has a
lumbar support? Are you sitting straight in the chair
instead of at an angle? Are you leaning too much against
the back of the chair which can promote the sagging of back
muscles and poor posture? These are just some of the
observations you can make to better analyze faults so you
can make the necessary adjustments for better overall

Do you own a good pair of shoes?

It is so important to have a relatively new pair of
comfortable running shoes or casual shoes or boots to
maintain good posture. I once owned a pair of rubber-soled
boots that I wore for about 2 years. One of the rubber
soles of the boots was completely worn down making one of
my legs essentially longer than the other and throwing my
spine completely out of alignment.

Moral of the story: Check your shoes and make sure you
don't have the same problem. If you have a pair of running
shoes, you might want to consider buying a new pair every
3-6 months depending on how much you run.

One more thought that immediately comes to mind while we
are on the subject of leg length is short-leg syndrome.
Many people may have one leg slightly shorter than the
other and not even know it. If you suspect this might be
the cause of your back pain, you might want to see a
chiropractor or an orthapaedist to make a proper
evaluation. A simple lift or insert in your shoe might be
all you need to correct this problem and end your back pain.

If you really have a hard time maintaining good posture you
can try a support or lumbar device such as a lumbar roll.
Since many sofas or pieces of furniture are so poorly
designed for your back anatomically, a lumbar roll should
certainly be used on a chair or especially a couch that
really doesn't offer any lumbar support.

When it comes to preventing back pain, proper posture is
one of the best ways to maintain a pain-free back. Getting
in this habit offers your spine more of the benefits of a
neutral position that takes pressure off vertebrae,
muscles, disks, nerves, cartilage and other structures in
the back.

Mike Saros is a former back pain sufferer and author of The
No More Back Pain newsletter found at
He will instruct you how to end your own lower back pain at


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Future of Fitness Is Through the Internet

The Future of Fitness Is Through the Internet
We shop on the internet, we pay bills on the internet, we
talk to other people on the internet ­ why not increase
your fitness on the internet as well?

While many of us have always thought of the internet as a
very inactive part of our lives, there are more ways to use
the internet to increase our fitness than ever before.
Just run over to your nearest web browser to start the
search for great fitness workouts.

One of the easiest ways to start bettering your body on the
internet is through the various fitness websites. Some of
these are sponsored by fitness personal trainers, while
others are created by fitness magazines and other resources.

They can detail the correct ways of performing basic
exercises or even set up programs that you can follow,
based on your fitness goals. For example, Runner's World
magazine runs a website that gives everyone from beginners
to advanced runners programs for running their next 10K or
even marathon.

Online fitness resources are also found through a number of
fitness website programs. Much like online weight loss
programs, you can sign up with various sites in order to
reach certain fitness goals.

Simply enter in the goals that you wish to achieve, and a
trained fitness counselor can prescribe the right training
program, based on your current fitness level (provided that
you give them an accurate picture of this) and body type.

For a monthly fee, you can follow the program and report
your results as the trainer adjusts the program when you've
hit higher levels.

Fitness resources can also be found through the many DVD
clubs that are now available. Certain monthly DVD
membership websites allow you to request fitness DVDs for
as long as you like, giving you the ability to test out
certain DVDs before you buy them, or just switch up your
routine from time to time. You can also find a number of
fitness downloads that you can then load into a digital
music player.

And of course, there are plenty of outlets for fitness
training gear on the internet as well, helping to suit you
up for any sport imaginable. You can find every kind of
shoe or outfit for whatever sport or activity you wish to
enjoy ­ as well as all of the weight equipment you might
ever need.

If you want to get in touch with other exercise and fitness
enthusiasts, you can also find a number of message boards
and interactive sites that allow you to converse with
others that are trying to get into the fitness groove ­
inspire and motivate each other along the way.

Lynn VanDyke is a master trainer and fitness nutritionist.
She has authored the wildly popular ebook called Melt the
Fat (, and she offers
personalized online personal training at

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Is Your Weight Issue Controlling You? How to Add More Joy into Your Life with Small Changes

Is Your Weight Issue Controlling You? How to Add More Joy into Your Life
with Small Changes
Copyright (c) 2006 Pat Brill

When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you cringe, or
just cover up the mirror? You may hear the statistics,
know that you don't feel physically well by having this
extra weight, yet you aren't able to move forward to make
any changes. It feels overwhelming to handle both your
extra weight and the negative thoughts you have every time
you have to look at your body. What if you were to look
at the situation differently?

For most people the extra pounds came about slowly, year in
and year out, new pounds, less activity entered our lives.
We slowly changed our eating habits, exercised less, or
added more stress to our daily lives. By the way, research
is showing that stress adds pounds. With so many pounds to
shed, you just forget about doing anything as it feels too
daunting an effort. It's normal that when we feel
overwhelmed we tend to do nothing. So what needs to
change is the belief we have attached to our weight issue.

What you weigh is not who you really are, even if society
places a high premium on looking slim. You have
internalized that message either from parents, society, or
peers and you believe that you are not good enough because
you are overweight. There are a lot of overweight people
contributing in many great ways to society. They are
also mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, employees,
employers and the list goes on regarding the many potential
ways each of us add value to society. Yet you keep
coming back to your weight as an indication of your worth.

Overcoming the significant belief that you are valued less
because of your weight adds to the struggle of losing
weight. It's a habit that is fully imbedded into your
thinking patterns. How about you change the rules of the
"belief" game you have played for so long. I'm not
advocating that you don't lose weight, but more so, how you
feel about yourself is most important. You may still want
to lose weight but the process is different. Let's put
the actual pounds on hold and start looking at how you can
feel good about yourself. Follow the next steps and see
where you end up.

Do you want to lose or gain?

So you have a number in your head about the perfect body -
10, 30, 50, or 100 pounds less of you. You want to lose
them today…right! Lots of people state how many pounds
they need to lose in order to feel good about themselves.
Well 30 pounds could take some time and does that mean you
can't feel good about yourself? Instead of using poundage
to evaluate how you feel about yourself, how about you
replace that focus with a different goal – how much
self-love do you want to gain today in your life?

Self-Love is Important

Sounds hokey, doesn't it. Your are thinking, "Feeling
good about myself never helped me lose weight, so why
bother." That's only because, just repeating "I love
myself" doesn't make you feel better. Instead, adding
small changes in the choices you make around food can help
you build your self-love muscles.

How to Build Success into Your Life

If you make small changes in the way you deal with food,
you build success into your life. Success is important in
building your self-love muscles. In the present, every
day, you are in charge in deciding what success is.

Let's use an example; you want to lose 30 lbs. You could
select some type of diet and try to follow it until you
lose the 30 lbs. You may or may not gain the weight back.
Maybe you are successful for a short period of time, lose
some weight, and then slowly go back to your old habits.
Or you try the diet for one day, feel so deprived that your
normal eating habits will take over and you don't feel good
about yourself. Why not try something else?

What if you were to look at your eating habits and say, "I
can eat one less slice of bread at lunch." Very
specific…very small…yet very manageable to handle. Today,
you eat one less slice of bread. That is a small success
for you today. You decide to take 3-7 days eating one
less slice of bread, or cup of pasta or one less of
anything in your food day. At the end of this time period,
you will have less calories and more success in your life.
It's manageable, doesn't overwhelm you and is something
you can do.

Two Warnings!

First, your negative thoughts will pop up quickly stating,
"What a waste of time, one less slice of bread will do
nothing in losing 30 lbs." In a day, even if you were to
eat nothing, you still wouldn't lose 30 lbs. Don't let
your negative thinking take over as you build your
self-love muscles.

Second, I would recommend that you keep the small changes
you are making to yourself, or be very selective with whom
you choose to share what you are doing. Though people do
care for us, they also have their own issues and can add
more negativity to your life.

Why a Small Change?

You have to make sure your change is small because
otherwise your negative thinking will come in and take
over. If you act on small changes, they are quickly
incorporated into your life without a lot of resistance
from you. After 3-7 days, or when you feel ready, select
another food that you would reduce in a small way. Now you
will have one less slice of bread and maybe one less cookie
at night. Success is built in small steps.

At the End of the Day

I suggest you keep a success journal to capture your
activity for the day. Keep it simple or write to your
heart's content. The goal is to write down your successes
for the day: You can write: 1) ate one less slice of bread
and 2) felt really good about myself because I stuck to my
choice, or any other words that express how you experienced
success in your day. You can also add other successes
that have nothing to do with food. It's your success

How Do You Feel Now?

It sounds too simple to be true, yet this powerful
technique of making very small changes and writing in your
success journal can add success and self-love into your
life. Try it for 30 days, one day at a time, and evaluate
how you feel about yourself at the end of that time.

Remember small steps are wonderful and bring more energy
into your life. This is your personal journey in creating
more joy in your life.

Pat Brill is co-founder of which
supports Busy Moms with free gift ideas and helpful tips to
meet the challenges of motherhood. She is also co-founder
of , a directory of
articles covering many areas of wellness. You can reach Pat


Exercise For Women

Unlike men, women have unique life reasons that can
interfere with exercise. These include the birth of a
child, marriage, single parenthood, a new job, divorce,
overworking, job stress and returning to school. Time is a
big consideration. After a day of work and childcare, most
women prefer to spend their leisure time in socializing
with family and friends, reading and watching television,
rather than rushing to the treadmill. Although some of the
above-mentioned factors are applicable to men, my
experience has shown that women tend to have a harder time
to manage exercise on a regular basis.

The benefits of exercise are significant, especially for
women. Regular exercise lowers estrogen levels, reduces
body fat, and produces a healthier body mass index (BMI).
All these factors significantly reduce the risk of breast
cancer. Also, women who perceive themselves as having more
energy, fewer emotional problems, less pain, fewer social
problems and lesser feelings of nervousness and depression
are more likely to start exercising. There is a unique
exercise and diet method for women that I have developed on
my own, and it has helped thousands of clients get results.

When starting an exercise program, it is important to
remember a few basic principles –

Get descriptions of exercises, with pictures. Ideally, you
want a routine you can print out, take to the gym or use at
home. It should include a start and end picture of
exercises, with a description of technique. Such exercise
charts are available in health clubs and can be found on
various websites. Always obtain a routine from a reliable
source and ask questions if you don't understand anything.
Perform all exercises in a controlled manner. Never
sacrifice control for speed. Breathing is also important.
Never hold your breath while exercising. Remember to inhale
as you lower a weight or relax and exhale as you raise a
weight or exert. In an abdominal crunch, for example, you
inhale when coming down and exhale while raising the head
and shoulders off the mat.

Don't do too much too soon. Don't do too much, and don't do
too little either. Every individual is different. This
means that walking up the stairs may be easy for one
individual, but strenuous for someone else. The best way to
recognize how hard you're working is to be aware of your
breathing pattern, heart rate and exertion levels.
Moderate-intensity activity is going to make you breathe
harder than light activity, make your heart beat faster and
likely make you sweat a little.

Understand the meaning of moderate. There is a simple way
to understand what's moderate for you. Light exercise does
not result in any noticeable effort. Reading the newspaper
is a good example. Light exercise results in noticeable
exertion and normal to slightly increased breathing.
Walking a dog can be considered light exercise for many
individuals. Moderate exercise is slightly vigorous.
Gardening, for example, may be associated with deeper
breathing to panting and sweating. Finally, hard exercise
involves vigorous exertion, gasping and heavy sweating.
Think of that aerobics class that's hard to get through!

Frequency is important! 3-4 days a week of moderate
exercise for 30-45 minutes each time. Researchers have
found that 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
activity on most days of the week can reduce the risk of
developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure,
stroke, and colon cancer. It lessens feelings of depression
and anxiety, helps build bones and muscles, keeps joints
functioning well, and in older women minimizes the risk of

Making the time if it isn't there. You don't have to fit
your exercise all into one session or limit yourself to
only one exercise. For example, take a brisk 15-minute walk
during your coffee break and another post-dinner. Use a
bicycle for 15 to 20 minutes. It all adds up. You may find
that you can reach an hour a day of moderate-intensity
activity more easily than you thought.

If you have not done much exercise lately, start adding
physical activity to your life with some simple tips. Park
your car further from your destination and walk. Find a
group of friends to walk with on weekend mornings. Garden
or help in home repairs. Take the stairs instead of the
elevator or escalator. Use hand weights while walking.
Vacuum while watching television. Every little bit helps!

For more information about exercise for women and to
register for free, full-color exercise routines, diet plans
and grocery lists, visit . For free
bonuses and exercise for women, visit . To train with Nitin, visit


Monday, November 13, 2006

Trusting a New Weight Loss Diet

Trusting a New Weight Loss Diet
With all the gimmicks and dishonesty across the internet
today it is easy to understand why a person may be
skeptical when they find a new weight loss diet. So many
people say "Lose 50 lbs in a week" or "Lose Weight
Instantly". Some of us may have fallen for these gimmicks,
just hoping and praying that somehow they have created a
miracle solution to our weight problems. However, with some
new weight loss diets, we know one thing for sure, if we
could all lose fifty pounds in one week, no person in this
world would be overweight or obese.

Now, how can you tell if a new weight loss diet, is worth
your time, effort, or investment? While there is no sure
fire way to tell there are some things you want to look for
before you spend your hard-earned money on any new weight
loss diet.

First, look at their promises. Are they realistic? If the
program states that you can lose nine pounds every single
day, that should be an alarm right there. It is unhealthy
to lose that amount of weight on a daily basis and probably
almost impossible to boot. Now if the program promises that
you will lose nine pounds in two weeks or less, that is a
little more logical. I would be more apt to believe the

Then you want to look at their about us page, it may be
named differently, but essentially look for a page that
gives you information about the new weight loss diet. You
want to look for what their mission is, their pledge, and
make sure that you find some contact information. You want
to look for a way to contact them with any questions. At
the very least, you want the company name, address, email
address, and telephone number. A contact page would work as
well, as long as the other information is also provided.

You then want to look at all the features and options they
give you for the price. Is it worth it? Are you going to
get solid information about the new weight loss diet? What
information are they giving you? Is it new information or
is it something you can find anywhere you look? You want
the new weight loss diet to give you a satisfactory reason
as to why you should choose their program over all the
others in the market.

Lastly, look for some testimonials of REAL people who have
had success using their new weight loss diet. Telling real
testimonials from fake is fairly simple, you want to see
the first and last name, and some sort of identifying
feature such as business, website, where they are from.
Also look at the actual words, make sure that real people
write the testimonials.

You can get "How can you find the perfect weight loss
program for you in 5 days" a free 5-Part mini course here

Saturday, November 11, 2006

How Adjusting The Way You Eat Can Help You Lose Weight

How Adjusting The Way You Eat Can Help You Lose Weight
If you want to lose weight without going on a diet per se,
there are a few eating habits that you can change. We live
in an economy today that is used to eating large portions
without the worry of health; that is until the appearance
becomes apparent. By altering the way you eat you can stay
healthy and at a comfortable weight without having to go on
a diet.

In our society it is acceptable and widely practiced to
overeat and stuff ourselves. The first thing you can do to
avoid overeating is stop before your stuffed. This is not
to say you should stop eating or eat small portions.
However, there is a difference between eating until your
full and eating until you can't move anymore. There is
nothing that says you have to clear your entire plate
before you can leave, so don't do it.

Another bad health diet that people get in the habit of is
eating food because it is there. Just because there is
food in the vicinity or because it is the time you normally
eat at doesn't mean you have to eat. You should be eating
when you're hungry, not whenever your pantry is full. One
way to save yourself the trouble is to not stock your
pantry with high calorie foods that are calling your name.
By filling your house with fruit and crackers you will be
eating healthy items.

Along the same lines of stopping before you're stuffed, you
should practice eating small portions. A great weight loss
tip is to cut your normal portions in half or a little less
than half. This will help you get in the habit of eating a
normal amount of calories for the day and not overeating.
This can be difficult to do when dining out, but you don't
have to eat the whole portion at the sitting. If you want
to lose weight, eat half of the dinner at the diner and
bring the rest home for later.

The last eating tip to help you lose weight is eating
slowly. Your digestive system acts as a messenger to your
brain by telling you when it has had enough. By eating
quickly you send your digestive system too many messages
all at once and it gets overloaded. The result is you eat
far more than you should because the digestive system could
not warn you. If you pace yourself you will notice when it
is time to stop, and to your surprise it may be a smaller
amount than you usually eat.

If you want to have a healthy diet there is more to it than
the eating habits listed above. The kinds of foods you
eat, physical activity, and nutritional shakes can all help
assist you as well. However, the first step to losing
weight is how you eat making all the tips listed above ever
so important to your health.

Luanne Ribble, President of Q.U.I.C. offers a risk free way
to try the amazing NRG Products so you can FEEL the
difference for yourself. Find out more about the High
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call 1-877-857-3164

Thursday, November 09, 2006

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

How Much Sleep Do I Need?
Let's face it.. sleep is necessary for life!

Better yet, sleep has an increased rate of anabolism (the
synthesis of cell structures), and a decreased rate of
catabolism (the breakdown of cell structures).

What this means to you is more muscle.

Have you heard the term, "You don't grow in the gym, you
grow out of the gym." Well sleep is part of that. It's
not just recovery but it's when your muscles repair

:: Stages of Sleep ::

Currently, scientists divide sleep into two general types:
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (non-REM).

And within those types, there are 5 defined stages of sleep
referred to as Stages 1 thru 5.

Did you know that Non-REM (Stage 1-4 sleep) accounts for
75-80% of total sleep time? it's also in those stages that
your body repairs itself and it's when the real growth

:: Optimal Sleep Amounts ::

An American study linked life spans with sleep amount and
found that those who sleep 4 to 7 hours live the longest,
with those sleeping less than 4 or more than 9 hours living
shorter lives[1]. The National Sleep Foundation however
maintains that 8 hours of sleep is optimal, claiming
improved performance in tests, reduced risk of accidents
and a better immune system. It is important to mention this
does not apply to children and adolescents, particularly
children who require as much as 13 hours a night.

:: Importance of Optimal Sleep ::

First, some theories of sleep describe sleep as a dynamic
time of healing and growth for organisms. For example,
during stages 3 and 4, or slow-wave sleep, growth hormone
levels increase, and changes in immune function occur.

Non-REM sleep may be an anabolic state marked by
physiological processes of growth and rejuvenation of the
organism's immune, nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems.

But what happens if you don't get enough sleep?

:: Lack of Sleep ::

This is a list of potential problems associated with a lack
of sleep or sleep deprivation.

irritability hernia nausea Decreased ability for the immune
system to fight off sickness Weight gain increased blood
pressure Aching muscles Faster aging Slowed reaction time

For all those reasons, you can see that getting enough
sleep is EXTREMELY important to your goals of muscle
building and fat loss. A lack of sleep can really put a
lid on your progress.

Short bouts of sleep deprivation probably won't stifle your
gains but long term sleep problems can certainly curtail
your progress.

While there is not single number that works for every
single person, generally 4-7 hours should be enough for
most people under most conditions to build muscle and burn

It's true that some people need more and some people need

:: Sleep Tips for Getting the Rest You Need ::

Here's just a few tips for healthy and restful sleep.

Sleep only when sleepy - There's no reason to go to sleep
or attempt to sleep if you aren't tired.

If you cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up until
you are tired and try again. Don't lie awake for hours.

Nap no more than 20 minutes and certainly not too late in
the day as it will interfere with going to sleep later.

Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. This
includes weekends. Establish a sleep routine and stick
with it.

Refrain from exercising 4 hours before your regular
bedtime. You can do morning workouts and late afternoon
but if you workout too close to bed time, you've
essentially just woken yourself up. It will be harder to
go to sleep quickly if you've just got your blood flowing.

Develop sleep rituals. Many parents try and calm their
children down 20 minutes or more before bed. This
establishes a relaxation time frame before sleeping.
Whatever you can do to relax before going to bed.

Only use your bed for sleeping.

Stay away from stimulates 4-6 hours before bed. That
includes alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.

Have a light snack before bed.

Take a hot bath 90 minutes before bed. Some studies have
shown that a drop in body temperature will leave you
feeling sleepy. The bath will warm you up and getting out
will cool you down. That drop can leave you feeling ready
to sleep and it's a relaxing ritual as well before heading
off to bed. A hot/warm shower will also do the trick.

Ensure your bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable. This
means the place where you sleep is conducive to sleeping.

One sleep "secret" action you can take within 45 seconds of
opening your eyes in the morning, to instantly raise your
energy is to use sunlight to set your biological clock.
When light hits your skin, it starts to destroy melatonin.
The faster you can get rid of melatonin, the less groggy
you will feel upon waking. The first 15 seconds you can
either open up a window and get some sunlight or you can
look near a bright light if it's too dark outside. This
will help to wake you up quickly and get rid of that groggy
feeling you sometimes can feel.

Needless to say...

Sleep is extremely important to getting the most of our
your fitness program. There's several benefits to sleep
beyond the simple fact it's required for life. There's
long term effects of sleep deprivation that will interfere
with your goals.

Clearly when you sleep, your body is growing and repairing
form the workout you did to stimulate muscle growth. This
means it is critical to your overall progress.

:: Footnotes ::

1. Experts challenge study linking sleep, life span.

Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner's
Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on
Marc's e-book at:

get Marc's free e-zine, visit

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fun With Martial Arts in Orange County California

Fun With Martial Arts in Orange County California
Learning martial arts is not only the need of the hour but
also a means of realizing one's potential. Learning martial
arts can be a pleasurable and enjoyable experience. So it
is advisable that every one learn at least one form or
other of martial arts. Judo, karate and jujitsu have been
all time favorites for the serious martial art hobbyist.
Different types of martial arts are being learnt by people
for many reasons. Some of these reasons are
self-protection, physical fitness and weight loss. Some
people also learn martial arts for peace of mind. Martial
arts are known to improve confidence and thinking
abilities. A sound body leads to a sound mind. As martial
arts make they body physically fit, they also improve the
mind. Regular training also makes make one's character

Martial arts are a set of techniques that empower one with
the ability to overcome or defend against an attacker.
Martial arts use techniques to use the momentum and
strength of the attacker against the attacker himself. Most
of the martial arts have their roots in Asia. China and
Japan have been the starting point of many of these arts.
Martial arts like judo, karate and jujitsu are very popular
all over the world.

The benefits of learning martial arts like judo, karate or
jujitsu are manifold. Learning any of these involves
diligent training under a master. Training instills self
discipline in the learner. The environment in the martial
arts clubs is social in nature. Many people learn the
techniques together and so an active social life develops.
By joining a martial club, one can make new friends-friends
who have common goals and ambitions. The art that one
learns on the mat stays for the rest of the life. And the
confidence boost and the new found peace of mind will make
anyone lead a better life.

It is very easy to learn martial arts. All that one needs
to do is find a local martial arts clubs and get enrolled.
The best way to learn martial arts is by training under a
master. There are many martial arts clubs in Orange County.
Learning a martial art is difficult and challenging.
Learning everything is a few days time is not possible and
this is not even expected at the clubs. In most of the
martial arts clubs it is ensured that learning rate is
comfortable for the newbie. It is very easy to get the
uniform. They can even be purchased online for less than
$100. This small investment of time will yield benefits
throughout the lifetime.

For more information, please go to our site:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Eating The Right Weight Loss Food!

Eating The Right Weight Loss Food!
Oh, the ever popular weight loss food. Most people can feel
their stomach turning with just the thought of it. In our
experiences with diets, weight loss foods are almost always
bland, rarely exciting, and we never truly get enough to
eat. No in fact, in most cases, within 20 minutes of a
meal, we are still so hungry, we find something else to
satisfy our hunger. This of course inhibits our efforts in
weight loss.

You see in order to really experience weight loss, we do
need to control the foods we eat, but we do not need to
starve ourselves. In fact, the best form of weight loss
comes in the form of breaking up meals and actually eating
more meals each day. Instead of eating three large meals
each day, we should be eating several small meals daily,
which increases our metabolism and gives our bodies the
opportunity to burn off those calories faster.

Eating great weight loss food does not have to mean
counting calories either. No, you can eat the foods you
like, avoiding some specific things of course such as
pizza, French fries, fried foods, breaded foods, heavy
salad dressings, too much bread, and the chocolate, cakes,
and desserts we tend to eat too much of. You should however
stick to diet sodas, delicious baked foods, and lighter
dressings such as vinegar based dressings or Italian, which
fits perfectly on a salad.

With the proper weight loss food, you do not need to spend
all of your hard-earned money on foods that really do not
please our taste buds or fill up our tummies. You also do
not need to spend a large portion of your day counting
those calories either, who really has the time to do that?
No, we are busy people, with work, families, children, and
a host of better things we could be doing with our time.

If you know which weight loss foods you should be eating,
you will never have to spend another dime on things like
that again. All you will really have to do is go the
grocery store just as you have been or visit your favorite
restaurants. You did a double take there didn't you? Yes,
you can still eat the right weight loss food and enjoy them
at your favorite restaurant. Now that is a diet worth
looking into if you ask me.

Alberto Martinez

Don't Diet - Lose Weight

Don't Diet - Lose Weight
Your body is an amazing creation. It is the most
sophisticated machine in existence and its reactions and
responses have been fine-tuned over hundreds of thousands
of years. The one thing that hasn't changed though is that
your body's first, and most powerful, driving force is
survival and that's why dieting doesn't work on a long-term

When you give your body less energy (food) than it needs it
will initially draw down the energy shortfall from your fat
reserves and you will start to lose weight. But if you
carry on like this your body is going to think that it
might be killed by starvation. So it will adjust to these
new circumstances and respond by adjusting your energy
requirements so that you can function on a lower intake of
food. But because your body's so smart it then goes one
stage further and actively works at rebuilding your fat
reserves so that you can't sneak up on it and try to starve
it to death again.

It's a scary thought that whilst you are fighting hunger
pangs, having withdrawal symptoms for your favorite meals
and suffering the sheer boredom of a restricted diet your
body is actively working against you because it is
determined to put back the weight you have lost.The good
news is that although you can't change your body's
instincts and response mechanisms, with a little knowledge
of how they work in different situations, you can use them
to lose weight naturally and to maintain your target weight
almost without realizing you're doing it.

You need to get some basic knowledge of how your body
handles different types of food and match that to your
lifestyle, to pinpoint the areas where you are in conflict
with your body's pre-programmed responses. This will allow
you to identify acceptably small changes, which you can
sustain almost without noticing, that will really make a
difference. For anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it
off, it's best to gradually develop a pattern of good
eating habits that can be continued for life.

Try this five-step approach to getting rid of those
unsightly pounds.

1. Keep a note of what you eat and drink for the next three
weeks. Don't cheat!
2. At the end of the three weeks measure and weigh
3. Set yourself a sensible target of what you want to weigh
and measure in the future. (If you don't know where you are
trying to go you will get lost along the way.)
4. Check your food notes for bad habits ­ missed meals,
snacking between meals,bad food combinations, frequent
processed food meals and excess alcohol or sugary drinks.
5. Reduce the frequency of bad habits. For example, if you
can't resist snacking replace your usual snack with
something healthy like fruit on alternate days. Or if your
favorite meal is a cardiac surgeon's nightmare, save it for
once a week rather than twice ­ you'll enjoy it all the
more and it will only do half the damage.

Continue to make small adjustments to your favorite meals
and eating patterns so that you progressively create good
food combinations and eating habits. You'll find that not
only will you shed those unwanted pounds but also eating
will continue to be a pleasure.

Jim Francis struggled to control his weight until he
decided to apply his management skills to the problem. He
has become an authority on ways in which the body's natural
instincts can be leveraged to lose weight naturally and
permanently. For more information go to: